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To Luka!!


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Hey the great one:)!(Y)


In Rogue Squadron 1, how do I get different ships and fighter jets in the speeder missions without using RogueRat? I don't want replace the speeder missions with another mission, but I want the same mission but more vehicles to choose apart from the speeders. Like in Defelction of Cornelia and Contructions Yards, is it possible to select another fighter jet apart from the speeder without alterating the mission's objective and climate?


And is it possible to give the Tie-Interceptor missles or torpedos?


Is it also possile to change the A-Wing's Secondary weapon from missles to Torpedos? If so how do I do that?


Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi! Heard about an editor (up to now NOT free), and try to find some interested people for a petition sent to the creators of that editor (they make their money with newest games and will surely upgrade this software, so it should not hurt them to release one for the very old Rogue Squadron...?). Therefore I posted a new thread at lucasforums and will appreciate replys.


If one of you pilots can do: please spread this idea around (send messages to other forums, tell it to your grandpa and don't forget some alien creatures...


With an editor, you could change nearly everything in a game, and create some variations you'd liked to see before!


About changing ships without changing the mission: only the snowrider can beat an AT-AT, so it is a must to fly it in all missions with AT-ATs (on my oppinion).


Besides: the 15+3 original missions aren't too hard to win, even with the standard ship/weapons. Trying to fly again with other ships, I saw the reason for the preselection allready taken: it is a good choice ("exceptions included").


Ok, wish you (all) a good (better) new year...


Bhakar (A. F.)

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Originally posted by André Friedrich

Hi! Heard about an editor (up to now NOT free), and try to find some interested people for a petition sent to the creators of that editor (they make their money with newest games and will surely upgrade this software, so it should not hurt them to release one for the very old Rogue Squadron...?). Therefore I posted a new thread at lucasforums and will appreciate replys.


If one of you pilots can do: please spread this idea around (send messages to other forums, tell it to your grandpa and don't forget some alien creatures...


With an editor, you could change nearly everything in a game, and create some variations you'd liked to see before!


About changing ships without changing the mission: only the snowrider can beat an AT-AT, so it is a must to fly it in all missions with AT-ATs (on my oppinion).


Besides: the 15+3 original missions aren't too hard to win, even with the standard ship/weapons. Trying to fly again with other ships, I saw the reason for the preselection allready taken: it is a good choice ("exceptions included").


Ok, wish you (all) a good (better) new year...


Bhakar (A. F.)


wow, what a sales pitch.


I didnt understand a word of it, and most likely it will be months before luka even reads it.


lol, as I recall people asked before.

guess what happened then.

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Bad chances are (at least) chances. So if we all go to bed, fold our hands and whisper a prayer like "everyone for himself and god against all...", nothing will ever change. Ok, talk and mail about that idea of getting an editor for RS (I would pay for it!). Someday someone somehow will have the key for that door.


Nothing more.

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