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Revan Vs. Vader


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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

I think he knows, thats why he said that falling in a volcanoe has that affect on you. I think he meant that Anakin was stronger before he fell in the lava and started wearing the Vader armor.


i am aware of this but i was pointing out that this was not the case if you watch the films you'll see that the main difference is in the original trilogy vader only has 2 other jedi to be compared to obiwan and luke, luke was just a trainee, and obiwan let vader kill him so there wasnt really much to compare him


where as in the new trilogy anikin/vader has plenty of jedi to be compared to, and he's not a very good one as i have pointed out in the previous post


and i believe RedHawke was merely agreeing with me


back on topic Revan pawns all

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We really didn't see enough of Revan pre-mind wipe to understand his character, and post-mind wipe things get too confusing (what with the LS/DS endings and whatnot). Revan is all well and good, but I'm going to have to go with Vader (though I might change my opinion when we compare Vader to Nihilis ;) )

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

I think he knows, thats why he said that falling in a volcanoe has that affect on you. I think he meant that Anakin was stronger before he fell in the lava and started wearing the Vader armor.

Shok_Tinoktin, it appeared to me that Darkside_tanro doesn't know, which is the reason I asked if he knew. How would falling into lava diminish someones power, especially when they have the dark power to survive it? If anything he would be stronger after the expirience... And lastly, Vader is Aniken, so saying someone could defeat themselves is... rather... well it sounds... just a little strange. :D


Back on topic:

Originally posted by Prime

Vader > Revan > Anyone who says Revan is better

So true! :D

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I was just trying to explain what I thought he meant, not saying that I agree with him. Although GL does say that the fighting in the OT is not supposed to be as impressive in part due to the fact that Vader is crippled. Regardless, I consider him to have become Vader before actually falling in the lava, so discussing that is somewhat pointless.

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Hmmm.. Let's see:vadar:


By the will of the force Anakin/Vader is invincible.


Anakin/Vader's destiny was to destroy the Emperor/Sith. In doing so redeeming himself and bringing balance to the force. Who else can call the force their daddy? Other wise Anakin would of perished in the lava. Vader's death can happen only when he fulfills his destiny.


Revan's destiny is yet to play out. I don't think he would fair to well if he took a dip in a volcano.


I find the lack of faith disturbing:vadar:

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i think your reaching just a bit i do not believe that the prophecy is the reason that anikin survived the lava bath


and for whats its worth when luke skywalker was first starting the school for jedi on yavin 4 he went to look for apprentices and while doing this on one planet he actualy 'walked' on lava


and this is not due to any prophecy luke had to fill


and i am sure that if in kotor you had had to fall in lava revan would have survived


and the sole reason i vote for revan is for the silly reason you get to be revan lol :D

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Originally posted by Darth333

Since I only play the game for testing mods now, my Revan, with his/her min1hp is unbeatable and could even survive a lava bath :D



[vader] "I haven't felt a presence in the force like this, since...." [/vader]


wonders how long it will be till Darth333's robe becomes black once again ::: watches avatar :::



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IMO, I think this would be a good match, but I think Vader would come out on top.


The reason is because he is Darth Vader, the chosen one. He was conceived by the Force, and is the dark Lord of the Sith! I know he wears a heavy black suit, but that would make him faster cause he along with the suit, he had implants that would make him faster. So, I give it to Vader.



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Originally posted by Prime

It is you who are mistaken...about a great many things.

I fully agree Prime! :D

Originally posted by jackofblades

correction u are mistaken


Revan>retired vietnam veterns>blind preschoolers of america>C3PO>then vader

Ok, how is re-posting the same, or similar statement over and over going to prove your point? Looks more like a +1 post to me, but I could be wrong...


I might suggest that you need to elaborate on your claims a little more with something a little more in-depth than "Revan pwns!" Then perhaps tell us all why does Revan win?


Remember Star Wars is all about Aniken Skywalker/Darth Vader, it is ultimately his story and his galaxy that we are talking about here. :D

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Which one is more advanced use of the force in the movies

(Force Grip) or (Force Lightning) ??


Somehow I have been under impression that the very precise

and controlled tele kinetic use of force required for gripping is

not something every jedi/sith can do but Anakin can do that

because he was conceived by the force and because of that

he is soo damn over powered... (Luke is Anakins son so he

is pretty damn powerfull too so he can too...)


And Force Grip is more powerfull than lightning because there

isn't really any way to block it and you don't even need to be

any where close to the guy you are trying to grip, you just

need to be able to see/sense him...


Soo... When Revan and Vader fight I think Vader would kill

Revan... (he would just strangle him where he stands...)

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i believe force immunity will fend off the force grip, however i do think you are right the force grip is far more effective if you only have one opponent and i do belie that it does require more skill here are my reasons why


force lightning just point your dark sithy hand and fire away


force grip you have to concentrate on the target and reach out with the force and squeeze


however if you have multiple opponents the force lightning is far more effective (if you've upgraded your force lightning so you can hit multiple subjects) unless you are able to force grip multiple subjects which i am unaware of as i dont really use it RedHawke would br the one to ask as a better judge :D

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