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Oops! You're Racist.


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Originally posted by SamNMax

Religion should have nothing to do with this. The act of homosexuality being a sin is just stupid, and I not afraid to say it.

Look, buddy, calling somebody else's beliefs just stupid is going slightly above the common call of sharing your own opinion.

Originally posted by SamNMax

I'm not rying to prove anything here, pal. I don't care what anybody belives in. Why should I? Just because someone belives in something different than I belive, dosen't mean that I'm going to bash you. That's just stupid.



I'm not replying to this thread anymore. It throws me in a bad humor. And it made me realize some very, VERY important things. You know, serious stuff that makes me question the meaning of life and such.




I don't know what my blood type is.


Now I have to go on a long, soul-searching journey to discover the truth. Yeah.

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Judging by your posts in this thread, I'd say you're an O-.


But yes, I do agree that it is rather wrong to call other peopls beliefs stupid. Christianity, as well as my religeon Hinduism and indeed many other major religions (although I don't know what the holy sect of the Jedi has to say on the matter, what would have happened if Anikin decided he'd rather marry Mace Windu?) seem to share the common belief that we were meant to be together as male and female and no other way. Now of course, the future of mankind is at stake if we all decided to become homosexual, which is one of the main reasons that religion says this (almost all religions have rules that actually do make a lot of sense, like sex after marriage as that would cut down on STD's a lot). they don't make it up because they like to boss people around. yes, there are the few religions that go a little overboard, but I'm not going to name them, but most of them are only looking out for us. And no, I'm not saying that we are actually going to all become homosexuals, but religion basically likes to stay on the safe side of things a lot. It's not stupid to call it a sin, that would be like an excecutioner saying thou Shalt not Kill is a stupid rule, as it isn't, it's just something that happens.

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Originally posted by Alia

And it made me realize some very, VERY important things. You know, serious stuff that makes me question the meaning of life and such.


Ah, it's best not to think about that.


But now that you mention it...




Ah, crap. Now I got to thinking.

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Originally posted by SamNMax

Religion should have nothing to do with this. The act of homosexuality being a sin is just stupid, and I not afraid to say it.



If the point of this thread is to not be dicriminatory and rude towards people for what they are/believe, then what is this? Saying that thinking somone's beliefs are stupid is just as bad as saying homosexuality is stupid/bad. Whether or not you are willing to say it has nothing to do with anything. Don't say anything what someone believes until you understand why they say what they say and the rest of the story. (in this case, that everyone is a sinner for some reason or another)

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thats one of ths stupidest replys I have heard in a long time, ray....^__^





hehe. at least i made my point clear. ;) in case someone understood it..


Raymond, keep your penis in your pants.


aw does he have to?


keep it cool guys NOONE of YOU will ever see it.. and i didnt said i'll put something out or in.

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Originally posted by Alia

We're all entitled to our opinions. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop bashing mine. :¬:

Dude I'm not bashing your opinion, I'm just saying that there's no valid argument for what you're saying other than blind faith in religion. Oh wait, I guess I am bashing it then. :¬:
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If your beliefs can't stand a little scrutiny then they're not really worth that much. It's funny how people are allowed to "spread the word" and such but as soon as you try to spread the word of THERE IS NO GOD! you get a mouthful.


Ahh... another point. Being gay is not something people choose, they're born that way. So if there was a god they presumably wanted there to be gay people in which case I don't think they'd make it a sin.

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I said I didn't want to argue. As much as it may surprise you all, I visit this forum to discuss Monkey Island and other things with fellow MI players, not to have my faith scrutinized. Tom, I did not give anyone a mouthful about believing there is no God.


Look. My arguments cannot possibly hold any weight for people who discredit the Bible, or atheists....so what's the point of arguing about it?


Now think very carefully. Do you really want to hear me quote a book that you don't believe? Is that going to help you, or me, or anyone? Is it going to change your mind? No. Are you going to change my mind? No. If all you want is a load of Mek-hunting fun, please, not here. If you want to harrass me on AIM, feel free. I will talk to you about it, but I somehow get the feeling that you'd rather have a little fun teasing a wimpy little Christian girl than actually try to understand her faith. And that's not cool, man.

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Let me spell something out for you people.




Here's another one, in much bigger letters for those who think that bashing something that someone believes is ok. In the words of Aretha Franklin




To those of you bashing religion or other beliefs, LEARN IT.


Making fun of someone rudely and telling them they are wrong to believe something is just RUDE. It sickens me.

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Ahh... another point. Being gay is not something people choose, they're born that way. So if there was a god they presumably wanted there to be gay people in which case I don't think they'd make it a sin.










What? That....made no sense. My sister has a friend that was straight, married, and had children. After this, he turned gay.



