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there is no peace part 2

rick ulo 11103

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"No, I have somewhere to go." he frowned. "Home, or where it was. I just want to see..." his voice faded off.


"If you tell me where you're planning to go, I might catch up to you, though." he seemed to snap back to the present. "There's still an ornery new Sith Lord to deal with, it sounds like." he smiled. "No peace for the semi-wicked, eh?"

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Sukara nods to Jamis. "Good luck then, Jamis. I hope you find what you're looking for." He bows to Jamis and thinks. "I guess we'll be going to Coroscant. Yes, its the home world of the Jedi council, but its also the farthest away from the Sith, and it is VERY easy to hide in Coroscant."

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"Good choice," said Jamis, nodding. "Visona, maybe if you keep in contact with your master at the Temple, I can find her and meet up with you two that way." He climbed aboard his fighter and turned around to face them. "Until we meet again." He waved, and then dissapeared into his fighter.


The sound of engines powering up came soon, and the fighter slowly rose off the platform.


Inside the fighter, Jamis set course for a little-known planet on the Outer Rim, where he'd grown up. "Bakura, next stop." he said, and his leaned back in the seat of the fighter.


"I'm going to replace this seat when I get there," he said to himself. Why am I talking to myself? he asked, inwardly.


(I'm not planning for this to take place at the same time as Republic Soldiers. I'm planning for his tip-off to be what sends the commandos there in the first place.)

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Doyen Armala walked at leisure in her private garden. She bent to sniff a fragrant flower imported from Ithor. Sensing movement behind her, she turned to find her apprentice kneeling a foot away.


"Rise Shah'Raa, what brings you my loyal servant?"


"Master I bring news of the traitor."


"Go on." Doyen commanded, braking a flower of its stem and crushing it in her fist.


"My Master, all is going as you suspected. The traitor visited his former Jedi Master and is now preparing to leave for Corusant. One of his weakling companions has left, it is believed he may possibly be heading for Bakura."


"See the glory of my power Shah'Raa? Sukara stands not a chance against me, I can read him like an open book. I'll show him what true power is. Are the preperations in Corusant done with?"


"Everything is as you wished, Master"


"Good. Dear Sukara won't know what hit him. He'll regret the day he dared claim the throne, before one such as I, and dishonored the Sith with his weakness. Oh how I'll make his life miserable, torturing him till he'll beg me for death. Lets see how long it takes me to turn his weak 'friend' against him, shall we, into the embrace of the Dark Side." Doyen said gleefully with a charming wicked smile.

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Sukara was silent at her question for a few moments. "Well?" Visona asked again. "He was...my master. Before a became what I was when you found me, he was my Master, and I his Padawan..." Sukara said, looking down. "I had to say that I was sorry, for all the greif I must have caused him with my actions..."


Sukara sat there, quite, thinking about what had happened on the planet.

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Sukara let out a heavy sigh as there ship landed, both of them climbing out and onto the landing pad. A man walking up to them. "Hello, I'm afraid we do not have your ship regestered here sir. May I asked your name?"


Sukara thinks quickly. "Uh...My name is Mace Windu..."

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Sukara shook his head. "I don't know...I just spit out the first thing that popped in my head...And I thought it didn't sound very Jedi-like so..." He rubbed the back of his head, a bit embarassed.


The inspector walks up to her. "Ah! Hello, Jedi Visona, I trust you have your clearance papers? Ah yes! Thanks you for honering us with your presence. I hope you have a lovely stay here on Coroscant."


"I'm sure we will, thank you!" Visona said as the Inspector walked off. "Well, I guess they wouldn't recognise me, they arn't even force sensative in the least. But your master? She would surely know." Sukara said, still unsure about the whole thing.


They continued on there way, exiting the starport, the flashing city lights makeing Coronet city look like a small town with a well. "Its so huge..." Said a slightly startled Sukara.

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There was a bar on Bakura. It was not just the only bar on Bakura, of course. The planet had them in several points.


