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Community dying?


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I think you can blame a lot on server problems, actually. Half the times I've tried to come here, the server's either down or too slow to bother with. Mojo being down doesn't help, either...


The Mojo boards have never been really busy, actually, but at least the news items on Mojo provided something to talk about. Even then, activity comes in fits and starts... plus it's still summer, and that never helps. It'll probably pick up in a bit. Maybe.

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Come back huz, so I can eat your brains. The #fishyfishyfishyfishy misses you ;)

You can blame it on people not getting involved too
I can blame it on the sunshine, the moonlight, the goodtimes, but I'll probably blame it on the boogie.
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I think that more trolls are necessary. Trolling is a necessary element to any successful posting board - constantly challenging everyones beliefs and opinions in a condescending manner is a great way to rack up the post count for a forum. Because all that the people of the internet really want is to hate each other.


Actually, who cares if this forum is lazy. When an interesting topic does crop up, people who have better things to do than post in threads like this one will usually hit reply. Generally, things get posted when they are relevant and interesting in some way - which is a good thing. Right now, nothing's happening except a bunch of people pimping auctions.


Oh, and Scumm Bar Quiz #45 of course!


9/10!!1 I am proud.

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The guy who said it's the lack of news I think has the answer.


Back in the day (like, 6 months ago) there would be new LEC related news every day or so, and it gave a good springboard to start a new thread and chat about it.


Since the temporary Mixnmojo site went up only scant few news stories have been posted. One every 2 or 3 weeks if we're lucky.


This I think has had a spinoff effect that posting has dropped off as less new threads are being created.

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