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My Review of the US Demo


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finally got the September issue of OPM with the Battlefront Demo. Since I have been dying for information on this game, I wanted to share all the information that I can with you guys.


Demo Setup:

The map is Endor. Each team starts out with 100 tickets, the first team to 0 tickets loses. There is no time limit.



The look of the map is almost a perfect replica of the movie. The forest is lush with huge trees, there are ewok villages all over. There is some wildlife flying around the map. All of the units and vehicles look true to their movie counterparts. There is definitely alot to see running around to the different areas of the map.



I like the default configuration of the controls. It feels very responsive to me.



The sound is perfect. You can hear ewoks chanting in the background. The music is great. All the explosions/laser shots sound exactly how I would expect them to.



The gameplay is definitely where it should be in my opinion. It can be very frantic at times, but I never felt that it was out of control.



Assault Class:

One of my fears going into this game was that the assault class would be overshadowed or unusable because of the other classes. But I think pandamic did a pretty good job of giving each class advantages and disadvantages. This class has a good rate of fire, 2 types of grenades and really are the backbone of the armies in this game.


Tank Killers:

Some people had fears that this class basically be the infantry killer, instead of doing their primary job, which is to take out vehicles. It is possible to kill infantry with them but you almost have to have a perfect shot to do it. With any movement at all their missles can be avoided with ease. They also have mines that they can place.



Their rifles have 2 levels of magnification. Rebel class cant disguise herself as a stormtrooper but cannot shoot or take a control point until she is out of disguise. I have heard that this ability will be taken out of the full game. Imperials have a scout droid that can be moved around and can be self destructed to take out Rebels.



They have a pretty wimpy rifle, but they should be avoiding firefights on land anyways. They can build and repair equipment and also repair equipment while they are in it. This map is really not a good one to show off the pilots skills. The only vehicles are speeder bikes and AT-STs.


Special Classes:


His bowcaster will fire single shots or can be charged to fire multiple shots(Most that I have seen is 5). He has time bombs take a powerful but take about 8-10 to blow up. I blew up an AT-ST with one of these. He also has Med/ammo packs that he can throw on the ground for team mates.


Dark Trooper:

First off his rifle should only be used at close range. Good luck trying to fly and shoot someone at the same time.


After the game is over, there are 3 different stat screens.

The first one has all the players. The stats are: Kills, Deaths, and Control Points captured.


The second screen is Personal Stats. The stats are: Accuracy, Head Shots, Favorite Class, Favorite Weapon, Longest Life, Narrow Escapes, Vehicles Destroyed, Nemesis(who killed you the most), and Favorite Bait (who you killed the most).


The third screen is Player Awards. The awards are: Tank Buster, Killing Spree, Camper Award, Survivalist, Traitor, Public Enemy, Bantha Fodder, and Dead Eye.


Most of this stuff you guys probably already know, but hopefully you got some new info out of this.

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Thanks, if you take screenshots please post them as well


I think one timebomb for an AT-ST is too many. Sure I love it that infantry is strong vs vehicles, but not too strong...

I like the stats menu. Just how i would want it. And the sniper is indeed a female model. Yes!

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Nice thread, thanks. I have a couple questions, if ya dont mind.


1. What are the ewok traps ranging from, and are they realistic i.e: When the twin logs smasinto the At-ST head, do the two sides smash inwards toward each other and get all bent? When the logs roll down to trip it, does it stumple around in the logs before collapsing with its legs at odd angles?


2. do the ewoks ride the vehicles? I remember in return of the jedi that wicket fellow stole a speeder bike and zoomed off...


3. are the speeder bike sound affects accurate? like, when you you zoom by with that lingering little hooting drone? I loved the rebel strke game because of that...


4. how accurately do you control speed? I read somewhere that you push the right analog stick forward or backward it changes, but what if you pull back? do you actually shift into reverse?


5. do the At-STs have realistic speed? In rebel strike, when you controled them, they move at an unrealistically high speed.



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There are a Few more things that I forgot to include.


1. The visual clarity of the graphics is very good in my opinion. By this I mean that it is easy to distinguish the enemies from the terrain. I am not saying that you cannot hide in the terrain because the Rebels blend in quite nicely. Also all friendly units and enemy units do appear on the radar. I am kinda 50/50 on this one. It helps you find enemies easier but it also makes sneaking around to capture a control point impossible.


2. The enemy AI is decent. It makes attempts to out flank your team. It jumps in vehicles and on mounted weapons. And actually attempts to take over your control points. The friendly AI seems like a mixed bag. On the good side, They use vehicles, they attack the enemy like crazy, and when your control point is taken, they actually go and try to reclaim it. On the bad side, they definetly leave control points unmanned making it easy for the enemy to outflank.


3. In my opinion the dark troopers weapon is almost useless to fire when using the jetpack. The weapon is devestating at close range but as you get farther away it become practically useless.

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Other Stuff i forgot again.


1. There is a first person mode but this has to be change in the options menu. As far as I know there is no way to change from 1st person mode to 3rd person mode during game play.


2. There are medical droids and supply droids place at different areas of the map. Mostly around the control points.


3. When someone dies they leave behind health. Its actually alot easier to stay alive for a longer period of time by using the droids and picking up dead guys health.


4. There are quite a few ewok traps for the unsuspecting AT-STs.

Also ewoks will throw spears at you and occasionally pick up guns and shoot at you if you the Empire. There's is nothing like sending ewoks flying with a few well throw grenades. I love the smell of burning ewoks in the morning. I just cannot wait to lay waste to all of the JAR-JARs running around.


I was really hoping that this game would live up to my expectations and so far so good.


If there are any questions, I will try to answer them if you want me to.

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chicagodaves tip: infinite demo time- all you have to do is keep playing the demo till the words, DEFEAT or VICTORY appear on the screen, then very quickly hit start, then choose RESTART GAME, then you can restart the level over without having to exit the demo, you can keep doing this infinetely it seems i did for about 2 hours and it never kicked me out. so basically you get to play the endor level to your hearts content, no time limit.

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Originally posted by jedijohn

mine is 42:D




I had some lucky throw with a termal detonator....

Blew up 6-7 empires, but that was the second time I tried the game.

How long have u had the demo?

I've had it since saturday.


EDIT, removed doublepost:





Originally posted by Mountainforest

I've a question too: What happens if you destroy the shieldgenerator? Does the Imperial tickerstroke go down very fast?





Not so sure, have destroyed the shield generator two times,

but I didn't notice any changes.

Maybe it went down faster.

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