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Who ****ing cares about gamerscore?
Apparently you're a stranger to the feeling of accomplishment. Like the only kid who fails a test in class saying "Who ****ing cares about grades?".


Edit: You've been emblazoned on my signature now, hope you're happy.

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Apparently you're a stranger to the feeling of accomplishment. Like the only kid who fails a test in class saying "Who ****ing cares about grades?".


Edit: You've been emblazoned on my signature now, hope you're happy.



I play video games to have fun, not to be a pompous showoff.

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I play video games to have fun, not to be a pompous showoff.

I play video games to have fun and to be a pompous showoff. : P


But seriously, saying I'm a pompous dick about my gamerscore is like saying I can't be happy for a highscore I get on Rockband or something. -Oh, I beat CoD4 on Hardcore and I tell everyone about it, now I'm a pompous dick?- I got 1000/1000 points on Assassin's Creed after playing it for well over 30 hours, sucking every hour of value out of that game. Skate and Assassin's Creed are probably in my Top Ten Games of all Time list right now, so I can't be happy when I get an achievement to show off my dedication? Or be amazed that I've skated for over 350 miles? Or how I have many track times on DiRT in the hundreds on the world leaderboards, even one that was in the single digits out of 250,000+ people? I'm working on getting six stars on expert guitar on Rockband in as many songs as I can - I just used a guide for Burnout Paradise so I could jump every superjump so I could get an exclusive car - Collected every single flag in AC - Completed every challenge in Skate. So what if I feel a little like a completionist in some games? I don't see how the way I play my games, how I have fun with them, should matter any bit to you.


Edit - Woohoo, 5,555 posts. :V

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Look, I know I came off a bit harsh. I'm not against being proud of gaming accomplishments or achievements in general, but you're just making the whole practice sound like a huge competition when you're really not competing against anyone (unless, of course, you're an actual professional gamer). I apologize for sounding like a jerk, but I still think the practice of showing self accomplishments in the terms of numbers related to a videogame in a forum is a bit obnoxious.

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I've just been catching up on some of the old Pink Floyd albums - 'Meddle' and 'Atom Heart Mother'. Prior to that I picked up 'Dark Passion Play' by Nightwish. Nice albums.


On the hardware front I finally got around to hooking up all the PCs at home to a wired network with a new modem/router/firewall (don't trust wireless), so we can all finally get on the net at the same time. Downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 to try that out and my kids like it, along with the bunch of Linux games I downloaded at the same time.


Meanwhile they've both been blasting through the original Jedi Knight game, which brings a smile to my face.


Oh, and I got the entire DVD collection of 'The Saint' starring Roger Moore. Great viewing, with a high nostalgia quotient. 8)

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I'm going to my friend's birthday party tonight and I decided this would be the first time I would spend more than $10 on a gift for anyone (lol) - so I plan on trading in like, 11 games at the Gamestop, 5 360 games, 1 XBOX, 1 GC, and 4 PS2 games. I only plan on getting around $50-70 for all of them, maybe less. But they're games I'll never play again (or for 3 of those 4 PS2 games, ever play - this friend gave me these PS2 games, lol). Besides, I'm running out of room for my game tubs.




But I'm planning on getting two copies of Lost Odyssey - one for him (he's a RPG/J-RPG fan) and one for me.

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I like the shot of the acoustic guitar in the background, as if to show there is a gentle, emotional soul inside of the murderous killing machine that savagely plays all those violent video games.


(I'm watching you, Katamari Damacy!)

That's the one I play on seldomly. But I'm a total novice. Only know a handful of chords, can do a simple pentonic scale and read tabs. My brother is a lot better, he's got a Fender Stratocaster and he's been playing daily for a year now. Though he's not awesome, he knows stuff.



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Neighborhood cats and pigeons... beware...


Edit: Well, there was exactly one copy of Lost Odyssey left (to the clerk's surprise, actually - I had to point it out on the display) and I got $52 for my trade-ins. So I paid like $15 for it... Well, at my friend's birthday party I was gonna see if he was expecting presents. But naw, it was just a party, nothing much to it, so I decided to keep it (yeah, I'm greedy, lawl).


But anyway, I've gotten 3 hours into it. So far the one thing I've noticed is that it's got some of the coolest in-game cutscenes I've seen in a game in recent memory. Not for action or anything (MGS2/3/4 and DMC1/2/3/4 pwns in that area) but it's snappy and funny so far. And the voice acting isn't full of "generic anime voice actors" - it's pretty good. There are a lot of loading screens, but not nearly as bad as Mass Effect's elevators. And so far, the characters are pretty interesting.


Kaim is a quiet hard-ass without seeming emo. Seth (the resident spunky girl) seems to be very energetic but isn't annoying like every other characters like her. And Jansen, the funny-man / support character - his lines are really freakin' awesome and his voice acting is pure ****ing gold.


Only annoying this I've found so far is the well delivered but too long short stories that happen around once an hour, which can take 6-10 minutes to read. They're well done and the backgrounds are pretty, and the words move and stuff, but it's hard to stop and read 2 or 3 pages worth of material in the middle of the game, when it essentially doesn't have anything to do with the current game. But that's really just me I guess. And they could have put some lip syncing for the battle taunts.


But so far, I feel like I'll actually get into this game unlike FFXII and DQVIII, which just wanted me to either fall asleep or throw the controller at the wall.

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I would post a pic, but I feel it unnessecary. I got an old PS1, The Legend of Dragoon, and Rock Band for the 360. Sad part is in 4 days of having Rock Band, I've 5 starred every single song with the guitar on Expert(including bonus tracks and downloaded tracks), and I've gold starred atleast 17, but the actual count eludes me since I'm sitting at work trying not to fall asleep.

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I'm just waiting for Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 now.


Me too, that's my game. Out of every 360 game I have ever played, I have probably devoted more time to playing Vegas terrorist hunts online. I only started playing last summer and I am a rank of Major now...


Me and my employees (most of them play Vegas also) are trying franticly to have a midnight launch for that game in my store....problem is, we don't know WHEN it is shipping yet... Good times.


I have not really bought a whole lot of things lately. Game releases have been rather stale, and I am saving money for a down payment on a house. I bought a used network adapter for my 360, used Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End for 360, and used Warhawk for PS3. I used left over store credit to pay for all 3.

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I would post a pic, but I feel it unnessecary. I got an old PS1, The Legend of Dragoon, and Rock Band for the 360. Sad part is in 4 days of having Rock Band, I've 5 starred every single song with the guitar on Expert(including bonus tracks and downloaded tracks), and I've gold starred atleast 17, but the actual count eludes me since I'm sitting at work trying not to fall asleep.

Download the Metallica pack, Workingman and Number of the Beast. And maybe Joker and the Thief. Should continue your challenge.


Also, XBL gamer tag much?


shoots straight through two cardboard boxes.

Or one (1) Cat Skull.

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