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The Wonders of the Galaxy!


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(I'm nicking this off a TF.N thread)


Here's an interesting topic I "stumbled upon," What do you think would be the 20 or so wonders of the galaxy so fr, far away?


Here's some of mine:

  • The Maw Cluster - a cluster of Black Holes near each other, and somehow, the Empire made a top secret scientific installation there.
  • Coruscant - it's a giant city... covering he entire planet
  • Kessel Mines - how and what produces Glitterstim?
  • The Qeulla (I'll get back to you with correct spelling) - Unknown Alien race whose ship is bringing them back to life
  • Hyperspace/Hyperdrive - No one can rememebr where it came from
  • The Force - It's a mystery, at least to the normies
  • Ithor's diverse forest - forest covers planet*
  • Outbound Flight Project - No one knows what happeed to it, and little knew about it**
  • The Unknown Regions - an unexplored mystery


And more as I think of them.


What Wonders of the Galaxy would you include?



Until the Yuuzhan Vong destroyed it that is.



Question may be answered in new book by Zahn

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I agree with you on most of those.




1. The Maw.

2. The Corellia System, particularly Centerpoint Station - all artificial and nobody has any stinking idea how.

3. This is an NJO spoiler:

Zonama Sekot - a freakin living planet.


4. Coruscant

5. The Valley of the Jedi

6. The Death Stars - just in terms of pure technology.

7. The Vortex Cathedral of Winds enhanced quantum technology. (Somebody remind me of the name, PLEASE!) *has been edited to show that has been reminded...*

8. Another NJO spoiler:

Yuuzhan'tar's rings before their collaps by Zonama Sekot's arrival.


9. The Force

10. The Valley of the Sith

11. the architecturally fantastic bridges - the Canyonade - on a planet - called Cejansij - that Luke visits in Specter of the Past, also that I cannot remember the name of... *but now I do remember... hehehe*


More later, of course. And the names of these.

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Another wonder of the Galaxy is tha miracle liquid, Bacta. Amazing healing properties saved millions/billions (especially on Coruscant with the Krytos Virus).



anyone remember the story of the renegade Twi'leks who put the victims in a bacta tank, inject an electric current and torture until near death, then let the bacta heal them...

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It was made of crystals that sang in the wind, and the winged creatures who lived on the planet would fly around and cover holes, using it like a giant organ kinda thing. But then Ackbar had his ship sabotaged and he crashed it into the cathedral destroying it. At least I think that's what it was.

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Also, until Talon Karrde found it, the Katana Fleet was one of the wonders of the galaxy. it's come up in more than a few books when people are wishing for a miracle to save them...


If you consider this a spoiler (in other words, haven't read the Grand Admiral Thrawn trilogy) then shame on you

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