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Jaden Korr - Darth Qollous


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Originally posted by Darth54

Very good story, saber.


Though I personally think that you're pushing it a little bit too far (like bringing the clones back, and Qollous being able to beat three Jedi including Luke).


Qollous can be really powerful, but I doubt anybody can take on Luke, Kyle and two others with much ease. (it *could* be possible, but in your text, Qollous beats them too easily, IMO)


Great work anyway.


I'm also thinking the same thought...

He had beaten Kyle, in JA, no questions. As for Luke, I'm still a bit unsure. They had shown him too weak in the movies and in JA, he never fought. I made him a bit weak.



Darth Qollous is so powerful, because Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, Marka Ragnos, Darth Imperius and other Siths beleived that Jaden is the one who shall bring back the reign of the Sith in the galaxy. During his birth, many spirits arrived and invested a tiny portion of their Force into Jaden, making him more powerfull than normal. That explains the fact that he completed his Jedi Training in a matter of weeks. Check the Character thread in the RPG foum for more info. (Last Page)


Thanks doomgiver, you're flattering me. Am I really that good? I'm very surprised.

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Well, most books i've read are dutch because i live in the Netherlands. So you are the best example of how my english story should be (because i don't know that much english words, wich is why i mostly use a lot of the same words.). You're not my all-time favorite but you are good.

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Originally posted by Sabretooth:

Thanks doomgiver, you're flattering me. Am I really that good? I'm very surprised.


I completely agree with him, as you've got some good talent. Maybe even an even better talent than I thought. You were able to take Jaden's dark side story and add a new twist to it. It shows you've got a knack for writing stories, and that's one of your greatest strengths.

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Thanks, guys. The encouragement was just what I needed. And thanks a lot, Master.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Verantos lay on the sand, healing himself. In about ten minutes, he felt ready and got up. His view was blocked by blood covering his eyes. Both, from outside andinside. He washed away and his vision now looked like he was wearing Infra-Red glasses.

He staggered around, looking for something to hold onto. He dropped down again and went into sleep, still using Force Heal. After an hour, he woke up. His vision was clearer and the place looked like a sandstorm had hit it. He himself was covered halfway into sand. He felt at his torso. The wound had healed. It was lucky for him that he survived so long. Now all he would need to do would be to get to the hangar and aget a ship to go back to his HQ.

People had starting coming out, it was about 4 o' clock there. He could hear various people expressing themselves about how relieved they were after the storm had passed. He dusted himself and took a Pit Droid Rickshaw to the main hangar. After having paid the Pit Droid, he proceeded to inside.

The manager, a fat buffoon who apparently didn't have interest in selling cheap welcomed him.

"Welcome sir, what would you like?"

"A ship. Good enough to travel half the galaxy."

"Hmm... You need a Friger, don't you?"


"You look desperate. Why don't you use a bus?"

"They don't go where I'm going."

"OK, OK! The Friger costs 12,000 Credits."

"Anything cheaper?"

"Minimum? 9,000"

Verantos ignited his lightsaber and held it in front of him.

"Did I say nine thousand? M-My mistake. I'll make it 5,000"

"GIVE it to me"

"Sure, it's yours! Leave me!"

Verantos hopped into the Friger and shot out of Tatooine and set his co-ordinates to the planet of Knokall.


As soon as reaching Knokall, Verantos turned towards his HQ. The planet was comletely grassy. A lot of bumpy hills dotted the surface along with crystal blue water lakes. Verantos headed towards a building, well fortified and sleek. He landed his plane juist outside and proceeded inside, passing the courtyard. Other Dark Jedi looked at him as he walked to the Clan Lord's chamber.


The chamber was wide, with a long window. The Lord was training some students when Verantos appeared.

"Ah! Masquod! How did it go?"

"He, he defeated me."


"Yes. He had some bodyguard..."

"You let a slimy, stupid Hutt defeat you? You have ashamed the clan."

"It was a Jedi who..."

"No! You are the most repected and highest Dark Jedi here, next to me! You were defeated by a Jedi? A Hutt? Their alliance? You will be punished. That Hutt can ruin us. You will be expelled from the Clan!"

"The Hutt di..."

"That's it! You have gall to resist against the Clan Lord? You are exiled. For destroying the clan, for ruing us and for questiong the Clan Lord. You are Banished from Knokall!"


Sulking, Verantos looked away at one of his friends. His rage was visible. His body had turned red. He glanced at his friend and said, "He won't last long. Neither will you."


Episode 26 Preview:

"This is it. The War has begun."

