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My eyes! (aka WTF)


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Originally posted by narfblat

The article says there have been no bad effects so far. I put emphasis on the "so far" Eye surgery can be risky and should only be done to correct a problem.

Agreed. I mean, would you really risk your eyes for some jewlery almost no one will see.

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Pretty silly. Why mess with something as important as your eyes, unless you really have to? It's not worth it trying to 'look good' to other people, if in the end you might end up with eye problems.


This is simply vanity taken to the extreme...


What's next? Luminescent glow rods for your private parts? :rolleyes:


*shakes head in disbelief and wanders off*

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think about what would happen if they person sneezed.....the little heart would turn into a flying projectile... id hate to be there when that happened.....:confused:



hi thats some nice eye wear.

thanks *sneezes* ACHOO!




that would be one crazy moment

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Yeah, I've heard of this. I have a dutch friend. Said that the thing is not to be trusted. When the thing is implanted, you can't see. For eg. you implated a golden heart into your eye. You won't see the part where your heart is and when you make sudden moves. The Eyejewel flashes across your eye all the time. You can even feel the jewel when you blink. Overall, I would prefer Body piercing or tatooing. That is, if I weren't afraid of needles.

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That is incredibly stupid. Those who paid that much and put it into their eyes deserve not to see..ok maybe they do but they're just induhviduals


I don't think that you can't see where the jewel is implanted since its not on the iris, but that you can feel it when it blinks disturbs me..i would never ever want that

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