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Updated SWGB2 Template

Darth Windu

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I've been trying to get hold of the much Vaunted Starcraft for quite a while now actually, the one time i saw it I had my mind set on buying Mario Kart Double Dash or The Legend Of Zelde The Wind Waker or Pokemon Colluseum. I even looked at it and it struck me as expensive for an old game, it was at least £30

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Though it may have had something to do with the fact that that store nearly always has their games more exp[ensive than the 38 others but they do usually keep an extensive back catalogue and i mean extensive they've got an entire wall with game at least 7 years old, though they are usually a tad on the expensive side, so nect time i go into a game store i'll look out for it as well as Evil Genius, now that looks like an inovative RTS.

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