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With the rise of Azenite, the galaxy had split like an amoeba. Two groups were formed, one supporting the new Emperor, the people. And others supporting Darth Qollous, the Imperials. Azenite had proclaimed that Emperor Darth Qollous is dead and Emperor Azenite shall take the throne next. Darth Qollous was on a wild goose chase, seeking rumours about the whereabouts of Azenite. It led from planets as remote as Kashyyyk to the urban Coruscant. On the way, he met and conquered opposing planets as well. Azenite on the other hand was influencing more people to his cause. Soon the cold war fired up as the two groups battled each other. Skirmishes were fought and at times, entire battles were fought. The Galactic Civil War had begun.


Darth Qollous was on Naboo, searching a common marketplace for rumours. The shopkeepers were timid and didn't reveal a word. The public was no less. As he ventured, he found a lot of stormtrooper activity. The Imperial Army was with him, but what bit his brain was why were they in such a hustle and bustle. The citizens of Naboo are generally too calm and won't cause much of a trouble for the stormtroopers. Something was happening.

A stormtrooper flashed past Qollous. The Dark Lord caught him.

"Where are you going?"

"Uh... Lord Qollous, we..."

"Go on"

"We are uh... preparing.. to... um... wipe rebel activity"


"Sir, we..."

Blaster shots were fired. Qollous masterfully reflected them in a second. The shooters fled. They were mercenaries, about three of them. The crowd spread in chaos. More shots fired. Qollous blocked them as well. They were fired by stormtroopers. The crowd started running around. Many innocents died in the forefight. Jaden slashed and cut each stormtrooper in anger.

The Mercenaries tried to get away, but Qollous inflicted a painful, but less deadly lightning on them, taking the pleasure in torturing them. When satisfied, he choked them threw them away.

He saw another shady character. Suspicous, Qollous pulled him. It was dark Jedi. The other ignited a red lightsaber.

"What? Azenite has students?" exclaimed the Dark Lord as he engaged in a street duel with the Dark Jedi. The Dark Jedi was cautious, on the defensive. When Qollous started gaining the upper hand, he left the duel and dispersed in the chaos.

"He'd better not come again".


Meanwhile, in the Emperor's Palace on Coruscant, Exar Kun and Azenite were receiving a report from an Imperial Officer via holovision.

"Sir, The rat, Qollous is found on Naboo. Naboo is in chaos. We are getting the upper hand."

"Good." replied Azenite.

The holovision flickered and switched off. The holo-droid scampered away from the chambers.

"The force protect should stop Qollous from sensing us" said Azenite.

Exar Kun looked at Azenite.

"This is it. The war has begun."

"No, in fact the war has ended, young one".

Azenite looked at Kun.

"As long as Qollous is alive, the Imperials will support him".

"No. No. You will defeat Qollous, of this I am sure. We must lure him here, though."

Azenite meditated.

Exar began, "You must bring back the Sith! Qollous was an imbecile, to have continued with the empire."

"And Palpatine wasn't?"

"Palpatine? He was the greatest fool a galaxy has ever known".

"I assure you, I WILL rule the empire AND bring back the Sith".

"Good, my padawan. You must influence more young minds into this cause. At Yavin 4, that is. At my temple."

"The Dark Side is strong there. It will make a good training field."

"Yes, it will. First we have squash a certain Darth Qollous".


Episode 27 Preview:

"Well, here are we are. Ilum."

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Sorry guys! Sometimes, I'm just not in the mood.


Verantos landed his craft outside the foundation of a tall, towering cliff. He got out and looked around, pulling his cape over his head. "Well, here we are. Ilum." he said. The wind howled. Verantos put on his jacket and stepped ahead, feeling the icy rock. He then looked around. Seeing that nobody is there, he cleared the snow below him with his feet.

The uncovered ground was brown and lively as if taken from a tropical planet. Verantos grabbed the soil and flung it at the rock ahead. Then, meditating, he unleashed a powerful push. The rock broke down, revealing a passage through.


Verantos had toiled about four storeys without any stairs when he finally fell, exhausted. He gasped desperately for air, which the place lacked. Words of defeat echoed in Verantos' head. To keep his morale up, he started chanting, "Must keep going. Must keep going. Must keep going..." His energy took him up just another storey where he lay in a near-fainted state. In the darkness, Verantos didn't realise that there was another wide passage that went sideways. He rolled down that passage and ended up banging hard agaisnt a rock wall. The crash woke him up. His head was aching badly. His eyes were not adjusting to the dark. The ears were punding and his nose suffocating. Luckily, the fall was so powerful, it brought the entire rock crumbling down revealing a new cave. A cave never seen before by a mortal. Verantos caught a glimse of the treasure inside and passed out.