Also, the last statement was....preposterous. But I don't think I'm going to argue this either. Kinda like Alia.

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Ok, I wasn't trying to attack you, it was a general thing. We can agree to disagree though, right?


It made perfect sense, and you cannot turn gay. Many gay people know that there is something different about them long before they know they're gay. It can take them as long to come out to themselves as it can to other people. Some gay people would rather live a lie than deal with the problems society presents them with.

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I'm not discrediting the Bible, in fact the Gabzo happens to be a Christian himself. ;


But you can't use a few lines in the good book to justify an ethical stance as controversial as saying that all gays are sinners without accepting argument against it. Put simply, blind faith is all very well but it's nothing when we're looking at these things critically.

It made perfect sense, and you cannot turn gay
If you're reffering to the scientific "evidence" that suggests that homosexuality is in your genetic makeup, then consider that this "proof" is actually a barely stable theory and shouldn't be taken as gospel. There's a lot more evidence saying that people turn gay because of other events in their life, and that they can, er, ungay themselves likewise!
Making fun of someone rudely and telling them they are wrong to believe something is just RUDE. It sickens me.
Nothing wrong with a bit of friendly debate, sunshine. ;D
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It's probably due to lack of testosterone whilst the child is in the womb, which causes a smaller sexually dimorphic nucleus in the brain - the male nucleus is bigger than the female one, blah etc. They found that transexuals had female-sized nuclei when thye cut up their brians. Meaning they don't just do it for the attention!


So if you want your children to grow up all heterosexual, make sure you slip large quantities of testosterone in your pregnant wifes cheerios.

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The faith that alia has may be blind, but it works, at least for her. as long as she is conviced that being gay is a sin, isn't that all that counts. She never did try to push it down our throat, or tell us it was gospel (originally a christian term, summit to do with jesus, but never mind that), she was just saying that was what she thought, and in her way of believing, she's right for thinking it. I still think homosexuality is fine, people should be free to be whatever they want, but i understand where Alia's coming from.


Oh, and PTDC, I have no more respect for preachers of god than i do for athiest preachers. I personally don't think people should be knocking on my door telling me how good jesus is when i keep telling them that I'm hindu. They keep telling me christianity is better and suddenly we have a fight for belief going and i don't want to be involved. Just leave me alone and let me believe what I want to believe and i'll let you believe what you want, including being an atheist

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Nothing wrong with thinking what you want, but saying that homosexuality is a sin on a public forum is, in my opinion, morally wrong as you can't justify it and it causes potential suffering for homosexuals; just as saying that being black is a sin.

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I never said I thought you were an idiot, I just said that your arguments weren't valid. If you want to take the lines against homosexuals litterally and as purely God's word (remember the backdrop in which The Bible was written and the number of times it's been translated), then that's fine, but if you do that then you should also believe that the world was created in six days etcetera. If you don't believe that then you are condradicting yourself; as you cannot choose what you do and do not take litterally in the Bible - for then you're not really looking at the Bible at all, but random segments which coincide with your own ideas. If, however, you do take the whole Bible as literally true, then that's perfectly valid and I respect your opinion if that's the move you're making.


I do, however, strongly disagree with you saying that a human being is evil for havign feelings for another human being of the same sex. If that is what God dictates, then I cannot see how he is all-loving, hence not coinciding with the Judeo-Christian undertstanding of God. The only move I can make, then, is to believe that God does not hate gays because it is against, in my opinion, his nature to.


For fun comparisons check out the following web-sites, children ;D



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Ooh! Let's talk about the evil fruit now! Apparently, we should eat anything of the vine, right? Seriously, he seemed to be addressing individual trees. Odd...but look at it in context.


And yes, I do take the whole Bible and not just random segments that coincide with my opinions. Would it be too much for me to ask what denomination you are? I'm not trying to insult you further or anything, just curious. ;)

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Saying YOU(not preaching or saying anyone else is wrong or that you are neccesarily right) believe homosexuality is a sin is no worse than being rude and demeaning to someone about their beliefs. Which you are doing admirably.


So here.


I think that being a jerk is a sin. After all, you can't help it and apparently you don't feel that it is wrong. And you are fitting nicely into that category. So I'm STATING MY OPINION. I didn't say I was right or wrong.


And where the heck does it say God hates gays? Feeling that something is a sin is NOT the same as hating.


WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE SHUT THIS FREAKING THREAD DOWN SINCE IT HAS TURNED INTO A BIG LET'S GANG UP ON THOSE OF US WITH OPPOSING BELIEFS(who are not trying to force them on others or say that they are right, unlike those who are being rude to someone who has an outlook different than theirs) THREAD.

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