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Sniping in a blizzard

Doug Thompson

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The best place to use a sniper rifle is outdoors on Hoth.


Believe it or not.


Charging in with your saber blazing is effective enough and a lot quicker, but I prefer to never give a sucker a fighting chance. The crosshairs turn red when you sweep in front of you and cross an enemy. Sometimes, you see nothing but snowy fog when you zoom in. However, if you take a few steps closer and try again, the trooper looms into view at near-maximum magnification. You can see him. He can't see you.


One quick head shot and he's done. You still have to use other methods on other targets, but most of the troopers outdoors have no chance.


When your shot draws fire on Hoth, move sideways a little. They can't see you. I can't prove it, but I believe that moving around without a fired-up lightsaber in your hand makes you harder to see on Hoth.

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The Disruptor is an indespensible weapon in SP. I haven't used it much in MP yet (haven't played enough CTF or Siege yet) but I know it has its uses there. In JK2 it was very useful in maps like Nar Shaddaa for defense.


Having overlapping snipers was a great defense (and fun to see who can tag the most attackers). ; )



I did play a game on Siege_Hoth where the attacking team (we were the Rebels defending) made GREAT use of snipers to take us out while we were trying to destroy their AT-ST. Quite fun and challenging. ; )

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