Verantos woke up after about three hours in the same condition. All around the cave were crystals. Blue, Green and even Cyan crystals. Verantos wandered around the lightsaber treasure until his feet bumped on something. He kneeled down and found it as a chest, apparently filled with treasure. His eyes glimmering, Verantos lifted the unlocked lid and found a small box, a bigger box and a note.

He picked up the note first. It read-


The Jedi are hunting me down. They consider me a criminal and even suspect me of being a Sith spy. I hope to keep my treasure safe here, for no one but the one who finds it may acquire this treasure. If it is you who has found this and are a Jedi, use what is inside properly. If you aren't please keep it here and forget your visit. This is the one of it's kind and losing it as good as losing ten thousand systems from the galaxy.


Crutus Penari


Verantos read the letter completely and flung it behind his shoulder. "I have a right to own my found treasure" he mumbled. He opened the smaller box first. It was a plain wooden box, more slim. He opened it to find a saber hilt. The hilt was an ancient one, tapering down towards the end along with a special holding handle. It had a green button on it. Holding the saber away from him, he pressed the button. Nothing came out.

He opened the hilt with the force to find a crystal-holder, but no crystal. Disgusted, the threw the two parts of the hilt into the small box. Then he opened the larger box. A flash brighter than anything erupted from the box. Verantos covered his eyes and after a few seconds, he found a treasure of bright yellow crystals, all of them flickering like gold. He touched them, but the crystals burned his skin. He instantly brought his hand back and realised that these were no ordinary crystals.


He brought out his own saber and dissected it, throwing away the artificial crimson crystal. The crystal was so brittle, it broke and crumbled instantly. He used the force and placed three yellow crystals into his hilt and closed it properly. Giving a sigh of relief, he pressed the button. The hilt flickered a while and exploded. Verantos fell back. The saber hilt was still intact and glowed, rolling around, flickering constantly. Then the golden blade finally ignited and deignited. This continued for five times when it finally ignited properly.

The saber felt unusally light and easy to weild. Verantos put on an evil grin on his face and laughed like thunder, cutting away rocks with the mere touch of his saber.


Episode 28 Preview:

"The Emperor shall now be decided".

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Darth Qollous sabred the last of his unloyal royal guards. His eyes then met with the door to the throne room. Filled with vengeance, he entered the room and attacked meditating Azenite from the back. The X-Saber went through his body. It was an illusion. A force push from the back threw Qollous ahead as the illusion vanished. Azenite jumped at Qollous with his blue saber.Qollous deflected and sprang up, rolling. Wasting no time, he attacked the other saber.


The two engaged a strong saber lock. "The Emperor will now be decided" announced Qollous. "A fight to the death? Gladly." replied Azenite. In a fast Kata, Azenite attacked everywhere at once and pushed Qollous back, not letting him even four feet near him. He then applied Force Choke on the Sith Lord and smiled. Qollous stood helpless, trying to counter the powerful grip. He finally was released when he hurled a fireball at Azenite.

Azenite pushed that fireball back. Qollous caught it within two of his blades. He released another fireball and caught it himself within the other two blades. Azenite did not stay quiet. He shot a bolt of electricity at Qollous. Qollous rolled away from it. He rushed for Azenite and deflected his force powers with the deadly saber. Then, he using the fireball-equpped saber he gave a nasty blow to Azenite's right shoulder.


The saber on coming in contact with the skin, burned and that exploded the fireballs, creating a huge explosion. Both duelists fell away. Azenite was badly wounded and his right hand gone. Qollous had received injuries, but was black all over. Wasting no time, he attacked the helpless Azenite. Azenite pushed back with the force, but he was too wounded for that. He tried to his saber, but one hit of the X-Saber flung it out of his hands. He looked at Qollous. Qollous had 'No Mercy' written all over his face as he prepared for one final blow to defeat the fake Emperor.


Meanwhile, Verantos had left Ilum and landed at Knokall to get his revenge. He walked to the headquarters of his former clan. The Dark Jedi were out in the grass, practising. A ClanHead spotted Verantos and stopped him.

"Halt! Isn't that you, Verantos Masquod?"

"In the flesh."

"Then you have committed a great mistake coming here. That Hutt was crushed by a rock. You were lucky that he died later."

"And you are unlucky 'cause you're gonna die NOW!"

He ignited his yellow saber and attacked the ClanHead. The ClanHead dodged the attacked and ignited his own saber. Verantos attacked the saber. The yellow-bladed saber cut the other, red blade. The red blade was divided. A outer part fell off and evaporated. And the saber was destroyed. A few seconds later, the artificial crystal malnufunctioned and exploded.

"Now, who's the best?" jested Masquod and gave a final blow to the ClanHead. The others were not happy at this. They attacked Verantos all at once, only to be sabered in a single swing.


