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"LucasArts Soundtracks" - the site is finally UP


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I don't encourage software piracy. But I think when it comes to music extracted from the games, it would be fair to either realease the music on official soundtrack-CDs


So you put the entire Grim Fandango CD soundtrack on the website (one of the few LucasArts soundtracks that's easy to get hold of) without adding any new tracks and keeping them in exactly the same order?

Wouldn't a GF soundtrack comprising all the tracks the CD doesn't have be better?


Also, daltysmith - what version of Windows do you have? If it's XP, wouldn't it be worth trying it with, say, 98 - before the Xbox?

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But how do you capture mp3's from Xbox games? Is there some kind of program you have to use? Also, Laserschwert, the Emperor's Tomb mp3's that are currently up on the Soundtrack site, are they pretty much exactly the way you got them from the game cd? Or did you edit them together? Because it sounds like either you either edited them together or you hooked a tape recorder up to your sound output and just recorded the music as you were playing the game. If the tracks are edited together, I personally would prefer the individual tracks rather than the "several tracks edited together version." But that's just me, and I can't speak for everyone. That's not a complaint, I would rather have the "several tracks edited together" version than no version at all. And also, is the music you have posted all the music that you have access to? Because it's definitely not all the music from the game. And also, every time I've tried to go to Soundtrack site from any of the computers in my house in the past day, they all keep saying that they cannot find it. I know the problem has to be on my end, so does anyone know how to fix it?

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I still rip music from my console games the old fashioned way - stick a lead from the output on the console (usually SCART as component) and plug the audio lines into my line in on my PC. If you have a fairly decent soundcard (mine was new 5 years ago and still works like a dream) you can get some great rips. Its easier if the game has a "music test" option, like Super Smash Bros. Melee or the Rogue Leader games, but if not you can always turn the sound effects and dialogue volumes down in the options, then pause the game and record the music that way.

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Yeah, I'm planning on adding a "More music from Grim Fandango"-soundtrack on the site... but back then, since I got many e-mails from people asking me to add the music from "Grim Fandango" to my site, I decided to take the easy road, and put links on my site to files which I knew were already hosted by the GrimFandangoNetwork. This way I could satisfy some people a little easier than taking the effort of creating an all-new Grim-soundtrack. Eventually I WILL take this effort, but right now I have only little time on my hand, so that I'll add other stuff first.




No, the music isn't edited together. After installing the PC-version, there's a music folder, which contains every bit of music from the game in form of MP3s. There are several big pieces amongst those files (the ones I used on the soundtrack you find on my site), and many very short fills and cues. I thought these short parts wouldn't really fit on a soundtrack, since they would interrupt the music all the time. But now with a slight chance of getting those files at a higher quality, I might edit a complete soundtrack together... but that still depends on this X-Box-ripping issue.


Couldn't you just browse the CD with the Windows Explorer? Maybe there's a "music"-folder on the CD, which contains the MP3s.


I don't know how the X-Box works... do you have to install games? Or do you play them directly from the CDs? Because in the PC-version of "Emperor's Tomb" the music-directory is only available on the hard drive AFTER installing the game. So maybe you would need access to the files on your X-Box hard drive...


But Benny already says he has the files, so probably you don't even have to do this.

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After a little googling around the web, I found some fourm threads saying, that the X-Box version has the music stored as WMA-files... not MP3... so maybe you must search for the file extension WMA.


And obviously it's possible to replace the music files from the PC-version with these higher quality files... and the game would still work... just with better music!

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I was really impressed with the effort you put into the site and was wondering if you were accepting any contributions. I don't know if you want the site to consist only of fan created stuff in the end or a mix of ripped/created. I have the original Dig soundtrack and could send some 320Kbs MP3 rips to you if you'd like. The cd's OOP and still selling for $30.00+ used on ebay so I'm sure other's would like it, but its your site. You can just drop me a line in this thread or email me.


Peace, Love, and Groooviness~~~


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I could find no sound files using the computer, mp3, wma, or otherwise. So either I'm doing something wrong, or the computer can't read the files. Seriously, there must be a program or something that I could download that would let me read the files. However, I do have some good news. If you have the Indiana Jones DVD's, you can have access to a track from Emperor's Tomb not available on the official site. It's called "Evil Tomb Action" and is a wma file. To find it, put one of the Indiana Jones discs in your DVD ROM drive, make sure you're connected to the internet, go to the Indianajones.com exclusive content, follow the Emperor's Tomb link, go to the music feature, and scroll to the bottom of the page.