And it was not a particularly special bar, either. It was dirty and grimy, and the glasses did not look to be in the best state of cleanliness.


Jamis Yon wrinkled his nose at the drink that was brought to him by the pretty and rather flirtatious waitress. He didn't like being here, but this was where he remembered his parent's bar being. He felt almost... naked, though, without the lightsabers at his side. He'd had to leave them in a small storage compartment, hidden behind a lot of junk in his fighter.


He sniffed the drink. It smelled like a combination of droid oil and turpentine. He set it away from him, and looked around.


From what he remembered from his days as a youth, he'd sat behind that bar often, staying out of his Dad's way as he served the customers. His father'd been good about not giving anyone too much to drink. That wasn't the way he did business.


Of course, some had gotten a bit violent when he wouldn't serve them. He'd always been good about handling those situations, too. Jamis wondered what had happened since he'd been gone that had changed this place. He took his drink, untouched, with him and moved to the bar. The bartender came up to him.


"You got a problem with that drink, boy?" the man growled. Jamis looked at it.


"I'm not really interested in it." he said. The man blinked, confudsedly. To forestall any stupid questions, Jamis went on. "I'm looking for Grogrin and Halia Yon. They used to own this bar."


The man gave him a measured look. "Who are you?"


Jamis decided to lie. "I'm the executor of the will of their son, Jamis. The young man died recently, and I'm trying to locate his parents, who are the beneficiaries."


The man looked at him. "Man, that's gonna be tough. Losing a son."


Jamis coughed. "Do you know anything that could help me?"


The man shook his head. "Naw. Maybe Mr. Dreflo would know." seeing Jamis' confused look, he added "He's the manager."


Jamis nodded. "If you could tell me how to get to him?" The bartender called over the waitress and had her take him up a small set of stairs to the upper floor.


In Dreflo's office, Jamis coughed politely. Dreflo, who'd been doing some paperwork, looked up. He had a narrow face, messy black hair, and was as skinny as a rail. He stood up and took Jamis' hand for a handshake.


"Urich called up and told me about you. " he said, waving a hand when Jamis began to explain why he was there. "I've just been looking, and found the address you want out of some old public records." He handed Jamis a piece of flimsy with an address written down on it. Jamis thanked the man and turned to leave.


"I hope you find her. She needs all the help she can get." Jamis, about to leave, turned around. "Mr. Yon's dead?" he asked.


"Dead for nearly a decade and a half. That was when I bought the bar from Mrs. Yon. See, Jamis Yon was kidnapped one day, jsut lifted away. They never did find out what happened to him. Although," he paused, and a crafty look came into his face "Seeing as how you're the executor of his will, you must know what happened to him."


Jamis nodded. "Yes, I do. And no, I'm not at liberty to tell you. There are laws I must abide by." Dreflo nodded. Jamis held up the piece of paper. "Once more, thank you for your help." He walked out the the door, holding the piece of flimsy like it might explode.

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As Jamis walked down the stairs, he noticed that four Sith officers had now entered the bar, they where ordering there drinks.


"Give us some drinks, and they better be on the house! We're Sith." Said one, smirking as he patted the Sith Assasin pistol at his waist. "Err...Y-Yes sir!" The bartender quickly cleaned the glass to perfection - Something he rarely ever did, and poured them there drinks. "H-hear, I hope you enjoy it! On the house of course..." The Bartender stuttered.


"Good. I think I'll let you live then." The Sith said. The bartender whiped some sweat from his brow. "Actually, I reconsider!" The Sith spoke again, a wide grin on his face, pulling out his assasin pistol and blowing a hole right thru the bartenders chest. Several people gasped in horrar and backed up againts the wall.


"Thats right! You better fear us! We're Officers of the Sith empire! For haveing to share the same room with scum such as you, I think we deserve a donation, don't you agree?"


Several of them nodded with fright in there eyes, throwing there credits on the ground. "What? Do I look like a dog? Do you expect me to fetch it?! Bring it to me!!" He said, shooting one of the people who threw there credits.