Verantos then jumped directly to the roof of the building and using his saber, made a hole in ythe roof. He jumped down and came face-to-face with the ClanLord. The ClanLord was about to start a lecture when Masquod's saber went deep through him. Hearing the sound of death, guards and hordes of Dark Jedi entered. Verantos grinned, rolling saber and turning to face his hundred adversaries.


Episode 29 Preview:

"Now I am the most powerful!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just as the final blow was to take place, Azenite rolled and flipped to the right of Qollous. Bewildered, Qollous swung his saber to the right. The answer was a force push capable of diverting a storm. The glass broke of and everything in the room washed away with Darth Qollous who fell from the top of the Emperor's Palace.

After the blow, Azenite fell back and the spirit of Exar Kun left him. Kun settled quietly in the room, smiling and awaiting response from his devastated apprentice. Azenite was blood-red. He was breathing heavily and continuously gasping for air. His body was charred and in bad shape. His left hand was frail and roasted. His right was not there. He had lost his right leg from the knee onwards and his body looked as if scavenged by vultures.

He had lost his left eye, but did not react to any of these casualties. What mattered him was that he had lost against Qollous. Only with Kun's help he could have ever won, but with his current body, he was useless. He couldn't even handle a blaster or even let out a weak example of force energy.


Exar Kun started, "NOW you are ready". Azenite, surprisingly, got up and went to the turbolift with Exar had hinted him. Kun disappeared. After a while, Azenite was tfifty levels below sea level. He entered a large hall with a couple doors to it's left and a lot of rooms to it's right.

It seemed to be some sort of a medical area. Kun directed him into the second room to his left. This door led to a corridor, which soon turned left and ended up in another door. Once the door opened, Azenite found himself in a large room. There were beds, stands, instruments and medical droids everywhere. Kun smiled and explained to Azenite, "This. This is the place Darth Vader was born".

"Really?" asked Azenite.

"Well, a bit. After Anakin became Vader, he went on a few missions and then returned here for maintenance. Also, his design and body was finalised here, but the actual construction had taken place somewhere else."

Azenite nodded.


On Knokall, Verantos was experiencing his most pleasureable moments of his life. With his bright, yellow blade, he was slicing sabers, arms, legs, necks and anything that came in his way. At last, after the uncountable foes were defeated, he let out a sigh. He then backed behind and examined the ClanLord's body. It was a decoy. The fake make-up melted and faded off.

"What's that supposed to mean?" wondered Verantos, and in the nick of time, lunged ahead as the original ClanLord attacked from the back. Verantos rolled, jumped to the wall and backflipped behind the Lord. The ClanLord strafed right to avoid Masquod's blow. Masquod stopped suddenly and launched a attack backwards. As we was concentrating on his saber, He received a powerfull kick on his face.

His saber de-ignited and rolled away. He fell off and took some time to regain energy. The ClanLord took this to his advantage and pulled the fallen saber. Then, ignoring Verantos, he examined it properly and lit it several times. Verantos quickly jumped up and pulled the other saber to him.


The Lord let it go and the two started stalking each other. They walked around in circles, exchanging taunts and gestures at each other. Both attacked, and parried at at the right time. Finally, Verantos attacked the left arm and in a zig-zag motion, avoided the parry, struck the left shoulder and then quickly stabbed the right shoulder. The ClanLord gave a cry and then, withstanding his pain, dropped his saber. He gave a weak nod and closed his eyes. Verantos grinned and stabbed the skull.


"Now I am the most powerfull."


Episode 30 Preview:

"Now, we must join forces to dethrone the Emperor".

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In the Royal Palace, at Coruscant. Exar Kun waited for his apprentice to emerge. He drew a vision of a cybernetic monster, capable of destroying entire buildings. It seemed funny, so he shook it off. Soon, a scientist arrived, carrying news.

"Lord Kun, Lord Azenite's designing is now complete. He will be produced to you shortly".

"Well done." replied Kun, coldly.


There seemed to be seome confusion in the mediroom.People were chouting out aloud and sounds of thumping metal and clashing were heard. Exar was curious, and moved a bit nearer. Something suddenly banged hard against the door and a dent was formed. This prevent the door from opening. After a while, a sound of crunching bones was heard and Azenite punched the door really hard. So hard, that the door shot out like a bullet.


Smoke erupted from the room as the mechanical terror stepped out. He looked stout, yet glossy and deadly. His top was blad, like most helmets and flowed down in a cylindrical shape, like Royal Guard's helmet. It was of blueish-silver in colour.

There was a visor-like collar that formed a sleek, black triangle in front of where his mouth should be.

