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How do I make a "dumb" bot?


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I'd like a bot to practice moves on. See the damage caused, etc. Problem is, the bots, even on Initiate difficulty, are VERY good at avoiding special moves. The instant you start a special move, they back up just out of the range of the move, and do a little "dance" (back and forward rapidly). The instant the move is no longer lethal, they move in. You can tell it's coded into their AI.


So, how do I make a bot that will just stand still?

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does this not prove how useless those kata's are? RAVEN, i'm begging you to do something... ANYTHING...


sadly, if you just go onto most MP FFA servers, i'm sure you'll find lots of people who are willing to stand and get killed by your "special moves." Comp bots are coded a certain way so they'll react the exact same way 100% of the time to a "move" that you do. Theres som improvement in the AI (turns on absorb after getting electricuted a couple times), but minimal. Your best bet to improvement is just go online and find the better( used lightly in this game) players. Don't waste your time with bots.

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Originally posted by AnArKey

I'd like a bot to practice moves on. See the damage caused, etc. Problem is, the bots, even on Initiate difficulty, are VERY good at avoiding special moves. The instant you start a special move, they back up just out of the range of the move, and do a little "dance" (back and forward rapidly). The instant the move is no longer lethal, they move in. You can tell it's coded into their AI.


So, how do I make a bot that will just stand still?


heh people with half a brain do the same thing man.


the only people who get hit with those Kata moves are RPG noobs on pub servers who sat around all day in Jk2 /amsitting.


like mega said, they are worthless and as you have just proven, they are worthless even on a bot.




I love being proven right.





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