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Jamis paused. What was there that he could do? He thought about it. Well, the Sith were here, that much was obvious. Maybe the Republic could use a tip as to where the Sith were holding locations. He thought about it. That was it.


He could do nothing for the people immediately, not against these four. He didn't even have a blaster pistol. And furthermore, he didn't know who would tell the investigators afterward who had done it.


However, once he was finished here on this planet, he would make his way to the Republic and report that the Sith were active here. In the meantime, he stayed hidden in the back of the crowd.

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Meanwhile, back on Coroscant, Sukara and Visona made there way to the council hall, Sukara of course didn't much care for the idea, but Visona insisted that he meet her master, for some strange reason. "So, why exactly do you want me to meet your Master, Visona? What good could come of it?"


Sukara couldn't even begain to know what she was thinking by doing this. It put him at great risk, and he didn't even know this woman she was bringing him too. He shook his head slowly, letting out a heavy sigh.


"I just hope she doesn't freak out and start trying to convince me to join the order or anything. I doubt if I could ever become a Jedi again. ...And if thats what your planning, then you can forget it!" Sukara yelled, sticking his toungue out at her.

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Sukara winced at his reverse speech to shook his head. "Err, yes. I'll help you. I think I know who this new Sith Lord is, I was in the same class as her in the Sith Acadamy. Her name is Doyen Armala. I'm sure you know her? She has taken up the mantle of Dark Lord." Sukara looked out the window of the Acadamy.


"She has been gathering and organizeing Zera's fleet, wich he had been building over the past 15 years. Waiting in secrecy to strike at the Jedi Order and the Republic. It has reached a staggering size, to say the least..." Sukara stated with a gloomy tone to his voice.


"I do not know where she may be hideing, Looba, but she is defenatly out there somewhere. I can smell her all the way here." He said, twisting his face into a discusted look.

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Jamis knocked on the door to the apartment he'd been given the address to.


There will be no rest, he thought to himself.


The woman who answered the door had more lines on her face and in fact, looked much older than the last time he'd seen her.


"Yes?" she asked, her grey eyes (That was what he'd gotten from her. The eyes.) peering out from under unrulry brown hair.


"Mrs. Yon?" he asked.


"Yes. What do you want?" She was highly suspicous of him.


"I'm the executor of the will of your son, Jamis." he decided to keep up the facade. He wasn't sure that he actually wanted to be here now, or that there was anything here for him.


"My son's will?" a pained look crossed her face. "Come in, Mr..." she trailed off.


"Sukara. Sukara Delwyn." he said, using the first name that came to mind. She opened the door, and stepped back.


"I don't really have much to offer you to drink besides water," she said, settling down in a chair. "If you want some, there are some glasses in the kitchen."


"No, I'm allright." he said, likewise sitting down.


"Well, maybe you can tell me what happened to my boy," she said, looking at him with a sharp look he squirmed a bit under.


"He was taken by the Sith, Mrs. Yon." he told her. "He was trained by them, because he was force-sensitive. He recently decreed that he'd like his will to be executed, although he's not dead."


"Not dead?" she asked, her eyes brightening. "Where is he?"


"He's turned renegade. A bit aligned with the Jedi, Mrs. Yon. In other words, it would be stupid for him to come here right now, considering that the Sith hold this planet." She nodded.


"However, he is here anyway," he said. "But... he's fairly convinced he's going to die soon. He's going to try to contact the Republic and let them know, but he thinks he's going to do some even more dangerous things soon, and wanted his will to be carried out." She blinked.


"So, as per his instructions, I'm giving you all the money that he left to you." Jamis unloaded what money he had with him, (He had left some in his fighter) and gave it to her. She looked at him.


"I want to see my son," she said.


Jamis remained quiet. "You may see him. Maybe not. I cannot speak for what he plans to do." She sat there. "In the mean time, he wants to help take care of you."


A few minutes later, Jamis was gone from the apartment. Whatever it was he'd been looking for there, he hadn't found it.