Below that, the body curved at the chest, which was covered by a Y-shaped plate, red in clour with yellow borders. Behind the plate was another piece of roundish armour covering his abdomens. His shoulders were made big and had a tower-like rising on them, which went about 2 feet above the head.

The hands, too were big and covered in mail. All this part was azure-silver and very glossy, like the head.

His legs were covered with black-and-red plates.


Azenite stood over 7-foot tall, with his shoulder-towers, 8-foot. His heavy body created a thump each time he took a step. "I am ready" he said, in a droid's voice.


Kun took a minute to gaze and nodded.


Meanwhile, Jaden was flying over an abandoned planet called Hortod which was pleasant, yet isolated. It had a vast underground network, made by an independant, advanced race long before they had dissolved and migrated. Jaden landed at an old military base, with a landing pad and two towers, standing high.

In front of the pad was a metal door, going downwards, but was closed. There was a control pad beside it. Jaden walked over to the control pad and punched in a few keys. The status line said "Processing" and after a while, there was an annoying beep with the words "Denied".


Jaden thought a while and cracked the code. He typed in, 5545812, the secret number of Luke's holocron. He didn't know how he came by it, but the door opened and Jaden stepped in. He heard some sounds down the halls, then voices and soon troops started rolling in.


At the sight of Jaden, they kept there distance and soon, Jedi arrived. Kyle was in the front. He stepped upto Jaden. "What is it? Are you looking for trouble?"


"Then why are you here?"

"I... Azen... The Emperor defeated Darth Qollous."

Everybody were taken back and some gasped.

"Then... You're not Darth Qollous?" asked Kyle, smiling on one side of his face.

"No. I am now a member of you. I am... a... I'm a Jedi."

"Is that so?" Kyle was now comletely smiling, yet he was suspicious.

"Now we must join forces to dethrone the Emperor.

"Which is... Azena..."


"Right, come now. And no troubles, or you're dead."


Episode 31 Preview:

"We still have to finish that vermin."

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Jaden was told all of the rules and was considered as a Jedi Knight, yet the others were cautioned to keep a watch on him. Wherever he went, somebody was watching him. On the next day, Kyle went to Jaden. He seemed to be happy seeing Jaden.

"Well, Jaden"said Kyle "I suppose you've got used to our li'l burrow, eh?"

"Yeah, pretty sophiscticated for a tunnel system".

"I'm glad to see you, but I know someone who will love to see you again."

"Who is that?" asked a curious Jaden.

Kyle chucled. "Follow me."


Kyle led him through some passages into some training chambers. There were two Jedi, practising. They were wearing full body armor to deflect Lightsaber blows. One used a yellow saber, and the other a green one. The one with the yellow saber seemed to be winning.

After a while, the Jedi with the green saber lost and gave up. His opponent then deignited and turned to Jaden and Kyle. He fumbled with his pads and took them off. He didn't notice Jaden at first, but when he did, he gave out a cry, "Jaden!"

The voice was familiar. "Rosh!" replied Jaden and the two hugged each other. "It's been such a long time, you and I, we were buddies, our missions and my conversion and then..." he suddenly stopped chattering. Jaden stepped back.


"You... You killed me." said Rosh.

Jaden broke down. "Rosh, I... Then... but..." he couldn't decide what to say.

"Why are you here?" asked Rosh rudely.

"I have returned from the dark side. I... I overestimated myself. My greed made me lose against the Emperor. Now I am Jaden, not Darth Qollous anymore."

Rosh seemed to feel allright, but still suspicious. Jaden hugged Rosh again and the two went off. Jaden told his story to Rosh and Rosh told his to Jaden. Rosh had been badly wounded when Jaden's saber had gone through him in Taspir. With the aid of Luke Skywalker and Kyle Katarn, he had managed to live, but it had taken him months. Now he was fairly allright and normal, yet weak. Rosh liked Jaden's story more.


Two days later, Jaden showed his X-Saber to Rosh and the two duelled in the training chambers. Many were watching the duel. Rosh defended excellently and put up a good fight, but lost. Many other Jedi tried, but Jaden won most duels. He lost against some masters and he lost against Kyle as well. When the final duel was over, the Jedi dispersed and Rosh, Kyle and Jaden were left. They chatted for a while when suddenly, a blaster shot was fired at Jaden.

It looked as if Jaden would not be quick enough, but he dodge-jumped and hit the shot with with his saber as well. The shot was fired by a Jedi in mandalorian armour.


"Mordale!" started Jaden, but Mordale vanished in a flash. Jaden looked back at Kyle, confused. Kyle looked sternly at at Jaden.

"Do you think he would stand to greet you, after what you did to him?"

