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Anybody else getting this game?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

It looks so cool. I don't have any age of empire games (besides demos) and this looks worthy of my money.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

If it's just rehash of AoK, I'll buy it. I don't have either AoE games, so I would be just as new for me.


I they wander too much into innovation... they might be on a collision course with failure (ooOHH the beautiful phrase :eek: )


In other words... if it's good, I'll buy it. But not when it comes out.

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Guest Rogue15

I predict this game will become a great-er i mean will become great and be a best seller and win a pc gamer choice awards

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Guest Rogue15

i thought the other sw rts games were great, that's why i can't wait for this game. and since everybody's saying the sw rts games sucked, i guess i'll end up liking this one alot more than them! heheehe.

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Guest Starnick10287

as soon as you can pre-order this game from the internet stores (like Amazon) that's when when i'm buying it and i'm having it as 1 day delivery! The wait is driving me nuts! Is the wait killing you guys too?

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Guest Rogue15

I think i'll wait for it to come out. I know i'll get it sometime around then anyways. AAAHHHH it's Darth Vader!!! *hops in his star viper and goes to hyperspace without setting a course*

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Guest SabianMasteef

I am definitely looking forward to this game. I think that I am the only person that still plays Force Commander! I liked that to be honest, even though it slapped my pc around!

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Guest Jar Jar

Mmmm... sweet sweet Galactic Battlegrounds. I can hardly wait to watch my Gungan army whip Nabooblian hiney. Take that, Queen Thinks-She's-So-Big Amidala!:amidala:

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Guest Shadow Hunter

hey all!! [btw rogue 15, vader doesn't have a star viper and he wouldn't be stupid enough to jump into hyperspace without plotting a course xP heh just foolin'] anyways, I can't believe u people!! (e.g. I'm gonna wait for reviews blah blah blah =)) ) man I'm gonna pre-order it BEFORE you can pre-order it!! I haven't played SWFC before cuz I heard it really really really sucked, but lemme tell u I loved SWR!!! I'm a 100% Star Wars Addict xP!!!!! cya'all!


[edit] ummmm mr. darth vader, ehm, it's 'impressive, most impressive, not very impressive xP

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Guest Rogue15

hey, shadow, i was talking about myself. where's the emiticon thing for the star viper? perhaps an animated gif....i think i can find one somewheres...

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I am not a huge fan of AoE, did not really correspond to my tastes, but i admit it is an all round solid game. My type of game must have more depth strategy and tactic wise, like Shogun:Total war.


But If you Add the Star Wars universe to the AoE engine, that is to tempting for me. I will have to buy it.

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Guest Tie Guy

I've been thinking, and i decide that i'm going to get this game twice! Just in case one break on the way home or one has a scratched CD. Plus, one isn't enoguh anyways, i want play it on my laptop too.

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