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I have looked but cannot find... (kicking player with spaces in name, mod questions)


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Originally posted by |GG|Carl

1) write the name with ""s around it. (for exmple: kick "boba fett" instead of kick boba fett)


2) /npc spawn vehicle rancor_vehicle

/npc spawn vehicle wampa_vehicle


3) As far as I know, not yet.


thanks dude! appreciate it!

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Use /rcon status to get the list of players. Each player will have a ClientID between 0 and one less than the maximum number of players. Then use /rcon clientkick n where n is the ClientID of the player you want to leave. Just don't be suprised when they come right back less than a minute after you kick them. Using ClientID and clientkick avoids not only the problem of spaces in the names, but also long and complicated names, blank names, duplicate names (like 3 Padawans on the server), punks changing their name to "all" so everyone gets kicked if you kick them, changing their name to your name so you kick yourself, etc. etc. all the stupid tricks that punks do. But if you want the kick to stick, use /rcon status to get their ClientID and IP address (a.b.c.d), do /rcon addip a.b.c.d to ban them first, then /rcon clientkick n to kick them. Then they won't come back right away. You can always /rcon removeip a.b.c.d later if you don't want the ban to be permanent.

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I wonder why the quotes don't work though. They fixed it so they would a lonnngggg time ago - at least by EliteForce which used the Quake3 engine before JO was out. Oh well, clientkick is faster - and funny too if you can trick the person into thinking that if they change their name fast enough they won't get kicked. :D

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