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Cantina 12: The Republic Strikes Back


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*Deac and Deimos begin to duel. Elella holds her lightsaber, looking to the two of them ,wondering who to help. Deac is not doing so well. Deimos is holding back with lightsabers alone, and the guns aren't helping Deac's odds*


Deimos: I'm your upgrade! The better version! Thank Tafon Norl for this!


*An eerie voice appears from the computer core*


Norl: You're quite welcome, Lokpihet. Or is it Deimos now? I did like the name, it's why I chose it for your programming.


*Deimos and Deac don't stop fighting, but their heads DO turn*


Deimos: You're just a ghost. A ghost in a machine. And I am the God in the machine.


Norl: We'll see. We'll see....


*Norl vanishes again*

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*Rwos looks for an opening in the battle. He can't see a way to help Deac without hindering him in the fight, and Deimos/Lokpihet leaves no openings.


Then their heads turn to watch Norl, and Rwos lunges with his lightsword towards Deimos' side, intending to incapacitate him*

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*Dasken Frowns.* I think we should see that tailor now, we're going to have to launder the money.




*Hal looks at Elella.* You can help your father or you can help kill him. We came halfway across the galaxy to find you, there's a war we should be fighting, you know!




Coruscant Command: Imperial Convoy, transmit diplamatic authentication codes and state your intentions.

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Communications Officer "Transmitting..."


*Transmits proper authenticity*


Comms Officer *speaking almost whilist reading from set of directions* "I do not hold the clearence to withdraw such, But I am order to transfer communications directly to the Commanding officer. Hold please, transfering."


*slight static for a second*


*Deaper voice over comm* "My intentions are sent by the emperoir himself to act as a third party in ending the conflict. I am sure that this is in the best interests for both sides, for the Emperoir didn't deside to take the initiitive and finish the job while a weakness presented itself."


"I call for a meeting with at least three commanders on each side, one consisting of Taklin Flax. I also am in need to deal with some personal business with him as well..."

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Elella: Norl! *Elella remembers walking in on her mother and Norl*. That scum...that ********!


*Elella activates her saber and begins hacking at the computer nodes. Deimos, shocked at Elella's destruction of his systems, panics, and does not see Rwos' attack until it is too late. He goes down*


Deimos: Do it! Give in to the dark side! I am not afraid of the void. I will live forever now. I've backed myself up on Obra-Skai! Have fun looking for me in there!

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Coruscant Command: I.......uh, see, Sir. Stand By.


*Click. wait two minutes.*


????: This is Tar Redris, Presidant of the Republic. Under no circumstances will we negotiate with the Rebels!




We can't kill him in cold blood. What are we going to do with the space slug?

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?? "Neither would the Emperoir would like to renegotiate new terms for a treaty, if your goverment is overthrown. That by in term using the word 'if' as a possiblilty and not an inevitability."


((That Hal speaking in your second part BD?))

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Deac: I'm still a jedi, Lokpihet. I can see you're lying. But, you want to upload yourself.


*Deac looks to an untouched cable. Lokpihet looks to it also*


Deimos: That's...an...air duct, Starkiller. No..point looking there!


*Deac hurls his saber at it, servering it. Deimos screams, shudders, then stops.*


Lokpihet: Nooo! You...


*Deac now has hold of both of his sabers. Norl reappears on screen*


Norl: That's a blow. Guess I'm trapped here now as well. No matter. I'll be back. There is another way out of here besides your skull, Lokpihet.


*Norl vanishes. The computer core ceases to glow*




*Deac brings both of his sabers down on Lokpihet. Half way through slicing his wayward nephew in two, hi hits a power core and Lokpihet is vapourised. Deac is thrown backward.*

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*F. Irvine waits near the Anti-matter core chamber.*


F. Irvine *sensing Lokpihet's presence suddenly dissappear* "Looks like I have command of a nice large fleet now..." *smiles, as he just had a better idea.*


*F. Irvine sets the Anti Matter chamber to self destruct under a silent countdown, giving him just enough time to leave for orbit.


and setting an interesting trap for Deac, but remotely ordering the remaining droids to wield several blast doors shut, exept his way out...*


F. Irvine *into Comm* "I want my shuttle waiting for me at the western enterence in 5 mintues."

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*Deac gets up*


Deac: I'm gonna set the self destruct. Rwos, Hal, get to the ship. I'll be a minute. Elella, if you want to have a father, go with them. If not....at least I got to meet you.


*Deac moves toward the console. Elella looks to Rwos and Hal*

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((Red: *snickers* I know I'm asking for it, but I can't help myself. grin2.gif))


*F. Irvine walks past a few droids wielding a blast door or two here and there on the way out.


He thinks to himself how nice is it for something to go right for him.*


F. Irvine *turns back on the nice comm* "Commander, once I am back on the ship, it would be nice to get as far away as possible from this nice place."


Comm: "Yes sir, and what of Lord Lokpehit? Would we be expecting his nice return as well?"


