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Sig Pic Requests/Discussion


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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

well i am now hooked on final fantasy so could someone please do my request ill give all my points to who ever dose it


i am making my first Sig image, its Final Fantasy 8, i wil show t when i am done and if you like it i will let you have it for the low low price of 10 credits! :p but it is my first mind you, do you want your name on it?

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firts of all it's gonna gost you a big 0 credits because i don't do it for the credits and you don't have much (you still need a lot to put your sig up).


now as for how i made it, well i simply found a picture of a sarlacc, adjusted the colors, added some blur, added your name in a cool font and mede it looked 'burned in' and finally i added some dirty/grungy looking lines on top and bottom, All this don in photoshop of course. hope that's what you wanted to hear

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you used Photo shop to make that? i tried using photo shop to make a sig and it looks like Crap with a capital C. here look for yourself
yes i did use photoshop, that the only software i use for picture editing and such. It's the best and easiest way to do so in my opinion, but probably not for a beginner i have to agree. Still, if you use it regularly you'll get better with it, but don't dicourage yourself, it's a large software and it takes time to master it...


Yep thx that's what I wanted to know. Any chance you can make me a Sarlacc avatar too?
Sure, i'll make it tomorrow...


and Death Jedi, i'll also give it a go tomorrow... (school's out :p )

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Thanks CoupeS your the best!

Im gonna try make some more things with photo shop.....but i need you to answer this question


How do i remove a background from a picture

Example: There was a picture of a dog infrount of a wall, how would i remove it so thres no wall...and it will just show up with the picture of the dog and no background

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Can anyone make me an animated image sig of Neo dodging the bullets shot by the Agent? From when he goes "TRINITY....HELP!" to when the last bullet hit the screen, have it display "NeoVenom" (not Darth NeoVenom) in the Matrix font with a background of the green symbols scrolling down. I would do it myself....if I knew how to do it...:( . There is no "time-limit" for this image sig, so you can take your time is doing it. Thankz to whoever is going to do it. :D:saberb::yobi::r2d:c3po::aobi:

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Originally posted by Death_Jedi

How do i remove a background from a picture

Example: There was a picture of a dog infrount of a wall, how would i remove it so thres no wall...and it will just show up with the picture of the dog and no background

well first of all you have to make sure that your image is not a background, and if it is, make it a normal layer. To do so, cherck the 'layers' palette (it should be at the bottom right if you didn't move it), you should see an icon of your picture and saying background, double click the icon and a window pops up, call the layer whatever you want or simply clicck 'ok' than it's not a background anymore..


now to cut out your dog, there are plenty of ways to do so


1. use the eraser, type 'E' on your keyboard or choose it from the tools palette. You can adjust its size, hardness and opacity at the top. When erasing you'll see a checkered background, this means this part is transparent.


2. use the lasso, type 'L' on your keyboard or choose it from the tools palette, it looks like.... a lasso. than start dragging it around to make a selection, if you release the mouse button there eill be a straight line from where your lasso is to where you began selecting. Than press 'delete' or the 'check' icon at the top to remove your selection.


3.use quick masks, Right under where you choose colors on your palette, are two icons one is already clicked, is normal. than you have two choices, either make a selection first or not. if you decide to make a selection first, i would suggest you make a quick selection with the lasso, it doesn't have to be perfect. Then type 'Q' on your keyboard or press the other icon. Now all exept your selection turned red, or if you didn't select anything, nothing happened in appearance.


now either use the paintbrush, or the eraser to remove or add red. Nottice you are now limited to a greyscale for the colors you can choose from. If you use black with your brush, you will add red (removing from your selection), a black eraser does the opposite. If you use white with your brush, you will remove red (adding to your selection), a white eraser does the opposite. So use the brush or eraser to select your dog OR the background you want to remove. when you are done type'Q' again or select the first icon, and voilà! If your dog is selected press simultaneously Ctrl + Shift + I to invert your selection. Delete the part you don't want.


note that there are other ways to remove a background, but i think you can start with these. Note that you don't have to remove your background all in one shot, you can combine ways to do so.


hope this helped.

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hey CoupeS, Could you make Me a final fantasy 8 Sig? Sorta Like Darth Rythe's,with Squall & Siefer Battleing in the background faded, and a pic of him, looking at the "cam" with his Gunblade. or preferably with Zell. but i dont care how you make it, as long as it has Zell in it, (the dude in my Avatar) and could you make Iceman87 in an Icy text? i can donate some points but i am saving for my sig image.

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Alright, alright ...


i'll make your sigs but i have a couple more to do before...


here's my current to do list:


1 - Black Mamba's

2 - Telsa trooper's

3 - Death_Jedi's

4 - Iceman's

5 - Sam Fisher's


so be patient...

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Originally posted by Darth NeoVenom

Pretty cool sig, HertogJan. What program do you use to create all your sigs? :saberb::yobi::r2d:c3po::aobi:


VirtualDub for extracting the frames from the movies, Ulead Gif Animator for making a gif out of frames and adding txt effects and Adobe Photoshop for additional objects, such as the guy in the sig, I animated that one frame by frame :) (luckily enough I only had to create 7 pics for that)...

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