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Age of wraith - OOC thread


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For my RP, I'll be using Mandy's OOC/IC thread idea, which Darth Tepe also used for his Day after Tomorrow RP. In here you'll make OOC comments and suggestions, as well as your character profile.


You’ll notice a few historical inaccuracies in this, it is on purpose to better suit the story. This is essentially our earth, in 1527 being invaded by a demonic force. Please try and read it…I will do my best to make this one a great one.


Your character can be from any part of the world, of any race and nationality, and may make use of any weapons that would be around in this time, but must be human. Though try and keep it realistic, do not make a Native American with duel katana...try and stick to your national specific weaponry, unless you have a storyline that would explain the unique weapon.


And try and keep your weapons load realistic, this isn't an FPS where you can have 12 gigantic uber-rifles hidden under your coat. :p Three or four weapons at the most people. Unless you can provide a logical excuse.


All of the normal No Godmoding, no character controlling, and the normal still apply here.


The world will be coming under siege by a force of plainer demons. Evil creatures, with a desire for human blood, and utter destruction. They plan to enslave the human race, and turn them into cattle. If you need some images, think Diablo.


Your character should look something like this.






Kingdom/Clan/Tribe: (optional)

Weapons of choice:

Current Location:





Here is my character:


Name: Darrel Timothy

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Nationality: French

Kingdom: None

Weapons of Choice: two handed Claymore, wheel lock musket, short sword.

Current Location: Wales.


Biography: Darrel grew up in Gault La Foret, as the apprentice of a Ex-Knight turned blacksmith, after his mother died in labor, his father having been killed in a mugging some months earlier. Learning the art of swordsmanship from his master, he became proficient with many forms of blade, but preferred the Claymore in particular. At the age of 17, his guardian pasted away from natural causes, leaving him on his own. For 3 years he journeyed across France, continuing to perfect his swordsmanship, until he one day he encountered a Gunsmith in a forest about to be killed by a pack of wolves, rain had been falling to the ground that day, and the gunpowder in his musket had been dampened. After driving away the wolves, the Gunsmith took Darrel to his shop.


Darrel spent the next five years with the Gunsmith, learning his craft, and also learning how to accurately fire both the Matchlock, and wheel lock. As he prepared to leave, he was handed a specially crafted wheel lock musket by his old friend, before he continued on his journey. For the next 9 years, he traveled throughout France, Italy, and the British isle, perfecting both his swordsman skill, and his marksmen accuracy. He has recently made his way to Wales, the most recent stop on his journey across Europe. However, unbeknownst to him, his journey is about to become a whole lot wilder…



And that is it. Please post your character info, and any OOC comments in here, the RPG thread will be up shortly. :)

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Name: Jack Ironhand.

Age: 27.

Sex: male.

Nationality: English

Kingdom: none. Well, he is in england, but he's not on it's side.

Weapons of choice: Dagger, bastard sword.

Current location: Wails (shouldn't that be Wales?)


Biography: Jack doesn't talk much about his past, but when someone asks, he always says that his parents were attacked by bandits while travelling trough a forest. The bandits couldn't kill him however, and decided to raise him as a master thief. He is skilled in surviving in the wilderness, as well as pickpocketing, lockpicking, and the like. He usually hangs around a tavern, when he's not out in the streets, robbing people...

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Name: Pablo DeServit

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Nationality: Spanish

Kingdom/Clan/Tribe: none

Weapons of choice: throwing knives, spanish pistol

Current Location: Wales


Biography: Pablo grew up using the pistol his father gave him before he died of cancer, when pablos mother was killed by thieves, pablo swore to kill each and everyone of the clan's thieves, he is doing a god job so far, the thieves had left some throwing knives laying around and stuck in the wall. Pablo decided to use them against them, he has been training with them ever since and he is an expert.


Pablo was forced to leave his town, so he took a boat to Enlgad where he currently is.

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