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Looking For A Modder

AC :: Cobra

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As you may know, we are involved in the InstaGib community.



We are looking for a knowledgeable cgame (client-side graphics) coder to assist us in our upcoming JK2 project.


What we are looking to do is to allow the players to be able to choose a custom color for the disruptor fire via RBG sliders. We also would like to support dual guns.


If this addition goes smoothly, and is widely accepted we would also like to make this available for JK3.


We have already written a server-side mod, and are now looking to add a new graphical plug-in. This addition is beyond our server-side mod expertise.



If you are a knowledgeable coder and may be interested in assisting us with either the custom disruptor fire color or the dual gun modifications, please contact cobra@anticonsistory.net


Hopefully this addition will help revive the InstaGib community.




- AC :: Cobra

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