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Finished it in 5 hours


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Maan, whats the fun in doin adventires in 1 day?


The real feeling you get after one week or more. Sometimes in GF or CMI i just like to stay idle in one room listening to the music and enjoying the atmospshere.


aaaah. the old times.

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Originally posted by Czar

Maan, whats the fun in doin adventires in 1 day?


The real feeling you get after one week or more. Sometimes in GF or CMI i just like to stay idle in one room listening to the music and enjoying the atmospshere.


aaaah. the old times.

agreed! adventure games are there to enjoy, savour! i'm seriously doubting the 5 hour claim, not with a guide, no way...

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Originally posted by Tall Guy

agreed! adventure games are there to enjoy, savour! i'm seriously doubting the 5 hour claim, not with a guide, no way...


actually I did finish it in five hours. After you're done with it there's nothing else to do but play it again. I played it at least three times to widdle my time down to five hours. The first few times i did enjoy it; the atmosphere, the music, but i might as well try to make it a challenge for myself by setting a timed goal.

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