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Definition of "Rush"

Majin Boba Fett

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What exactly is the definition of rush? I always thought it was t1/t2 trooper/mountie raid. Some people say anytime after all players agree. Well, I just got done playing an RM. It was no rush, which i never do anyways. Anyways, 40 minutes (according to the clock) have passed and I've been in T4 for a while. I do a pummel drop. What else is new? The guy goes crazy saying I rushed. Him and his partner (it was 2 v 2) continue to play. When they lose to me and my ally they go insane. I was not aware that attacking at T4 was a rush. Anyhoot, what is the true definition of a "rush"?

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Sounds like sore losers to me. I agree w/your def. of a rush, unless I'm wrong too (it has happened once already today). I mean if a pansy is going to cry every time you drop a few units off at her doorstep then tell her to play the "Build a monument" scenario so she won't get her nails dirty then. Why play a game with a "no rush" rule? Why stop there, why not play a game with a no troops until I build my army first rule? Ask her that why don't ya? I hate whiners. Next time rush that whiner with a barrage of air cruisers up his ying yang and ask 'em how he likes them apples.

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