F. Irvine "Lokpheit will not be rejoining us for the time being. I'm assuming control of the fleet as of now."


Comm "Yes my lord, we nicely await for your return."

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*Deac looks up from the console*


Deac: I can't. Some one else already set the self destruct. We've got three minutes to get back to the surface! We'll never make it....unless...


*Deac looks at the uplink chamber. It is still active, humming quietly*


Deac: I might be able to shut it down. Start running. I'll meet you on the surface in FIVE mintues, or I'll be dead.

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*F Irvine reaches the western exit, his shuttle awaiting for him, with several stormtroopers keeping watch. F Irvine takes no time but to enter the shuttle. The stormtroopers follow while the ramp closes.


The shuttle breaks for orbit where the fleet awaits.*

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??? "You won't or not willing to. I know you of all people would want peace with its people, I'm more then confiedent that its in your manadate is anything. Regaurdless on that point, what I said before, if your government gets overthrown or may be near to it, the empiroir might break the treaty and finish the job with little Imperial losses. I know you don't want that, I can't speak for the Emperior. but I can say that my money is on your Rebels..."

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((You don't know much about politics do you Scar?))





*The tournament had just ended, and Odin sat in his private study reflecting on the events. His favorite revalation was the new fighters, he would have to take one out sometime soon. The gift his daughters had given him also greatly pleased him.


There was a soft knock on his door*


Odin: Come in


*The wooden, door opens and enters Svafa and Vidar*

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((Actually i kinda suck at the whole part of 'I want you to do what i want you to do or else'


but i cant put in the 'or else' cus thats extremely not happening (ie Cracken wouldnt let em start a war with the republic breaking the treaty)))

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Rwos: I can use my teleporter...




Aren: *handing Kioet a datapad* Here you are. Coordinates to Argonia, a recent Trandoshan-dominant settlement. We have connections there. I thought it would be appropriate. Visit the facilities listed here for your training.


*Where we can continue to conveniently observe and monitor you for the time being, she added silently*

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Elella: Father...I'm...sorry


Deac: They'll be time for that. Go!


*Elella runs off Deac takes the elevator to the uplink chamber*


They'll never make it out in time. Only three minutes left now. I have to uplink my head to this thing myself. I hope I don't turn out like Lokpihet...


*Deac enters the uplink chamber. Several connector plugs attach to various ports on his body*


Deac: Shut down self-destruct. Restart counter. Ten minutes. Then sever all connections from compuer core.


Computer: Done. 1 file to download.


*Deac shudders*


Phobos: Always have a contingency, Starkiller. Always have a contingency. I said I would live again. Now I'm going to!

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Tar Redris: This is Intollerable.


*click, pause, click.*


Corus. Defence Command: Sir, I am instructed to order you to leave Republic Space at once, your continued presence will be considered an act of War.




*Dasken and Greer walk along a street in a respecable, above ground, precint of the Planet-City.*


*Dasken is working his data pad.* Do you think we'll need any other supplies, besides the cash. The boss said we could have whatever we needed to close the deal. *Slow wink.*




*On Agamar the winter has passed and greenery has once again come to the land. Flax is walking through the castle gardens with his daughter.*


Mirra: Father, why didn't you go with Lord Stakiller.


Flax: *Chuckle* I'm needed here, much of our leadership has been executed and the Presedant is still in custody.

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*On the Command Deck of the Imperial flag ship above Coruscant, Irvine sits in the Captian's chair.*


Irvine *Over the Comm* "Very well, I'd be happy to, in regaurds of the Treaty that my father desided to impose upon you..." *kills the transmission.*


*Irvine sits there for a moment thinking,.. This was a bad idea, going and doing this on my own. I know father wouldn't want this war, wouldn't he? I have to go and try, its my duty as a Jed... No, I'm not, I technically gave that up.. Didn't I? I did have friends and lots of people who looked up to me, but this is my father, I still want to know him, and not about some file. Well, from what it seems that father wouldn't want a conflict to end in a result a possible break in the treaty. What to do....*


Captian "Sir...?"


*Irvine looks up.*


Captian "Oh, sorry sir. But we're instructed to leave."


Irvine *standing up* "Yes, let's leave. But as soon as we leave Coruscant space, and get a fairly good distence from partols, I'll part from the fleet on a shuttle, back to Coruscant."


Captain "But, sir?"


Irvine "Captain, we still have have few of those feighters that we've trackored in that was smuggling crontraband, correct?"


Captian "Well yes, but."


Irvine "Questioning my orders? The republic stated for this Imperal fleet's presence, not my individual one. But who's to say that I'll give away such infomation?"


Captian "No one sir, forgive me sir!"


Irvine *glaring at the Captain.* "Don't let it happen agian. Rendevous with me in a week at the Ulna Shardes sector. You have your orders.."


Communications "Coruscant Defence Security, Imperial convoy is departing. ETA 15 minutes till hyperjump. Awaiting acknowledgement."

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