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Dismemberment (again)


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Ok, so I have been playing around in the console on the demo and does it strike anyone that no matter what variation on the outcast commands we use, dismemberment is nowhere near as brutal as it used to be?


I remember talk way back about Lucasarts not wanting it to be total gore but Raven snuck it past them, did they have to tone it down this time or am I missing new commands? (seems the crosshair commands have changed, maybe these too?)


The best I have seen is about a 1 in 15 chance of limb loss and then its only a hand - no heads, no torso's - quite a let down.


Anybody got any ideas?

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*agrees with neverhoodian*

Those marks are awesome, though I didn't notice them until en enemy reborn killed me with the attack on ground and I got red slashes from my sides centered at my heart. *shudders*


Brutal Star Wars as you've never seen it before!

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