He watched a couple of Sith Troopers walk down the street in their shiny armor. He had, though, found a purpose while on this planet.

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Sukara nodded, turning to her. "Looba told me we could stay at the Acadamy aslong as we are here. Aslong as they won't try and capture me, or convert me, I don't see why we shouldn't take him up on her offer." He stated, continueing to look at the Acadamy.


"Its been a long time since I was last here, Visona. I remember walking these halls with my old master..." He looks around him, lost in thought, enjoying the memory of the time he and his master shared. "It seems so long ago..."


He snapped out of it quickly, as he remembered that they needed to find a place to stay. He walks over to a Jedi, who was watching his Padawan train with a practice droid. "Excuse me, could you direct me to a vacant room here?" He asked the Jedi, trying his best to sound polite.


"Why yes. Just go up the hall on your left, and take a sharp right. It will be the second door on your right, it was just made vacant." The man said, smileing politely at Sukara. "Thank you very much." Sukara said, continueing on.


They followed the Jedi's directions, ariveing at the room. Sukara approached it, and the door hissed as it slid open. Walking in, he was suprised at how much room there was inside, remembering them to be alot smaller. "Well, there acomidations have improved, without a doubt." Sukara stated.

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Sukara's eyes shot open, as he felt a sudden jolt in his mind. It felt like somebody had stabbed him. He tried to shake off the pain, but as he was doing so, one word came to his mind. "V-Visona!" He shouted as he dashed out of his bed, quickly donning his robe, he ran down to the garden where he was sure she would be.


Growling as he found she wasen't there he was about to leave, when he found a red Sith Lightsaber crystal, apperantly dropped by the man who attacked her. Growling even louder than before, he quickly reached out with the force, finding the man who had her.


Quickly makeing his way twords it, useing force speed to its maximum affect, he found the man standing there with the unconcious Visona. "You! Give me back Visona!!" Sukara roared at him. The Sith laughed, and pulled his hood and mask down. Sukara's eyes widened at the sight, and realised it was Gordan Valash, one of his classmates back when he was a Jedi Padawan.


"G-Gordan...you joined the Sith?" Sukara spoke with suprise in his voice. "Yes, I did. As did you. However, unlike you, I didn't return to the weak and pathetic light! I am a true Sith, and I am here to take her to Lord Armala, and kill you Sukara! You made a mistake when you tried to take the mantle of Sith Lord from Lord Armala!"


Sukara growled. "Armala's nothing but a self-obsest, big headed, arogant bitch and you know it!" The Sith growled at him. "How dare you speak in such a way about my master! You will pay Sukara Delwynn!! You will pay with your life!"


Gordan inighted his saber and rushed at Sukara. Sukara ignighted one end of his own, and ran twords Gordan aswell, the two combatans clashed, there sabers hissing as they slammed againts one another, crimson againts green. "The Dark Side fuels my strength!!" Gordan yelled in the heat of battle.


They battled, seeming to lose nor gain any ground againts each other, but Gordan, thru his intense rage, begain to actually push Sukara back, giveing him a powerful kick to the jaw. "Ach!!" Yelled Sukara as he shook off the pain.


"The Light side has made you weak Sukara, you are no longer a worthy oponent for me. Perhaps your friend is just as weak?" He said, an evil grin comeing across his face. He extended his hand, and Visona suddenly had her breathe-rate constricted, his powerful force choke lifting her into the air, her eyes open as she is forced awake. "Well, it looks like you'll get to watch your friend die, Sukara!!"


"PUT HER DOWN!!" Sukara screamed, his eyes now burning with rage. "Ohh, testy, arn't we perhaps I shouldn't do this then?" Dropping her out of his force choke, he sends a wave of force lightning at the now awake Jedi, she screams as the jolts of electricity flow thru her. "THATS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!" Sukara yelled, his voice echoing slightly, even in the busy city-planet of Coroscant.


