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Cantina 6: PTH Part V Revenge (Discussion)

Admiral Odin

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Originally posted by Redwing

((OOS: JM, Matt has seen Marin shapeshift. ;) Remember, she was posing as Raschel for a large part of last chapter.


Will post in a bit. Looks like I need a deus ex machina for superthrawn's mouse. ;)))


Originally posted by Scar Da Kookee

((OR allow that character to use the shapeshifting cube to undo himself



or if thats what your talkinga bout (cus well i dont play deus ex))


Scar: Um...the morphing cube can't change someone's natural form. Also it only allows shapeshifting for two hours at a time (yes I ripped this off of Animorphs, for anyone who's read that series ;)


Since NO ONE seems to know what a deus ex machina is, here's the Webster's Dictionary definition:


de·us ex ma·chi·na

Pronunciation: 'dA-&s-"eks-'mä-ki-n&, -'ma-, -"nä; -m&-'shE-n&

Function: noun

Etymology: New Latin, a god from a machine, translation of Greek theos ek mEchanEs

1 : a god introduced by means of a crane in ancient Greek and Roman drama to decide the final outcome

2 : a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty


(And let's try and keep discussion in the discussion thread. ;))

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Originally posted by jokemaster

Doesn't staying in different form for more than 2 hours in animorphs result in your being in that from permanentely?


EDIT: And there's a difference between switching to another humanoid form and changing to a giant bird.


1. Yup, and it's the same thing for this RPG. ^_^


2. Uh...good point. :D (Me forgetting there are already natural shapeshifters in SW, like Zam Wessel...)


Deac: No, but Scar has, and apparently never understood the title. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok there has been some questions about the layout of the Asgardried. So here is a description of the ship:


The Asgardried is a very large ship. The design of the ship is similar to that of other Aesirian ships. In other words it is shaped to resmeble western/european dragons (not Easter/oriental ones). The ship is propelled by four Mark II Dagur engines. Weapons emplacements are concealed so that when the ship is not fighting it appears to have no weapons. The ship has just three levels, much of the space is devoted towards weaponry, power, etc. The ship also has quantum armor, a cloacking device, and normal shields. Cortosis is also weaved throughout the entire ship making it resilent to lightsabers.




1st level: Essentially the maintence level. Access: Restricted.


The first level of the asgardried is devoted to critical systems. Towards the aft of the ship the engine room is located. there contains the fusion reactor that powers the ship, the hypdrive generator, and slipstream drive.


Shield generators are also found on this level. Entrances include an exterior access hatch, and turbolifts. A large part of the 1st level is for storage of various supplies.




2nd Level: The living level: Access: More or less unrestricted.


The second level of the ship is where the group has access to.


Crew quarters: These rooms are the ones assigned to the group. They are comfortable if a little small. They are furnished with a single bed placed in an alcove above and below the bed are cabinets allowing for the storage of personal effect. A cabinet next to the bed allows for the storage of clothing/armor ect. The rooms also contain a desk with draws with a chair. The desk has a computer terminal that allows the group to access the holonet (or what is left of it). No messages can be sent though. There is basically a reading light above the bed.


Every two quarters share a refresher, which under current circumstances means the majority of the group have private refreshers. (With the exception of Sir Vin, WH Irvine sharing one. Gortick and Orthos sharing another).


The Lounge: This is the common room of the ship. It has a couple of large round tables with marble centers. The tables have cletic traids engraved into them. Benches provide seating. Also serves as the mess hall. Has monitors that can connect to the holonet, play holodramas. Futhermore, the lounge servers as a briefing room, fully equiped with holoprojectors and all the other necessary items. When it is being used as a briefing room the tables retract into the floor benches turn around to face a podium that is raised up and next to the podium is the holoprojectors.


Main Cargo hold This large cargo hold is spare in decoration and houses Guy's ship. Located in the aft of the ship. There are some large closets for storage of items that need to be secrued.


There is a large cargo lift to the first level here to take things into long term storage. From the main cargo hold is a secondary one and past that is the a very large bulkhead and then the engines.


Kitchen Relatively small, contains a refrigertor, oven, stove etc. It also has a couple of taps that lead to mead. The kitchen is manned by droids who also restock it.


Bridge The bridge has five stations: Pilot, Copilot, Navigation, and communications, as well as a weapons control. There are an additional two chairs for passangers.


Staterooms: Larger then the crew quarters and more elborately decorated. They have private refreshers, more storage then the crew quarters as well as two large comforatalbe chairs and a small table. The Aesir all have staterooms.




