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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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((Maybe it just me, but wouldn't Sir-Vin reconize Raschel first instead of Marin who is currenlty a large bird?))


*In a fluid motion Idun reaches up grabs Ritchet and slams him into a bulkhead. Her hand squeezing the mouse around his small neck*


Idun: Gerd go to Heimdall.


*Gerd runs down the hallway towards the bridge*


Idun: I warned you not to follow us into this ship, now the Girl will be avenged.


*Idun squeezed Ritchet even harder, as more turrents drop down and lock onto the mouse*

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Guy's Ship


Guy was awakened from his sleep by an alarm sounding. He ignores it for several moments, then gives in and rises.


"Ship, interface."


Long tendrils snaked out of the ship's systems and touched Guy's crystalline, sightless eyes.


A visitor, he thought.


"Yes," a voice responded aloud. Guy whirled instinctively, even though he knew he would not see anything---and yet, he did. T was standing there amid the blackness in front of his eyes.


"What do you want now?" Guy demanded.




Asgardried, Cargo Hold


Guy's ship activated lights, and shone them on Idun and Ritchet.


Guy's voice spoke from the ship. "Do you intend to kill the visitor, Idun? He can be very helpful."

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Sir-Vin "Curious... Matt maybe you should go to cargo bay 1 and practice your lightsaber technique for a bit agenst a drone."


*Sir-Vin pulls out an Arakyd Inquisitor and hands it to Matt.*


((Not sure if thats the actual name, but i'm just going with the JKII thing))


Sir-Vin "I and going to check things out with those two, then I'll be there."

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Matt: Say hi to them for me will ya?

*Matt went off to the cargo bay and started practicing with the lightsaber Sir-Vin had given to him and started practicing, thinking about the rest of the group. He had mostly kept to himself, the only persons he talked to regularly were the Irvine twins.*

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*Hal lies in bed, sleeping off the last effects of Narconan Blue fever which he caught at their last planet stop.*


*Suddenly chip, Hal's R2 lets out a high pitched peeling sound.*


Hal: Wah? What time is it? *Checks clock.* Eh, *cough.* I need to get up.


*Hal falls out of bed and heads for the hydro-shower. After his shower he dresses in dark green trousers and knee high boots, he tugs on a shirt and long vest and then heads for the door, grabbing his utility belt on the way out.*

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Ritchet stared coldly into the eyes of Idun.


"Consider something," he coughed. "I'm an interdimensional being. Killing me achieves nothing. I can come back and inhabit the body of some other unfortunate soul...sure, I can't come back as anything larger than a mouse...but you wouldn't want every disease infected pest from here to the ends of the universe biting you every day, now would you?"


Ritchet had played his trump card.

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Originally posted by Redwing

((Idun is a woman, superthrawn. :D


wildjedi: A little background on the below post; Yavin IV was one of the many planets destroyed in the Holocaust, and most of the Jedi are dead.))


Asgardried: Main Entrance


Misae walked up behind Svafa. She appeared haggard, and her hair and clothing were severely disheveled. Her lightsaber hung carelessly at her hip. Her eyes appeared haunted. She stared at Tanara as if seeing a ghost.


"Jedi," she softly hissed. "How is it that you are alive?"



Tanara stared at Misae for a few seconds before trusting her voice to work.


"You've changed, Misae," she said quietly. "Do you not recognize me?"

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*Hal finishes a pastry and tugs on his fighting gauntlets. He goes down to the main ramp and walks in on the three women.*


Hal: *Looks at Tanara.* Well, It's been a while. Maybe the woman could give a better account of herself if she didn't have a sword pointed at her throat, Svafa.

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Asgardried, Cargo Hold


"Very well," Guy's voice responded from his ship.


The ship opened up. Guy slowly descended from the ramp. Attached to his arms and legs were robotic harnesses, with long spider-like appendages fanning out from them, feeling the surrounding area and guiding him.


"Idun," he said. "Perhaps you could tell me how to take custody of your prisoner, as I cannot see it or you, and I was not told what shape or form it would be in."




Asgardried, Entryway


Misae's eyes widened and she jerked back as Tanara spoke, cleary recognizing her voice.




Her hand convulsively clutched her lightsaber.


"Impossible. You died. You were on Yavin IV with the others."

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Asgardried: Cargo Hold


Idun to Ritchet: You obviously do not know who you have crossed, but your in luck since Guy wants you alive.


*Idun Crosses over and puts Ritchet on Guy's shoulder.*


*Speaking mainly to Ritchet but also to Guy*


If Guy decides to take you along with us then understand this. The bridge, upper level, and our quarters are strictly off limits to you. If you teleport into them or otherwise try and gain access without our permission you will shown no mercy and executed on the spot. Oh, we don't respond well to threats, so try and choose what you say more carefully next time.


*Idun turns and walks into the ship, cape billowing behind her. The door quickly and silently closes behind her.*



Asgardried: Entrance way


Svafa*without looking at Hal*: Quiet Jedi, and no one is holding a sword to her throat *tapping the tip of the sword gently against the ground* and if she and her friend want to have a reunion please do it outside the ship.



*Outside the sky darkens as storm clouds move in. In the distance a rumble of thunder can be heard*

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"I escaped the destruction of Yavin IV," Tanara said, her voice low. "As you know, that was not long after I earned the rank of Knight. They sent me on my first mission, but it was not very well known that I was gone."


Her eyes were pointed to the ground as though this was a difficult thing for her to discuss.

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Asgardried: Cargo Hold


"I don't mean to be rude," Guy said, staring ahead at nothing, eyes still frozen and unmoving. "But who are you, what are you, what are you doing here, and why the hell did you kill that comatose girl?"



Asgardried, Exterior


Marin, the gigantic bird, soared over the Asgardried, still carrying Raschel. She dropped Raschel off a few feet above the ground, then landed herself, outside the ship's main entrance. Then she 'yelled' in thought-speech.


<Everyone! We have a problem.>


She did not demorph. She stayed in the form of the bird.


The entryway doors opened, and Misae exited, looking surprised. Behind her were Svafa, Hal, and ...a stranger.


Odd...what now?

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