"But, he..."

"Jaden, whom you just saw was Mordale Korr, not your brother. You killed your brother, but Mordale Korr lives."

Jaden looked back shamefully.


Meanwhile, at Coruscant, Kun was instructing Emperor Azenite on his further objectives. Azenite was given a large saber-hilt with a curving cone near it's ignition point.

"What is this?" droned Azenite.

"This is a light-lance. Ignite it."

Azenite obeyed and switched it on. The wide, 5" blade went upto nearly 6 feet long. The saber was heavy to weild, yet destructive. It was red in colour.

Kun smiled, "Now, knight, you must have a horse to charge you into battle!"

"We still have to finish that vermin."

"Yes, we will take care of that as well!"


Episode 32 Preview:

"An apprentice?"

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Series 4 is beginning...


After losing his empire and alter-ego, Jaden has returned to the Side of Light. However, even the side of light is cowering in shadows as the Terrifying, cyborg Emperor Azenite has arisen and rules with an iron fist. Series 4 will begin exactly four years after the conversion of Jaden to the light side. During these four years, the galaxy has changed a lot...


Emperor Azenite - Azenite rules with an iron fist, crushing any rebellions and ruling systematically. Over the months that followed, Azenite was eventually named Darth Horfrost, a name used only by few. He has also started the Dark Academy on various planets.


Exar Kun - Kun managed to make a body similar to his own and possesed it, thus, indirectly resurrecting. Exar Kun advises Darth Horfrost and scours the galaxy, looking for Sith hopefuls and rebels.


Verantos Masquod - Masquod now works as a lethal bounty hunter and brandhishes two blades of the same crystals he had found on Ilum. The two sabers are such that they can be joined to make a deadly saberstaff. He also seeks his revenge against Azenite.


Mordale Korr - Mordale Korr follows the Jedi order and finishes any missions given to him easily. He is not one bit happy to see Jaden and never speaks to him or reveals his face. His armour is with him wherever he goes.


Rosh Penin - Rosh has become a strong Jedi and an excellent duellist. He uses his yellow saber coupled with a purple one, which he had taken as one of his friends' dying wish. Rosh prefers to work with his comrades, especially Jaden.


Jaden Korr - Jaden has become extremely powerful, training at the academy. He uses an orange saberstaff, as he was ordered to use the X-Saber as less as possible since it held some Dark Force in it. Jaden is now in the Light of the force, but has a dark corner in his mind. That dark part is seeking the death of the Emperor...

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And everything is set for a mind-boggling adventure!

you're pretty good at thinking up original lightsabers. I had thought of that dual sabers- saber staff thing before, it's pretty cool. And i heard that in the EU, a saber once existed that could cut trough other saber's blades... But anyway, looking forward to it!

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

And everything is set for a mind-boggling adventure!

you're pretty good at thinking up original lightsabers. I had thought of that dual sabers- saber staff thing before, it's pretty cool. And i heard that in the EU, a saber once existed that could cut trough other saber's blades... But anyway, looking forward to it!


Well, what can say? The saberlance and the X-Saber were my original creations. For Verantos' saber, check Supershadow's page of Sith/Jedi history. And I derived the concept of attachable dual-sabers from Asajj Ventress, who used a similar saber, only her sabers, as a staff looked S-shaped.

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And I derived the concept of attachable dual-sabers from Asajj Ventress, who used a similar saber, only her sabers, as a staff looked S-shaped.


I didn't know that... She's from the clone wars cartoon right? No wonder i didn't know...

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Verantos was heading to Rehu, a forest planet with a strange, poisonous gas on it. Verantos put on his anti-gas mask and continued looking for Dreadnoughts. His companion droid, IKY-280 (Eeky) was steering his ship towards the gas-filled planet. As he entered the atmosphere, the scene of battle unfolded before him. Rebel troopers were retreating as the Imperial army marched ahead. Gaining the lead was an elite division of Swooptroopers.

The battle in the air was no less, as Rebel ships and gihter battled in the purple clouds against heavy Imperial ships. The stingers were there, for some reason. Verantos turned to his droid.

"Can you see him, Eeky?"

"Negative, the target seems to be hiding in a natural trench at location 54, 12, 2."

"Got it." acknoledged Verantos and ordered Eeky to land on a cliff. Eeky activated camouflage and the ships cover turned into a mirror, making the ship look invisible.


Verantos clutched his daber, attached and crawled to the tip of the cliff. Smoke was all around the battle-field, and it was clear that without the gas-masks, a person will fall to a cruel, slow death. Verantos shot out ahead and caught a jutting rock. He let go and caught another. He kept going like that until he reached the ground safely. The Imperial troops were rushing.