The bridge is at the bow slightly raised (have to go up a ramp equal to about half a flight of stairs. The main entrance is located at the bow of the ship, below and to the right of the bridge. you have to walk down a ramp (again about half a flight of stairs) to reach the entrance. There are two corridors that run parallel to each other and seperate the brige from the entrance (aka you have to walk a little before getting to the entrance). Both corridors bring you to the lounge, the right side fo the lounge houses the kitchen. After the lounge there is a single corridor that leads to the quarters. Almost immediatly after the lounge are four staterooms (two starboard, and two port). After the foru staterooms come twenty crewquarters (again half to port and half to starboard). After the crew quarters there are six more staterooms (these are currently unoccupied). After that the corridor turns to a smaller lounge (single table and some benches) and a finally to the cargo hold. There are also turbolifts at the bow and aft.


*The cargo hold opens doors are in the starboard, and the corridors when the two corridors that lead to the bridge and main entrance meet they form a cross. Going starboard you will find an airlock where the ship can dock. To port is a secondary entrance.*




3rd level: Access: Only the Aesir, Marin and Aidan are allowed up.


Layout: In the bow you have the forward observatory, which is basically a lounge with large windows. There is a single door in the rear bulkhead that leads to the central corridor. Once leaving the forward observatory you will find on the immediate left the bow turbolift. After that there is another two doors on either side The Starboard door leads to a practice room. This room is sparesly furnished having really only tumbling mats and practing dummies. On the other side of the corridor is the armory. Going further down the corridor you get the central lounge very similar to the forward observatory (large windows). This room also serves as a pilots ready room. Past that are two hangers Likewise is seperated and house two viking fighters (for a total of four fighters). At the very end of the corridor is the aft turbolift and the rear observatory. It is small room with windows like the others similar to a meditation room.

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Been looking up loose/forgotten plot threads lately. Was really looking for my own stuff, but I found a couple things other people seem to have forgotten about, too! :)


BD, whatever happened to this plot thread?


Originally posted by BattleDog

Hal: As an aside, I doubt even you know about the base in Retari. We should go there. There's no way you have a copy of the book of Malken.




The book is hardcopy, it's 25,000 years old and contains the recorded location of every Jedi, stronghold, Warlord, force surge and weird mojo since it was written. It will tell us where Drago was when the Galaxy went boom.


I assume you know who he is?




Hal: He's an imortal vampire hunter, he's one of the few links between the old world and the new. *Shrugs* The way things are going having someone who can survive the destruction of a star might be useful.


Curious to know what you plan to do with this, if you still plan on doing anything with it that is. :)


As for you, Deac, I thought I'd found something of yours as well, until I realized that the 'mysterious figure' was actually Ellela. Oops. :D

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Although I'm not sure what to do with him next, hell i'd like to discuss it with reddy of course first before implementing it





speaking of returning characters, I might have to discuss what to do with my 'sith' character that is within the ranks of admiral's army of undead sith (cus i didnt exactly killed him off, nor removed him permanently (maybe))


although I do have an for both *shrugs*

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A Legion of Agamarian Warriors is currently headed towards Midgard, Dago will reappear then.


Composition of an Agamarian Legion


The Levy:

These warriors form the bulk of the legion, their personnal fighting skills are impressive but because of their rural location they rarely have time practice in large units.


1000 Longbow Men.


These warriors are equipped with longbows and two quivers with a total of 60 arrows. They wear leather jerkins and helmets. They are also equipped with 1 1/2 foot diameter round shields, stored on the back and an axe with a 1 1/2 foot haft.


These men fight primarily as archers but can act as a light infantry, they should remain behind the shield wall unless needed to fight hand to hand.



2000 Men at Arms


Warriors armoured in scale shirts, helmets and leather on wrists and shins. They carry 3 foot diameter round shields, 8 foot spears, topped with an 8 inch leaf point made, sharped down both edges and two edged 28 inch swords.


These men are good all round medium infantry, able to use their spears against cavaly or as javalins hurled before closign to fight enemy infantry with swords. These men form the shield wall.



400 Light Infantry


Un armoured except for a light leather jerkin and leather cap, they carry 1 foot diameter bucklers and 45 inch two handed swords.


These men are employed in small groups to take out exposed enemy artillary and engage and hold enemy archers before the men of the shield wall arrive to cut them to pieces. Comming from the rugged Northern provinces they move very fast afoot.




The Militia:

Drawn from the twons these men are a more cohesive unit, more ordered and more diciplined in battle.



1000 Billmen


More heavily armoured than the House Gaurd Billmen protect the flanks of the shield wall, eqipped with bill axe-hooks and short swords they are capable of carving enemy cavalry and infantry to pieces.



800 Light Cavarly


Lightly armoured and eqipped with swords, shields and bows, these men well trained and fast moving but will not stand long against heavy cavalry.


These men are charged with providing scouts during marches and battle and with protecting the flanks of the army where needed



The House Gaurd:

1,200 House Gaurds march with the army, of these 600 are foot and 600 horse.



600 Foot


Armoured in scale coats, greaves, gauntlets, collars and open face helmets these men carry a Battle Axe with a 4 foot haft as well as a 28 inch sword and a 3 foot diameter round shield.


