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I'm just searching the interrogator-effect. You know what I mean? ah, I'm searching that, when an interrogator touch you, and the screen goes distorted.


I don't really know what it is. In the interrogator.npc is written "WP_NONE", so I suggested that it could be an effect, but I didn't find it.

Does someone know how I can make that effect?

Thx for help.

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Originally posted by Wudan

I'd say 100% that it's coded. It's an effect similar to zooming in with the disruptor, though you might argue otherwise (code-wise, it's very similar).


Yea, I think I remember seeing code that could let you do that in one of the client game files (something like fov_x and fov_y or something like that)...

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

Not until the SDK is released, and since it's under LucasArts control, don't hold your breath for it.

And also, probably like Outcast's SDK, it likely won't be availible for SP.

So I can forget this effect?

(and the hole coding for jka SP?)

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