Verantos made a run for the location Eeky had told him. True enough, a rebel was running away. Verantos separated his sabers and threw one of them. The terrified soldier jumped back into the trench. Verantos dropped in and the soldier made a dash through a tunnel. Verantos brightened his blade and raced through the tunnel, looking for his target. He could hear gasps, breaths and even some cries. He felt himself going upwards now, and turning.


After a harrowing chase, Verantos had come to a dead end, but he did not see and crashed right through a stone wall, make outside. He was back at the road in the jungle and the cliff wall was in front of him. The wall behind was another, miniature cliff. The troopers were passing and Verantos retreated back into the tunnel. After a while, he got out and started chasing his target who was running amongst the parade and getting shot at.


In a fury, Verantos hacked and slahed his way through the troopers and finally beheaded his targetted Rebel. The troopers fired at Verantos who jumped high and used Force Invisibility to rush away. However, the Emperor's infra-red vision caught him and Azenite rushed at him with his swoop.


Verantos found the swoop coming towards him and jumped away in time. The stormtroopers continued marching through the canyon towards the two Imperial Dreadnoughts. Verantos' invisibility wore out and he was visible to the Dark Lord. Azenite turned menacingly to Verantos and stabbed with the saberlance. Verantos ducked and answered with the golden saber.

The friction between the two sabers produced scorching flares as the saberlance was too thick to cut.


Verantos pulled back his saber and ducked as the saberlance swung over him. Now was his chance. In a split-second he launched himself from the ground and stabbed Azenite. Azenites armour protected him. Even Masquod's powerful saber cannot cut through Azenite's armour. Verantos stood dumbfounded and Azenite delivered a bone-crushing kick. The force was so powerful, Verantos flew back a few meters.


Azenite turned and slowly nodded. Then, he zoomed away into the canyon, towards the dreadnoughts. Verantos lay breathing on the ground heavily. His chest was as if it was ripped of everything. With a trembling hand, he fumbled at his back and turned on his jetpack and returned to his ship.


In an unknown location, Jaden and Rosh had just returned from their mission to guide a Republic Squad in a blitz raid at Naboo. They stole what they could and killed any troopers if necessary and returned quickly to their ship. After landing in the underground hangar, the two congratulated each other went down the familiar halls and corridors.

Kyle awaited them in the audience chamber, and so, they went there. The audience chamber was a huge hall, and was partially underground. It's roof was open and let streaming sunlight into the hall. Luke stood at the platform, looking at the sky, and Kyle was at the door. The two approached.

"Well, well. Jaden and Rosh" welcomed Kyle.

"Reporting for duty" replied the duo at once.

"I was just thinking... How would you like apprentices of your own?"

"An apprentice?" asked the two with wonder and amazement in their eyes.


Episode 33 Preview:

"This looks like trouble..."

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Jaden know had an apprentice. A sixteen year old human. He was dark blonde and had blue eyes and was very energetic, yet obedient. Jaden taught him the basics of using the force and saber duelling. The boy, Foge Setalk was good and learned fast. He was pure in the force and never gave away to anger in any circumstances. Even Jaden was learning something from his apprentice.

Jaden, now Master Korr was summoned to the audience chamber. His apprentice followed him and the two appeared before Luke and Kyle. A few other Jedi duo's were present as well. Apparently, Luke was to give a debriefing or a lecture. Jaden caught up with Rosh.

'Hi, Rosh. What's happening?' asked Jaden.

'Oh, the usual. A debriefing. Looks like we'll be moving.' answered Rosh.

'Well, our first action with our padawans!'


Rosh's apprentice was a red-haired boy, a few months younger than Foge. The boy's name was Edoc Si'asiht. He, unlike, Foge was quick to anger and weak at the force. But somehow, he showed excellent saber-fighting skills.


When everybody had assembled, Luke started, 'Now that everybody has arrived, the news may be passed. As most of you might know, the teams of Jedi and Republic scouts were sent three weeks back. Four hours ago, I received a message from the team. They said that the Imperials found their bases, on the planets of Rehu, Kaetu and Scartu, the three ancient planets. Using our security system, the Imperials have found locations of rebel and Jedi refuge. Now, we must disperse and scatter across the galaxy. It would be too risky and dangerous to travel as one, and thus I have assigned sectors for each Master-Padawan group. You will all go those sectors and stay there, in hiding. No two duos will stay together.'

There was great whispering and murmuring in the Hall. Then, a student got up, 'But Master Skywalker, what about multiple students who have one master?'

'They will have to live by themselves in the sector. Their master will stay in touch. As for the master, he will travel with another master who had multiple students. Got it students?'

