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I have Found Ackbar and let the Rebel Theme Park Continue


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Ok since I ws bored and I didn't feel like PvP or FP grinding today I went to Dathomir and found Ackbar. He is at -6076 305 this is really far out there right next to the Imperial Prison. I would suggest flying into the science outpsot and cloning there cause thus far the 3 missions I have done all three have been right near the Science outpost so if you want you can get the missions and die then clone in the Science outpost and not have to run all the way there and all the way back. Thus far the first three missions are


1) Kill 3 stormtroopers

2) Kill a BH (very easy kill)

3) Delivery mission


Also before I found Ackbar I did these 3 missions for this crazy weird guy who is in the Imperial Prison in the prisoner section in a building not sure on coords but he is the only guy you can talk to minus in the main building. He has the three hardest solo quests in game that I have found


1) Kill a nighsister Rancor Tamer

2) Kill a dark Jedi Knight

3) Kill a dark Jedi Master


For the second and third there are also high lvl nighsisters hanging around them too. I did all three of these by my self I might add and got absolutely zero for it. But if you want a challenge then here you go.

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Ok well sad to say that the Ackbar I found is not the real Ackbar. What I mean is due to a coding error Ackbar shows up on dathomir after you do those other quests I talked about. After I had logged out from doing those three missions and then logged in the next day he was gone. Hopefully I did not screw myself over by doing 3 missions from him but oh well.


So for all of you you cannot go any further in the Rebel Theme Park tha Han on Lok. Lt. Lance and Ackbar are MIA till the devs fix this

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