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One wish

'If you had one wish for mankind...what would it be?'  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. 'If you had one wish for mankind...what would it be?'

    • Peace in the mideast
    • No more nukes
    • Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein's head on a stick
    • Zero point (infinite free) energy
    • Enlightenment
    • George Bush's head on a stick (just giving equal time)
    • Contact with an alien civilization
    • World government
    • Transporters
    • Feed the hungry

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Greetings, my fellow Areseners! :D I have a yippity-skippity type mystical experiment that I want to try, which makes use of the upcoming Harmonic Concordance. First, though, I need to put to the populace a question that will help guide the experiment (which involves mass consciousness,) which I will then conduct here on the forum.


:dozey: Get all that? Here's the question: 'If you had one wish for mankind...what would it be?'


Poll above. ;) Thanks for participating. We'll see that democracy taken to the level of metaphysical interaction can be beneficial for all involved. Hallelujahgobble.

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Zoom, you seem to have failed to include anything that someone with right wing sensibilities would vote for. WHY ARE YOU FORCING ME TO CONFORM MAN!?


Peace in the mideast - And end the valuable arms trade?!

No more nukes - the fury of the atom kept everyone at peace of nearly 60 years

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein's head on a stick - while this would be fun, I'd wish for slightly more if I was going for a wish

Zero point (infinite free) energy - depolymerization is close enough Enlightenment - is for chumps

George Bush's head on a stick (just giving equal time) - maybe if that stick was really a neural interface with his new robot body

Contact with an alien civilization - any civilization that survived long enough to make contact with us surely isn't going to be peaceful. i can elaborate if its needed

World government - maybe if I was emperor

Transporters - take your evil cloning machine and go home

Feed the hungry - they'd just want more tomorrow

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zoom, in a hard and long errr.. dialogue which i had yesterday with my fellowest fellow ceeroc, after we enjoyed what some people may call banana perhabs the magic kind, we found out how the universe works. no not the complete complex quantum topic resolved, but the principle that causes 'life' as very very very special form of all those happenings in the complete .. errr. omniverse. it all depends on each other. we broke the chain of dependance of the entities down to the point where energy becomes energy (here seen as the "influencing part" of the ability to exert an influence) and matter becomes matter (here seen as the ability to cause or be effected by exerted influence).

or easier said: what is the reason for the difference between CONSTANT entity (matter) and CONTINIOUS entity (energy)?


so we need the answer. now .. as fast as possible.


Originally posted by Nute Gunray

Enlightenment - is for chumps


in this case i'm a chump. why not? who knows everything?



i neeeeed the answer..


the rest is so spoken NOT OF ANY RELEVANCE.




even the answer.


but i want to know.



enlight me.



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Orca: True! :D Guilty?


Lynk: From what I recall, the blue dudes are blue because they drank the blue poison that filled the seas when the world was created, leaving only safe water for mankind. Not sure about the white dude. ;)


Ray: Remember, matter is energy. ;) The difference between them? Vibration is the key--low vibrations become solid, and matter becomes more tenuous (liquid, gas, plasma) the more it vibrates. At the quantum level, matter and energy are the same, and what seems to distinguish them (believe it or not) is the act of perceiving a subatomic particle. In other words, a subatomic particle is just energy until you perceive it directly...and then suddenly it's a particle of matter.


So, perceiving an individual particle at the subatomic level gives it solidity. On our level, everything that is matter is also being brought into solidity in a similiar fashion. :dozey: The big question is...who's perceiving it?


:max: So far, enlightenment is winning the poll. You guys aren't gonna make this experiment easy, are you? Okay. :) Time to discuss the plan.




The harmonic concordance is a three day window in time. Essentially, it's a play of astrological events in the night sky that present a horoscope for all mankind which gives us this magical window. During this time, the veil which separates the physical world we all know from the mystical spirit world realm will be extremely thin. It can indeed be seen as an opportunity for individual enlightenment as well as being conducive to the use of mass consciousness as I propose.


What is mass consciousness? It's basically the power of all our minds interacting together on a higher level. Much has been made of the 'power of prayer,' which seems to have more influence on the course of events the more people are involved. The experiment can be thought of as a big prayer meeting online, although I prefer to look at the matter more scientifically.


Did I just call this 'experiment' scientific? :dozey:*(Laughs himself silly.)*


Anyway, the concordance starts tomorrow at 3:00 am GMT, and lasts until 3:00 am GMT* on the 12th. This gives us three days for the experiment. Tomorrow I'll add up the poll results, and we'll have chosen our wish. *(Sighs.)* Even if it's enlightenment. All you need do to participate is this:


When you're surfing the web, stop in and check on the One Wish thread. Take a few moments to think about the goal, and pray for it (if you're so inclined.) Light candles, or do whatever yoga you might know to focus the mind on the subject. Post whatever thoughts you may have about it.


:rolleyes: Or just pop in and say *panties.* Every little bit of mental energy helps.


After the three days are up, we'll discuss whether or not anyone notices a difference, or there is any change toward the attainment of our chosen goal.


*GMT is the default time at Lucasforums. If you haven't re-set the time preferences in your user CP, GMT is the time being displayed on your browser page now.

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