There was a great cry of approval. Master Skywalker then told each group where they would go and under what name. There about fifty-four groups in total and were positioned strategically throughout the galaxy.

Jaden and his padawan were sent to Tatooine, at Mos Easco. Jaden Korr was now Kradle Inhar and his padawan, Ondar Masquod. The two first flew to Bakura and crashed their planes in an oak forest and escaped secretly. According to their plan, they were to meet up at the spaceport and board on separate passenger transport, wearing cloaks and shawls as if Tatooiners. The plan didn't go too well...


As the planes crashed, Imperial troops were alerted. 'This looks like trouble...' said Foge on his comlink.

'What?' asked Jaden, looking around.

Sounds of trampled leaf and running were heard in the forests. Behind, the crashed planes burned. Stormtrooper chatter was heard. Jaden pulled on his cloak and leaped into a bush. Foge followed his example. Stormtroopers emerged into Jaden's sight.

'The planes are badly crashed.' chattered one.

'The others are checking it.' replied his companion.

'Something's here.' said the first one again, placing his foot near Jaden's bush. He loaded his blaster and fired at the bush. The shot reflected back and hit the stormtrooper. The other one shot more at the bush. Foge emerged from behind and beheaded both stormtroopers.

Jaden got up. 'Well, let's go.' he ordered and the two ran towards the city. A volcano loomed at their left, a facility lay on top of it. Jaden smiled as he ran.

'You know, Foge, I had been on that facility, on the volcano. I had to defuse a few bombs there. Quite a mission I had! But looks like you're gonna have even more exciting ones.'


They ran into the city, evading entrance booths and rushing in the streets. They ran for some time and stopped, breathing heavy.


Episode 34 Preview:

'You Jedi scum will be interrogated, of course.'

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In the Vahec Castle on Coruscant, Azenite was checking some communications when a stormtrooper arrived.

'Lord Horfrost, two Jedi have been spotted on Bakura. They killed two of our troopers and have rushed into the city...' he was cut off by the Dark Lord.

'What?! Jedi? I thought I ordered you to sabotage the planet they were on!'

'We did, but it appears they fled just in...' this time he was cut off by Azenite's fifty-pound fist. The Stormtrooper stayed alive, muttering something and passed away. The blow was so powerful, the trooper's armour was split into two.

Azenite turned back and ordered reinforcements at Bakura and to investigate the Jedi.


Jaden and Foge had entered the hangar, wearing cloaks and covering themselves. Just then, one of the public transports left ground and majestically flew into the sky. There was just one ship left. Jaden and Foge rushed towards it when an announcement froze everyone.

'Two Jedi have boarded the hangar. No flight will be active until these Jedi are found and captured, under the order of Emperor Azenite.'

Troops burst into the hangar, led by Siths. Jaden and Foge were pushed aside as passengers exited the transport and the troopers began checking contents and clothes of the passengers. The Sith supervised them.

Then, a stormtrooper came next to Jaden. 'Alright, now your hands, up!' he chattered. Jaden answered by stepping back and getting lost in the crowd. The stormtrooper followed him into one of the entrance bridges of the ship. The Stormtrooper caught Jaden's arm and forced him to unveil his cloak. Jaden lost his patience and beheaded the troop. The others noticed it. Hundreds of shots fired at Jaden, who retreated inside the ship and Sith as well stormtroopers rushed inside.

Kradle sabered stormtroopers from behind and killed a Sith by attacking his head from the back and stabbing him. Jaden ran from rooms and corridors inside the ship and ran to the pilot. In the pilot's cockpit, he ducked in and hid inside a crate quietly. The troops emerged inside.

'You seen the Jedi?' the stormtrooper questioned the pilot.

'What Jedi?' the pilot asked, confused. Another stormtrooper opened the crate and got sabered. The other stormtrooper believed that the pilot is involved and shot him.

Jaden killed him and held the pilot. 'You okay?' he asked.

There was no reply.


Meanwhile, Foge was overwhelmed by troops and Jedi and had got hurt at a lot of places. Finally, Jaden emerged and cleared out for Kradle. More and more troops entered the hangar, Jaden got to the pilot's cockpit and told Foge to hold off the stormtroopers. In the cockpit, Jaden used his ship knowledge to close down the entrance bridges, making them invulnerable to attack and then called Kradle.

With Kradle as his co-pilot, the two flew away from the firing stormtroopers and rose out of the hangar, only to face a greater peril: A swarm of stingers.

The stingers flew around and attacked the ship, which was already badly burned and black. Suffering a lot of damage, it exited the atmosphere and engaged into hyperspace, which left the stinger commander cursing himself.


Episode 35 Preview:

'We're not going to Tatooine.'

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