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Worst Game Ever


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As Chase said, Superman 64 is probably the worse game that has ever been made.


As a superman fan, I was very angry.


I did like Obi-wan though. It wasn't a bad game for the very small price I paid for it ($10).

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Originally posted by topshot

Heck, my lil' brother owns Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 for GC, and that's considered a very adultish game. Even Kain would know


Yes I can tell you BO2 is on GC. I can also tell you that the sales on GC sucked, which goes to show that GC players are more interested in 'kid oriented' games.


Originally posted by Tyrion

And Kain..you did like FFVII, right?


Of course I did. I loved em all until X, X-2, and XI. Maybe XII will have the redeeming qualities that I need before I loose faith in anything Square-Enix has to offer.

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My worst game ever:


Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Xbox)


Only game that has ever made me physically ill (literally feel sick to my stomach after 30 mins of playing.)


Other notable offenses:


Postal 2 - excruciatingly long load times, crappy physics, sucky story (when the only guest star you can get for the game is Gary Coleman....yeah....)


Battlecruiser: Millenium - good concept executed poorly. You could be anything from starship captain to fighter pilot to ground trooper; all pulled off with the worst graphics ever (Wolfenstein 3D looks better) combined with the most complex control schemes known to man (with such easy to remember combos as ctrl+alt+Lshift+f3 to perform 1 action).

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What do you people have against Diablo 2? Maybe you don't like it, but that doesn't make it bad! infact, i played it for hours. It's a Hack 'n slash RPG, so if you like more deeper RPG's like BG or KOTOR, go play them. It's another game type in it's own right, doesn't mean it's a bad RPG...


Woops, now i'm also saying i can't vote for Civ 1, just because i don't like the type... Alright, vote for the damn game but at least keep in mind what i said.

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

What do you people have against Diablo 2? Maybe you don't like it, but that doesn't make it bad! infact, i played it for hours. It's a Hack 'n slash RPG, so if you like more deeper RPG's like BG or KOTOR, go play them. It's another game type in it's own right, doesn't mean it's a bad RPG...


Woops, now i'm also saying i can't vote for Civ 1, just because i don't like the type... Alright, vote for the damn game but at least keep in mind what i said.

I'm getting this strong urge to pimp slap you....



anyway, worst game, Superman 64, and the aquaman game.




PS: Mario Kart double dash rocks, and so does Super Smash Bros. melee. :p

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Thankfully, I've never had the "pleasure" of playing Superman 64, or auquaman, or GBtG, or Drake. And I thank whatever god you believe in/don't believe in.


Anyhow, I don't really play any bad games. I do quite a bit o research on the games I buy/rent.

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Originally posted by sabretooth

Worst Game for me: Motoracer 2.


hehe, I still have Motoracer 1 on my old windows 98 computer.


Motoracer 1 pwns you XP


But now that I think about it, that's a pretty good game for how old it is.


EDIT: Post #1900! In your face sabretooth XP

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Originally posted by BongoBob

hehe, I still have Motoracer 1 on my old windows 98 computer.


Motoracer 1 pwns you XP


But now that I think about it, that's a pretty good game for how old it is.


Motoracer 1 rockz. Motoracer 2 Sucks. Motoracer 3 Demo is like 2, but still the same.


Originally posted by Darth Rythe

NFS U was awesome


Not for the GBA, no.

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What's up with people having something against Diablo II? I mean, if you expect it to be a true RPG ala Neverwinter Nights and Morrowind, you'll be disappointed. But Diablo is much more a hack-and-slash game that focuses much more on classes, equipment, skills, character builds and monster-killing rather than actual role-playing.


And believe me: Once you get into it, it's damn fun. Nothing beats killing hellspawn as a kick-ass werebear druid, or any other character build.

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

Postal 2 - excruciatingly long load times, crappy physics, sucky story (when the only guest star you can get for the game is Gary Coleman....yeah....)

If you got Postal 2 for the story ... nevermind.


Postal 2 has a great example of why Ragdoll is not some panacea ... although you still get many weird body positions in Thief 3, and some in Far Cry (far fewer) ... Painkiller deals with it by having bodies 'go away', just leaving Souls.


Did you play after the patch? It did help with load times ... but they were still a major headache. And, unlike in Thief, there was no indicator one was about to happen, nor choice about whether to proceed ... walk into on, you might as well grab some coffee ...


Postal 2 was not a good game ... but was *exactly* what I expected ;)



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Originally posted by Captain Wilson

worms 3D. should have stayed 2D


Finally, someone who agrees with me! What the hell is so good about Worms 3D? The graphics are blocky, the camera, quite a lot of stuff we could do without was included in W3D. This is the first failure Team17 has released in the worms series. Keep working on the new W:A and give up the 3D obsession, T17.

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Originally posted by joetheeskimo5

Finally, someone who agrees with me! What the hell is so good about Worms 3D? The graphics are blocky, the camera, quite a lot of stuff we could do without was included in W3D. This is the first failure Team17 has released in the worms series. Keep working on the new W:A and give up the 3D obsession, T17.


Worms 3D was very confusing and sucked on my computer.



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F-zero on GBA rocks!


Hmmm, i'm better informed nowadays so i don't buy as many bad games... i tend to get my hopes crushed BEFORE i buy them :D


Daikatana - Ok, i know it is a cheap shot, but it actually IS as bad as they say.


Xwing vs Tie Fighter - Might be a great multiplayer game, but i bought it expecting good graphics, stability and the great missions and gameplay of Xwing or Tie-fighter... instead i got about 10 SP missions and no characters, plot or anything. Went straight back.


Almost any film licensed game.


Jedi Outcast (ok, not really, but it was a 60% game at best, not the 95% scores it was getting)


(Heroes of?)Might & Magic 7 or 8 or something - terrible RPG game.


13+ isn't kiddy? he he.

The only people who think gamecube is kiddy are the kids who are desperately trying to be "grown up" by liking "adult" games. Most "kiddy" GC games are just as intelligent and grown up as any other platform, if you are old enough to see past the cute graphicss. (Eternal darkness and ResEvil aside...)

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