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LucasArts originality petition


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With all the petitions around for LucasArts to make more sequels, I thought I'd make one for LucasArts to quit with the sequels and make an original adventure game for a change.


I'm sure I'm not the only LucasArts fan who is sick of the onslaught of Monkey Islands and announcements of sequels and rumored sequels.


Let LucasArts know that there is still a demand for original adventure games, and that they don't need a franchise to be stuck onto the game for an adventure game to sell.




Sequelitis is hitting all the major videogame companies, and it's up to us to let LucasArts know that we demand originality.

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Sick of sequels? What sequels?


The only sequel we've seen since the last original game is EMI, which shall be followed up by Sam & Max 2. That's two sequels in a row - not exactly an "onslaught".


It isn't the first time LucasArts have produced a bunch of sequels all in one go either. The mid-90s saw sequels to Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion & Indy, and all of them were excellent.


I don't think LucasArts are all out of ideas either. I mean, Gladius is original, as is Armed & Dangerous. They may not be adventure games, but they're still evidence against the "sequilitis theory".

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Let's see - since 1997 there have been 4 adventure games, and 3 of them have been sequels! We don't get enough adventure games as it is, and when we do - they cram us with sequels. 75% of adventures being sequels in 6 years is definately an "onslaught".


Curse of Monkey Island - sequel

Grim Fandango - original

Escape From Monkey Island - sequel

Full Throttle 2 - sequel - cancelled

Sam and Max 2 - sequel


Even mixnmojo has mentioned that their first original title since Grim Fandango of any kind just came out this year. LucasArts has shown that it can be more inventive than it's been lately, and I think they need to liven up the adventure arena a little.

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No. The public knows the oldies and LucasArts wants to win those guys back. The people who don't play games anymore might come back when they see a Sam & Max 2 rather than a new title which they cannot connect to previously played adventure goodness.


Wow, 3 signatures for your petition. I bet by the end of the year it will be 10!!! Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very good petition!!!11

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Originally posted by Alien426

No. The public knows the oldies and LucasArts wants to win those guys back. The people who don't play games anymore might come back when they see a Sam & Max 2 rather than a new title which they cannot connect to previously played adventure goodness.


Let me put it this way, the majority of gamers nowadays don't connect to previous titles because they never experienced the original titles. LucasArts adventure games used to sell just by being branded as a LucasArts title. Not anymore. Adventure gamers are few and far between today. Some originality to spark interest into the genre might get LucasArts adventures back in the light they used to be: people would buy them in droves just due to the quality of the brand it's associated with.


I may just be an idealistic old-timer who longs for the days of yore, when LucasArts adventure games were released almost yearly, and there were just as many original titles by LucasArts as there were sequels - and they were all wonderful.


Mind you, there has not been a LucasArts adventure game I have not liked yet - Even Escape from Monkey Island. And, I am waiting with baited breath for Sam And Max (as that's a point-and-click adventure) - definately a step in the right direction.


I just long for a great adventure that is fresh and new. It's been 5 years since the last LucasArts original adventure. The new original adventures hold a special place in my heart. There is nothing like playing a new game, with new ideas, new characters, and new worlds to explore. I merely long for that feeling again. Sure, it's nice to meet up with old friends, but it's even better to add new friends into the fold.

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