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Best / worst thing you've done/seen on RS

Guest flamin_tie

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Guest flamin_tie

Okay, I am bored, so I am starting a thing on the best thing you've done or seen on this awesome game.


Best- Taloraan-Made a TIE follow me into the city, looked back and saw him slam into the wall...twice!


Worst- MonCalamari-Took out legs of world devastator, but killed half of my squad when it came down. Bad luck.

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Guest FireFly

Once I dropped a bomb on seerdon's shuttle, and another time a friend who was playing Search for the Nonnah and he was flying too close to the sentinel class landing craft and when its wings folded in, they crushed his A-Wing

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Guest MisterFlame

I think this goes for anybody: When you're about to beat the mission (like really really close) then some stupid leftover tie takes you down with one shot. And it happens to be your third life.


My best moment is probably when I was on Ambush on Mos Eisley, and I destroyed all the tie bombers (however many there are) with 1 cluster. That not much to say but it was really cool at the time.


[This message has been edited by MisterFlame (edited April 07, 1999).]

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Guest flamin_tie

Not to destroy your effort, MRFLAME, but there are only 5 bombers, easily taken out with one cluster missle.

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Guest FireFly

A friend once taught me how to kill myself with my own torpedo. It is best attempted in the Falcon, cause of its tracking guns and wide top and bottom areas. What you do is get a lock on a probe driod with a torpedo/missile and then get really close to it (you can try it with TIE's but its hard causethey turn too much). Then, fire the missile and then immediately shoot your guns and kill it. The missile should be flying around the spot where the craft you killed used to be, in a vertical 'S'. When you fly into the area where the missile is flying up and down, BOOM it hits you and kills you in one shot. Its kinda worthless I know, but its pretty neat and its kinda hard too

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BEN22

Best: I once was about to die a 3rd time on battle above talorran and a TIE crashed into the last turret (which was about to kill me) ,and took it out.... smile.gif


Worst: I was about to beat the level I was on (raid on sullust) and i had already died twice. I was taking out an AT-ST for extra kills and I crashed into it.... frown.gif





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Guest SM_123

I was fighting Seerdon and my swarm of cluster missiles kept circling it. Then I flew in close and my missiles killed me from above.

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I was flying near the second tower in the Taaloran mission when I shot down a Tie fighter and it crashed into a second tie on it's way down.

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Guest VitaminD

In Assault on Kile II, I was bombing the communications center and accidentally nuked two of my wingmen. Sucked.


Best? Zapping all the tank droids and bombers without missing once on Escape from Fest, to finally get my last gold medal.


[This message has been edited by VitaminD (edited April 28, 1999).]

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Guest flamin_tie

Oooh!! I dropped a bomb onto a TIE flight (3 fighters) and VAPED 'EM ALL!!!!!!! Can you say- Suh-WEET!!



"Something just moved past my leg.....Yahh!"

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Jabbahut

Well all yall probably know that if u have low armor that storm troopers an kill u in two shots well I had low armor and I was circling a AT-AT and there were two storm Troopers about to shoot me when the AT-AT steped on them

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Guest Gold15

Best: My y-wing ionizing an imperial evacuation shuttle in assault on kile and ding a roll to the ground. And in beggar's canyon, i shot down a t16 right when he won, and the cut screen showed a t16 smoking and crashing behind the house that the guy runs out of, and the guy didn't come out.


Worse: being flatened by a world devastator after finally finding out how to destroy it and being on my last life.



Ha! Like shooting Y-Wings do ya? Here's a little message from Gold Squadron!


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  • 5 months later...
Guest defalcon

Once, in Ambush on Mos Eisely, I rolled my X-Wing and slammed a tie then lost an S-Foil! It only happened once.


In the Death Star Trench run, I was shot by a Turbo laser, slamed a tie, bumped into another tie and shot out of the trench, failing the mission.



PPPHHHRRRTTT!!!! I've lost Artoo! I should NOT have had those curry buritos for lunch.

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  • 11 months later...
Guest Rogue15

hey, cool, there's my lost name!!! I used to be Gold15!!!! who cares though. I remember this topic.


My favorite part in the game is when you have to protect those AT-PTs, i love it when The AT-PT's have reached the Landing Zone, repeat, the AT-PTs have reached the landing zone!


The worse one is Abort mission, the AT-PTs have been destroyed! Repeate the AT-PTs have been destroyed!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Rogue15 I killed all the AT-AT's but i missed I couple tanks



Leader of 3 Flight

4 in the Green, Weapons Hot, Torps Armed...Oops

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest rebel alliance

best: beat moff seerdons revenge without dieing. smile.gif


worst: battle above talorann shooting at a canaster and I flew into it because my shots went through it. I also killed a couple civilian canasters because the laser went through it. frown.gif

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Guest Redwing

Whoa...ancient topic here...since I don't play N64, I'll put this topic in the Pilot's Lounge.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

*making sure at least one updated post remains*



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Dack Ralter

Mos Eisley does have 6 bombers, it would only be 5 if your hopeless wingmate could manage to pull off 3 seperate hits (impossible). Thought i'd back up my fellow rogue that.


Best: putting the empire to rest in Moff Seerdon's revenge, retaining all 3 lives.

in a TIE Interceptor. Try it! Took me 46 tries.


Worst: after having destroyed the first world devastator with the clunky ol' Falcon, i slammed into its side on an angle, i respawned inside of its body and immediatley carked it for a second time, followed closely by the third.



Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer.

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Guest Redwing

I did the same thing once in an X-wing. biggrin.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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