These men are the elite heavy infantry, their axes are equipped with hooks for openeng enemy armour and dragging men from their horses. They move fast considering their armour and fight to the death. They are deployed where needed.



600 Horse


Armoured in the same way as the foot except for their full face great helms and teardrop shaped shields they carry heavy 16 foot lances with 1 foot steel tips. Their secondary weapon is a two handed longsword. Their horses are fully barded.


These horsemen function as the primary attacking force of the Legion, heavily armoured as they are they are able to break enemy formations and fight against heavy odds. Their lances make them particually deadly.



The General's Gaurd 20


Twenty mounted House Gaurds selected for their skill and loyalty are charged with defence of the General of the Army.


Total: 6,421



An army is generally compased of between 2 and 6 Legions and the entire military is composed of 24 Legions of roughly 160,000 men.

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A couple of things BD: Although compared with the rest of the post these are veyr minor.


1. How do they know where Midgard is?


2. Why are they taking a legion with them? Since they do not know what is going on .


3. Considering the advance weapons used in the galaxy why does the Agamarian legion(s) still have longbow men and calvary with horses? Seems rather pointless as they would be slaughtered.



About the final battle. To save everyone some frustration.


1. The battle will be a slaughter for the Aesir and those who fight with them. Few are going to survive. (This will not change).


2. Even if the Agmarian legion arrives in time they will not be allowed to fight or even land on the planet. A spell is going to prevant it.




The will get slaughtered and there is no need for that to happen. So the Aesir will refuse and if necessary have their droids prevant interferance.


Calvary and archers are in direct violations of the rules of the fight. (See below for a complete list of the rules below). This will be a pure foot battle.


Third and maybe most important. Their inclusion would destroy the plot and purpose behind the battle.


Rules of the Battle:


1. Once Heimdall retrieves a horn (the artifact) all fighting will cease until the battle of Vidgrid.


2. The battle will begin an hour after dawn and end at dusk. At dusk both sides withdraw from the battle. The group and any surviving Aesir have that night leave the planet. With the dawn of the next day all rules are off.


3. Noncombatants will not be attacked.


4. Ranged weapons, calvary etc are not going to be used. It is purely foot combat using solely melee weapons.


5. The survivors of the losing army (the Aesir and group) have one full night to leave the planet.


6. At dusk at a rooster crows fighting immediatly stops. If you are about to give a killing blow it is to late.



Basic outline of what will happen at the battle.


Dawn: The two armies awaken, get suited up and march to the field. An hour after that the fight begins.


Dawn-Dusk: The fight is long and hard and very fierce the opposing army is huge (saving exact numbers on size for dramtic reasons). and the Aesir get slaughtered.


Dusk: Roosters crow and the both sides stop fighting. Droids then go in to the battle and retrieve the bodies of the dead and wounded.


Night: The dead Aesir are cremated and the group leaves.



A couple of things: I have planned out this battle (as Red can attest) for a very long time. At this point I am not willing to change anything drastically (like the inclusion of the Agamarian legion, or having the Aesir win).


There is a certain mood and effect that I'm going for and I think everything will work out the way it stands. I'm not divulging everything and the exact details for effect although if your really need to know just PM me and I'll send you some details


BD: If you want just Drago to join I can work something out but the Agamarian legion would in a way destroy the point and plot of this paticular battle.


Sorry all, I should have posted this sooner and would have saved a lot of trouble.

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Admiral, worry ye not.


1. The Will of the Force


2. Hal is the last male heir to the Earldom of the Black Wall, (Lords of Agamar.)


3. The weapons aren't exactly "normal" and the Legion is perfectly capable of fighting with modern weapons. In General Cavaly use Heavy Tanks, Longbowmen are Infanty, the Shieldwall becomes mechanized infantry etc.




Notes on Agamarian weapons:


(Would have posted this before but ran out of time.)


Fire Horses:


These animals are not native to Agamar and their exact origan is unknown however they make cavalry a viable proposition on the modern battlefield.


A. Fire Horses are built like war horses but their size is considerably bigger.


B. Fire Horses run at a top speed of 45 miles an hour average.


Static Bows:


Filiment wires in the bows energise the arrows apon release, alowing them to puch through heavy armour and energy shields.



As to how the Agamarians know whats going on, I'll leave that under raps until at least the end of this chapter.

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BD, even if the Agamarians were allowed on the planet, their calvary would violate the rules of the "gentlemen's battle". (as Admiral said)


Also, to be quite honest, if they are allowed to take part in the battle, they will probably/definitely all die.


Our characters have a higher chance of survival due to certain circumstances that wouldn't apply to the Agamarians.


If the Aesir took away their horses and their bows and let them join the battle...well, they'd just be cannon fodder, wouldn't they?