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I really liked the Knights of the Old Republic soundtrack. Good job on that. I really wish Lucasarts would release an official soundtrack to that. Actually, I wish Lucasarts would release official soundtracks to all of their classic games. With an actual orchestra playing the music. Wouldn't that be sweet to hear a live orchestra playing the Dark Forces theme, for instance? Or what about Secret of Monkey Island/Monkey Island 2 soundtrack where they re-arrange and re-record the music with actual musicians in the style of the CMI and EMI soundtracks? Still, the versions on your site are pretty darn good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, another update to my site:


I replaced the "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb" soundtrack with a new, high quality version. It's now a 2-CD set consisting of the music from the X-Box version of the game (which has much higher quality than the PC version).


Of course I've added covers for it too.



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Don't worry... no offense taken. I appreciate your criticism, and I am happy that you at least tried to help me.


The "new" Emperor's Tomb soundtrack IS in fact edited together... at least partially. There were several cues that had alternative versions of it, which contained some parts that were the same in both versions... so I tried to edit all the parts that were different together into one piece. Plus I've cut together a closing medley, which wasn't in the game, but since all Indy-soundtracks (most soundtracks in general) have a medley from different themes as the end credits, I did it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You really need to get Peter McConnells soundtrack to Super Bombad Racing up on the site... its a little off beat from the rest of the stuff, but the soundtrack is pure comedy and is pretty good quality if youre interested in weird cartoon-style arrangements of Star Wars tunes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I would rather jump off a bridge than buying that game, but sure, if someone rips the soundtrack for me...


I have been really slow with updates in the last time, but I promise I'll add new stuff very soon... right now I am preparing the pages for "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron", "Star Wars: Battle for Naboo", "Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine", "Zak McKracken" and "Loom". I am yet waiting for the music from "Rogue Leader" and "Rebel Strike", which I'll add too...


I know, lots of "Star Wars" here, but what else is left of LucasArts?

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How do you have the Infernal Machine music? I thought that music was unobtainable? All the forumites at iMuse Island have been trying for ages!


Why would you want to do those last two Rogue Squadron games? Oh yeah, there's some original music there... answered my own question there.


Does Zak McKracken have much music?

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The version of Zak McKracken with the most music is the FM-Towns version, and that's quite rare. The other versions only have little music.


Loom for the FM-Towns also is a rarity, though it has lovely music, very near the talkie version's in quality.


Luckily, you can get Ogg files of both these games' tracks by going here, to Soundfont Island. They're in the Music Section.


(This is not a plug. I repeat, this is not a plug. ;) )

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No, of course it's not a plug... ;)


At least not more than this thread is a plug to my site...


The "Infernal Machine"-soundtrack was ripped from the N64-version via a direct cable-connection to a PC. The N64-version has a music menu (which was very comfortable for getting all the music)... unfortunately there's only occasional music in "Infernal Machine". This means that - though it's around 56 Minutes of music - it's 137 (!!) files, most of them with a duration of around 10 seconds... I am not yet sure how to create a soundtrack out of THAT. I have thought about editing together several files, but most of the are jingles, that only work on their own.


The other idea is to simply put up all the files, and creating a cover without a track listing... so you can choose the tracks you like for yourself. But a CD with 137 tracks isn't very nice (I even think that regular CD-players only support a maximum of 99 tracks per CD).


Regarding Zak and Loom, yes, I will indeed use the music from the FM-Towns versions... and yes, I will link to SoundFontIsland, instead of reuploading the stuff to my site's webspace. (But I'll do covers and host them ALL BY MYSELF :p )

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Wow! That's quite inventive. It would be worth it just for the end credits. You could probably stand to remove some of cues, like the ones that are basically just one note.


On a different note, can just take the time to thank you for making your site look so professional and (important this) official?

While making a Kotor CD, I had to use the CD Burner in my Uni library. Unfortunately, the CD was screwed up, so I had to complain to the person in the library who sold it me. Before she would give me a replace, she had to know what I was doing... long story short (too late), I persuaded her that the MP3s were being officially released. Because your site looked like an official and professional LucasArts deal, she was convinced and I didn't get kicked out and/or fined.

Nice work!

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