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My second skin and I need some help


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Whoa thats weird.


Anyways I really need help with my skin. I can't get the leathery look that I want. Can someone tell me If I need to use shaders and If I do to show me a good tutorial. I need the clothes and flesh on this skin to look more realistic.




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So, I would assume that you'd want a shiny-naugahyde look to the jacket, right? (Like leather interrior from a car.)


That would simply be done with specular shading (I don't have the code unfront of me at the moment) It involves the texture you have now, plus a duplicate with some slight contrasting/brightness, to it....


I'm not sure what else you'd want to do, though...

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This would probably get more responses in the regular JA Skinning Forum instead of the Showcase Forum.


But anyway, I recommend that you read jp-30's tutorial http://web.archive.org/web/20030411053810/http://www.theforce.net/games/jo/skinning.shtml because it describes one way to match skin tones without losing detail. Basically you desaturate all the color out of it and then recolor it with one skin tone. Use less than 100% opacity with the color so the tonal variations show through the color.


And you don't always have to use shaders for the leathery look. Look at some of the Raven leather textures. The jedi_hf torso_a1 has a leather look without a shader effect on the leather part. There are probably others, that is the one with which I am most familiar.

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