However, the whole idea of the Legion sounds pretty interesting to me. I'm sure there's something else that can be done with them...

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sry to cut in, but even I was told that



1) Midgard is completely invisable to anyone with any sort of telekenetic prowless, even if someone's on the planet that someone distinctively knows


even detection through scientific methods (Ie scanning the space for gravity wells common for a planet, although one would need to know where in all the universe where to look)


3) well i JUST saw reds post (didnt appear until i hit the reply button)


the battle has been told to be a gentleman's war, both sides have been given rules that they must follow, most likey agreed upon with Hel and commanding Aesir


The Sith are undead, and practically in some sense dont have a will of their own, so thye have no chioce BUT to follow those rules


and although i cant speak for admiral, but i can very well guess that the aesir wont let outside interferences occur, thus preventing that one controlled war to spill outside the planet







although i also agree with red about your army/legion that you can bring, but one question arrises. How come Hal hasnt told about them yet?


oh and another, how does this 6k+ legion survive the holocuast? (surely the aesir would have targeted THAT planet, no offence)

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Originally posted by Scar Da Kookee

sry to cut in, but even I was told that



1) Midgard is completely invisable to anyone with any sort of telekenetic prowless, even if someone's on the planet that someone distinctively knows


even detection through scientific methods (Ie scanning the space for gravity wells common for a planet, although one would need to know where in all the universe where to look)


It's not specifically invisible to just anyone with telekinetic prowess.


Admiral will have to clarify the rest. :)


oh and another, how does this 6k+ legion survive the holocuast? (surely the aesir would have targeted THAT planet, no offence)


Why is that? They targeted Imperial worlds, then population centers. And alot of Imperials survived because fleets are mobile. Eighty percent of the galaxy's intelligent life gone leaves plenty of room for a 6k+ legion to survive.

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About the Sith:


The Sith are dead and and have been brought back to life. The thing is that they can't die permantly. Each time they die they are slightly disfigured *a broken neck will remain twisted sort of thing. A man who had his hand cut off may get it regrown backwards.*


Hel does have some power over them but they are not mindless drones. A mindless drone is worthless, you want someone who has some initiative.


A good example for this army of Sith is the ancient Spartans. The Spartans concentrated almost entirely on martial skills ignoring scholarlly skills like reading and writing. They were educated enough to follow orders but not much more then that.


This is true for this Sith army (this is an ancient army). They barely have an education, in other words they do not know anything else but to follow orders of their superiors. The higher the ranked Sith the more educated. At the same time are less likely to rebel since they have power over poeple and know rebellion is a quick way to a painful death. Obedience quick way for promotion. The Dark Sith Lords are the most highly educated but there are not many Dark Lords and they have no real reason to try an rebel.


Just a note on details:

Hel Brought the Sith army back and gave it to the Jotuns, which originally had the army to begin with.


The overall leader is Loki. This doesn't mean he is the strongest that falls to Fenrir however Loki is the father of Fenrir, Hel, Jormungand and as such is the leader.



About Midgard: The Aesir hide themselves in the force so one cannot find the planet by trying to sense them. Hal however doesn't (unless BD says otherwise). As such you could find the Jedi by sensing him. I may have argued that however it has been done in Empire Strikes back and the book Dark Saber.


Under normal circumstances. Hal, Orthos, Misea, Tanara etc would not be on teh planet so that is not an issue. You can't simply sense a planet. Further more the is a planetary cloaking device and shields, and other measures that prevant the idle explorer from finding the planet.


Now having the legion reach the planet ok. Setting down and fighting is not ok. They can stay in orbit and Drago can come down but no more with no horses.



About the rules: The Aesir and Loki, Hel Fenrir didn't sit down and talk about them. They ages ago by Odin and some others (Surt included among them).

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Ok, I'm on a role. The Legion exists for several reasons.


1. Tradition.


2. Trial by Tourument.


3. As a base for a modern army.


This is an Outer Rim Law (I made up). As you may have gathered in the Cantina Flax has been made dictator (King) for six months. Under certain circumstances a challenge to his right to rule might be brought. The challenger could ask for Trial by Personnal Combat or Tournument.


Obviously no-one is going to challenge a sword master like Taklin Flax. In the second case two armies draw up and fight a war using archaic weapons. In this instance Flax would Deploy his legions and call on his allies. Flax' Definate allies are:


House Windrider


House T'nassae


House Relinion.


Each of these houses holds about half the number of Legions House Flax does. The Layout is virtually the same. The only signifficant differences are as follows.


House Windrider's House Gaurd are all mounted and have some additional armour. Also in place of Halbadiers they have a medium cavalry which when dismounted are bassically the men at arms.


House T'nassae has a larger number of light infantry and some dedicated light horse archers but they have no Longbowmen, only crossbows.


House Relinion's Gaurds use two swords in melee combat.

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