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Civ Combination


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After the last forum battle, I got to thinking.


What are teh best civ combos? what two civs work best with each other?


Wookiees and Naboo are great together. The strength of Wookiee infantry and heavy weapons combined with the Naboo's Air, cheap mechs and strong Jedi makes for a formidable combo.

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Originally posted by Admiral Vostok

Yeah, I think pretty much any two civs that have quite different strengths work well together, because each player can concentrate on one area and rely on the other player to back them up in those areas they lack.


Not exactly. Look at it this way. If you combine Empire and Rebel, sure you have good mechs and good air with troopers, but the two do not really complete each other that much.



A civ that would go well with the Confeds...hmmm...I would say Rebels. They can easily complete the loopholes in the Confeds. Though they still have both good troopers so maybe the Naboo would be better. Better strikes to compensate for the confed's ones and better air.

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Here's some ideas I've had, reject them if you will.


Empire with Republic - both these are really Jack-of-all-trades civs, but the Empire has a lean towards Mechs and Heavies while the Republic has a lean towards Air. Also the Republic's team bonus of Jedi will be a great asset to the Empire.


Naboo with Gungans - maybe I'm influenced by the movies here, but I think the strengths of these two really work well together. Naboo has great Air and Jedi, making up for the Gungans being crap in these areas, while the Gungans have great Mechs and decent Troopers, complimenting the Naboo. On a sea map these two would be devastating as the Gungan Team bonus relates to cheaper naval units.


Trade Federation with Wookiees - again, strength and weaknesses are complimented nicely, and the Federation team bonus for heavies will make the Wookiee's even better.


Rebel Alliance with Confederacy - these guys also compliment each other pretty well. The Confederacy's absolutely appalling air is made up for, and the same with the Rebel's Heavies, and with them both having great Troopers a combined force of FU Troopers would be fantastic.

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:D That starts getting complicated!


To start down that road we should start be sorting the civs by their strengths. Only taking the best three in each category:














Trade Federation



Heavy Weapons


Trade Federation











Trade Federation


Now ideally a combination of any three civs should have each area covered. Beyond that I'm not sure I could be bothered getting any further into analysing team bonuses and what-have-you.

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Very strange then I wonder why the confederacy doesn't get some more of the Mech techs or at least a few techs in other areas to compensate for that. Because GB seems to follow a set rule each side gets Three Speiclaities where they get all the techs for and at least one unique one however the confederacy seems to break this rule because it is classed as a mech civ but it doesn't get a unique mech tech and the confederacy only has two areas where it gets all the upgrades in and that's troopers and heavy weapons. They should have found some way to beef up the mechs or instead maybe have given some tech to air units like Redesigned Blaster Cannons to give confederacy aircraft an area of effect attack like that seen in the movies.

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Well one thing I've noticed with SWGB and it's civ descriptions: it never mentions Heavy Weapons as a strength. I don't know why it does this, since Heavies are obviously different from civ to civ. For example the Gungans have the best Heavies in the game, but their strengths are only listed as Ships and Mechs. So my point is that the SWGB civ descriptions aren't entirely accurate, because they overlook Heavy Weapons.


I'll make the change to the list replacing Confederacy with Gungans in the Mech list. I think the thing about the Confederacy is they are more of an all-rounder civ, like the Empire, except with the best Troopers in the game instead of the best Mechs. You'll notice in my list above that because the Empire is an all rounder civ, it only features once where as other civs have two or three strengths, but severe weaknesses in other categories. The Confederacy is now the same.

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Another thought I've had is this: what if, when combinging three civs, instead of trying to have every area covered just have a few overlapping really strong areas?


For example, combining Empire, Gungans and Trade Fed. The Empire's Team Bonus relates to Mechs, which helps all three civs since they already have strong Mechs. The Trade Fed Team Bonus relates to Heavies, which also helps all three civs since they also already have strong Heavies. And the Gungan Team bonus relates to Ships, which although it won't benefit the Empire it will benefit the Federation. All of their Air sucks, and their Troopers are average at best, but their Mechs, Heavies and Ships will be amazing.

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I like this thread, especially these last few posts. Maybe a strategy could be to get two civs Naboo & Rebels, to dominate the air and then add the Empire to get a good ground assault. The Reb's and 'Boos can add good Jedi, some cheap mechs ('Boos) and support with OK troops from the Rebs. But, nobody would touch them in the sky. The ground might be vulnerable but if you rule the air you rule the land right? The real trick would be not knowing what type of map you would be playing on, that would be fun.

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Owning the Air isn't the same as Owning the land. usually qith use you own certain parts of the land you can own the air over somebody else's base just not for very long. esepcialy since AA was considerably beefed up in CC, it's a case of knowing how to counter air, It usually can't win a game alone it usually needs a toekn ground force {looks at Vostok} or Naval force.

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Well, the first few times you can win with just an Air force. But after a few games people realise they need to build a lot of AA and as such it becomes more difficult...


But to this end I tend to agree with Viceroy that concentrating on air with more than one civ can be a bit risky. None of the civs give a team bonus relating to air, so there really isn't a point, except for having the ability to use Naboo fighters and bombers alongside A-Wings and Airspeeders.


I think the best area to focus on is Troopers, followed by Mechs and Heavies.

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Propably a first with vostok agreeing with me but i'll engoy it while it lasts.


Vostok do remember that match we all had where we used up every piece of carbon on the map Troopers really lost thier place on the western front Since they cost carbon I Myself am beginning to rethink my strategies slightly towards not throwing them away so readily.


The day of the trooper won't be over till the fat lady sings But I think she's just began to Hum a Few bars.

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Viceroy: indeed agreeance is not something we often share!


And to demonstrate that I'll have to disagree with your statement about Troopers. They only weaken in those situations where the map is low on carbon. Such maps are pretty rare really, ice lake is one of course but other maps have a decent amount of carbon, and indeed maps like motherlode and forest maps will never be completely mined of carbon.


As our ice lake game showed, once carbon is gone and you can't build troopers anymore, the game will be pretty short lived. So except for bizarre and unusual circumstances, focussing on Troopers is usually a good idea, except perhaps for the Trade Federation and Naboo who can't get repeaters.


On a related note, I seem to remember back when I played Age of Kings that it was quite common to use up nearly all the carbon... er, I mean wood on the map. Perhaps it was just me. At any rate, SWGB is better for not making carbon run out quite as often.

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