Sukara rushed at Gordan with blinding speed, smashing his saber into Gordans own, causeing the flow of lightning to stop. Sukara pounded againts Gordan with everything he had, Gordan was quickly being beaten back, causeing him to stumble, wich was just enough time for Sukara to cleave his entire right arm off. "AGHHH!!" Gordan screamed as he clutched the burn marks on the side of his body.


Sukara, still burning with rage walked up to Gordan, who was now scooting back, but was halted when he came in contact with a wall. Sukara leaped over to him, picking him up and slamming him againts the wall. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!" Sukara screamed into his face and thru him to the ground, raiseing his light saber, about to strike. Gordan shielded his face with his remaining arm, screaming in terror.

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While Sukara and Gorden were busy killing each other, Shaa'Raa sneaked up behind them and ran silently towards Visona.


He picked her up and summoning the force conjured up an image of Visona where the real one had just lay.


He watched silently from the shadows as Gorden tortured the so called Visona. Grinning malaciously he turned and headed for his awaiting transport. He had seen enough, the plan was unfolding perfectly.


The weakling traitor had taken the bait like the fool he was. By the time he realized the truth, they would be a long way off this acursed planet.


'Everything's going just the way Master predicted.' he thought with a wicked smile. 'Master will be so pleased.'


They boarded the transport and left the surface of Coruscant, entering hyperspace soon after. Down in the Jedi Temple garden, Sukara Delwynn strayed very close to walking the Dark Path he had just refused.

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(( Lets have Sukara catch up with Shaa'raa. And defete him in a duel before Visona can meet Armala. That would be his first blunder, the commando's at Bakura would be number two, and his death blunder. Hows that idea? ))


Growling as he swung his lightsaber down at Gordan, cleaveing the Sith in two. He quickly ran twords Visona. "Visona!! Visona?" The image of Visona faded out. Sukara realised he had been tricked. At that moment, he no longer could control himself, screaming so loud, that over half the Acadamy woke up. "YOU'RE DEAD ARMALA!! DEAD!!!" He roared.


He quickly made his way to his starfighter, wich was still docked in the landing bay. "I'm going to find you Visona. I can track you nomatter where you are, and NO amount of clouding can stop me." He said, his rage boiling to critical levels. The Star Fighter lifted off, following Shaa'raa's hyperspace wake.


He quickly arived on the planet that he thought Shaa'raa was on. Landing in a nearby clearing. "I know she is here, but where? Where exactly could they have taken her? I'm not sure..." Sukara calmed himself slightly, and reached out with the force. He searched deeply for Visona. "There!" He said, as he ran for where the feeling came from.

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Jamis stepped onto the landing pad where his ship lay. He hadn't found what he'd wanted, a purpose gave him something to concentrate on.


Why am I helping the Republic? he asked himself. Fortunately, he answered himself, saving himself the trouble of worrying about it much more. Because they stand against the Sith, he realized.


Well, that settled that. He stomped out towards his fighter, and too late, noticed someone coming around the side. Several someones. Several heavily armed and armored someones. Sith Troopers, and an officer.


"You there!" the officer called to him. "Is this your ship?" Jamis looked around, and it was obivous there was no other ship he could have been going to.


"Yes," he said, quietly.


"We understand that this ship belongs to a Republic spy," said the Sith officer. "here to find out the movements of the Sith Fleet.


"Me? No, I'm just a lawyer." lied Jamis, rather quickly. The Sith Officer took a look at his clothes, and then at the ship.


"Hardly the clothes or the ship a lawyer would take," he said suspiciously. The Troopers fanned out, covering Jamis while being sure not to get caught in the crossfire from their comrades.


"I'm not a normal lawyer. I was rather down on my luck until a man came in, wounded badly, and babbling about setting things aright. He had an incredible sum of money, and told me to take some for myself, if I merely delivered the rest to his parents."


The officer nodded. "Your name and the man's name?"


"My name is Helbert Mecken, the other man's name was Jamis Yon." said Jamis. "I was on Corellia at the time. My fortunes have changed a bit."


