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Which Jedi Knight had a better story


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I too would have to pick Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Why? Because you get to learn a lot of the background of the character you are playing - and the game is about the resolution of past events. The death of a father, and the pursuit of those responsible - but for what purpose? Justice...or revenge? And current events mean that you have to try and save the universe - not from some super weapon, but from a madman seeking to twist the power of the Force itself to his own ends.


It's all very Star Wars...

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Jedi Academy has the better story!

It's a bit like Jedi Knight. You solve Missions to get new force powers. Your way is to fight the evil....small riddles are embedded within a good story.


In Jedi Outcast SP sucks in my opinion. Tooooo many riddles, very annoying....Sometimes there's no fight and you're alone trying to solve a JumpRiddle or doing stop and go thing not to be hit by laserbeams....It appears that the very funny riddles are in JO the mainpart of the game.... In Jedi Outcast the one and only thing that rocks to heaven is Multiplayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I echo what everyone who voted Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight said :p


JO and JA were mere shadows in comparison when it comes to the storyline, IMHO. Jerec was to be feared, but Barney and the extra from Ghostbusters were just... Well, exactly that, really :\


Don't get me wrong, though - I enjoyed all three games - but JO and JA just aren't up to scratch when it comes to Star Wars feel and immersiveness, even with JK's sparse civilian population.


I miss playing JK and MotS :( It'd be great if they could come up with a decent new story for a sequel one of these days, which was as immersive and Star Warsy as JK's was... Though with recent bizarre moves by LEC when it comes to games, I hold out little hope :(

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I would say that, in terms of story (chronological):


- Dark Forces was unique for its' day in that it had a story, rather than a premise (Doom = shoot bigger and badder enemies with bigger and baeer guns, because ... um ... :confused: )

- Jedi Knight has the best 'on paper' story, in that it is simple, involves only two suspensions of disbelief (one that Jerec would exist, the other that the Valley would have harnessable power)

- Mysteries of the Sith had a thin story - you track Kyle. That doesn't impact its' greatness as a game, though.

- Jedi Outcast had a really good story, but too many suspensions of disbelief required (Morgan in the Valley, the Valley still being such a source of power, infusing force power through crystals).

- Jedi Academy is really just a natural revenge plot extension of JKII, but told through a new perspective. Not a bad story by those standards. However, they lost a bit somewhere between the padawan focus and the 'scourge of the galaxy' struggle.


However, the totality of the game is not described by the story:

- Dark Forces had absolutely rocking gameplay that I still enjoy to this day.

- Jedi Knight's story was lost in the game, only appearing in the completely separate cutscenes and Saber battles. It was like two games - the saber & story game, and the other (really cool) 14 levels.

- Jedi Outcast, to me, is the best integrated story & gameplay.

- Jedi Academy is the life of a Padawan - the integrated character development is best in series, and the overall saber development most fitting. Also, the battles - there are times when you're battling two saber-foes *and* getting shot at - this isn't like Jung-Fu movies, where there's a line 20 deep waiting for you to kill one after another.


*THAT* is why these games dominate my gaming top 10 ever.



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Dark Forces had the most "Star Warsy" feel to it, and an amazing story to go along side. If it weren't for the graphics, and lack of a few features, it would hold up right next to today's gaming heavyweights. And that is why we make the Dark Forces Mod ;)


Jedi Knight had a good story, and I felt really immersed in the plot. But still, it couldn't rival the Dark Trooper project for pure Star Wars goodness :D


Mysteries of the Sith is the best game in the series, no question. It managed to build on the foundation that JK had created, and improve the game in almost every way. The story may not have been the best, but I rate it on a par with Jedi Knight. It was the gameplay that made it the best - gameplay which still holds up today against LEC's latest offerings.


Jedi Outcast - this is where the series begins to lose its footing, in pretty much every way. The story was cringingly awful - a lightsaber wielding lizard trying to take over the galaxy? I tried to switch off to the story, and concentrate on the level to level gameplay, which didn't flow at all. It felt choppy, and couldn't compete with the previous 3 games whatsoever.


Jedi Academy - this game built on JO's foundation, and I don't mean that in a good way. The game became (dare I say it?) "consolized." It was a 3rd person action adventure with blatantly linear levels, no plot, fights you felt you had no control over, and embarrassingly awful level design.


I just hope LEC can repair the damage caused by these last two games :(

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