The officer looked at him. "You've seen that we've taken Bakura, though. You cannot leave the planet, not under pain of death. Be warned that we have a fleet orbiting overhead, so any attempts at escape will prove fruitless." he handed Jamis a piece of paper.


"We've locked your ship up and have sensors monitoring the lock. Any attempts to jimmy the lock will be noted, and Security will be here in a few moments' time." The officer gave the ex-Sith a scornful look. "You have been warned. Now go away before I blow your face off."


Jamis left, vibrating slightly in anger. If he had had his Sith robes on, that man would have bowed and scraped and done his best to toady to him... Jamis felt angry at the way he'd been treated, and angry witht he officer for his uncaring attitude.


Wait a minute... he thought to himself. He looked it over, and saw nothing wrong with it. He could pull it off. He needed some preparation, though. He headed for the nearest fabric store.

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( I don't know, i mean i want Visona to meet Armala at least. I thought maybe Sukara could come after Visona and rescue her and we could make Shah'Raa's mistake that he fails to keep Visona?? What do u think?)


"There's something fishy about that Helbert Mecken, don't you think Koth?" the Sith officer told his companian. "He was kind of fidgety no?"


"Naa, I think you imagine too much." Koth replied sneering.


"Are you making fun of ME??" the Sith officer yelled losing his temper.


"Oh so you do posses a brain! You had me wondering all these years!!!"


"THATS IT, YOU ARE DEAD MONKEY!!" the sith officer screamed taking out his blaster pistol.


"Oh yeah?? We'll see who dies today RAT." Koth screeched a battle cry also taking out his blaster.


After half an hour of fighting and screaming they both lay dead on their own pools of blood.

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(Yaaay!! I finally get to torture Visona! :D )


"I have fulfilled your orders My Lord." Shah'Raa entered his Masters

chamber and bowed."The traitor fool fell for the trick just as you



"Rise apprentice you have done well." Doyen said sweetly. "You prove

yourself worthy of my trust and have also earned my appreciation."


"Master you give me too much credit." Shah'Raa responded blushing

crimson to the roots of his light hair."Had it not been for your

brilliant plan I would have been helpless."


"Hmmm..." Doyen surveyed her apprentice. "Honesty I like that."


"Thank you my Lord." Shah'Raa bowed again.


"Now the important part, where have you kept Visona dear?" Doyen asked smirking nastily.


"She is in the torture chamber my Lord." Shah'Raa replied grinning hideously. "Just as you had requsted. Will you like me to take you to her your Highness?"


"Yes I would." Doyen smiled her legendary wicked/attractive smile as she walked towards the door. "Lets see how much potential she has shall we? How long it takes to break her weak will?"


"Here she is Master." Shah'Raa had been leading the way to the tortures chambers, where Visona was being held. He now opened the door for his Master.


"Good, now leave us alone." Doyen ordered a crazy glint in her dark eyes.


"Yes my Lord." Shah'Raa bowed hastily and left. He had no desire to witness the scene anyway, he had better more pleasent things to do.


Doyen went in the torture chamber and the door hissed closed behind her. She walked towards Visona and looked her straight in the eyes.


"Now my dear Visona." the corners of her mouth turning slowly upwards in an amusing smile. "Lets have a little chat hmmm? What do you say?"

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Sukara dashed thru the jungle of whatever world he was on, he didn't know, and he didn't care. He only cared about finding Visona, and he was hot on her trail. He emerged from a clearing, seeing two Dark Jedi talking. "I hear the Master has captured that little Jedi brats, Visona!" One said, laughing evilly. "Yes! I hope she gets whats comeing to her!" The other one cackled.


Sukara growled loudly causeing them to turn and look at him. "Hey! Thats-" He was cut off when Sukara shotued. "You're the only ones who will be getting whats comeing to them!! DIE!!!" Sukara screamed as he ran twords them. The two Sith ignighted there sabers, but with Sukara so utterly pissed off, they lasted only a few seconds before being cut to ribbons by the angry ex-Sith Lord.


He growled as he continued running twords where he felt her force energy. "I will save you Visona! Hold on!!"

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