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KotOR/TSL GUI Dialog Editor (DLGEditor) - Current Version: 2.3.2


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Originally posted by tk102

Hi Achilles,


Are you sure that E1 is properly selected in the tree at the time you initiate your Paste? Sometimes the tree doesn't respond as quickly as expected.


If the problem is persistent and is repeatable, could you send me the .dlg in question along with the exact steps involved in causing the bug.... email is in the Help: About screen.

Yeah, it tried it 5 or 6 times just to make sure that I wasn't doing something incorrectly.


Unfortunately, I soldiered through it a finished the dialog by copy/pasting text into new entries, so I don't have the problem file any longer :(


If I come across the same issue again, I'll save you a copy.



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v1.0.3 released


- fixed bug: Comments not being stored (thanks T7Nowhere)

- improved cut/delete operations (thanks Achilles, T7Nowhere)

- fixed bug that affected StartingList entries after one was deleted

- added Paste options to context menu when root node is selected

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Originally posted by tk102

Am I missing something because this rule has no "teeth" to it. I don't know about NWN, but KotOR doesn't mind moving up the dialog tree without the "IsChild" flag being set. The dialog behaves itself.


DLGEditor does nothing with this flag (other than create the field).


According to the Bioware Aurora Conversation Format document, table 2.3.2, the flag has this description:


IsChild - BYTE - 1 if this is a link, and there is a LinkComment.

0 if this is a direct reference to the dialog, and there is no LinkComment.


Sometimes apps do not follow standards and still work (e.g. Internet Explorer), but I generally try to write to them for future compatability.


My editor builds its data structures by walking the actual conversation, which has the side effect of weeding out orphan nodes. The downside is that it expects that files follow the Bioware format specs and chokes when they're not :) Well, at least it used to when cyclic edges were present between the nodes. Now I use a hashtable to tell if a node has been visited during the traversal of the tree, so it is easier to detect nodes that should likely be marked as links, which it then does.


I let my editor try this on Tanesh's file, then I sent it back to her { :) }; we'll see if my technique is any good. :D

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Unfortunately, the file doesn't work correctly, Fred. :( Seven of the eight entries of the starting list are missing and there are some problems with dialog options that should only appear with a script. I sent you a mail with the whole error list.

Oh, and it's "her", not "him". ;)

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I discovered a bug this morning that was causing the "Script that determines if node is available" script name to be written to "Script to run for this node" script's field. This is a bad thing. I corrected it and a new version of Kotor Tool is available for those who'd like to try it. Also, I sent Tanesh a new version of the conversation to see if it works better.


I realize this is more of a Kotor Tool-thing than something directly relevant to tk102's cool tool, but I wasn't sure how to otherwise address it :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

GUI DLGEditor v1.0.5 released.


- Added enhancements to the code to make it more compatible with those DLG files created with KotOR Tool.


I noticed some DLG files that didn't have certain fields (eg. Sound, SoundExists, Quest, etc.) These caused DLGEditor some trouble, but no longer.

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I ran into the same problem! In fact, I used to unconditionally add many fields whether or not they were used, but now I only create them if either (a) I know from experience that they have to be there or (b) the user entered data that needs to be stored in a node. This makes the DLGs I output much smaller with less 'waste'. This follows my observations ofseveral of the in-game DLG files.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

DLGEditor v1.0.7 Released 12/4/04


Fixed problem where user would paste a Unicode character such as a smart quote or a smart apostrophe into the Text field and then get a "Wide Character" error when trying to save the dialog. Now, Unicode characters will appear in the Text field, but will become strange ASCII characters in the Treeview when Apply button is pressed. This eliminates the error at save. Thanks svösh and Darth333!

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  • 5 weeks later...

GUI DLGEditor v1.0.8 released.

Automatic Apply Feature added.


v1.0.8 - Added "Automatic Apply" feature to the Edit menu (F8=shortcut). After working with DLGEditor for awhile, I felt it is was too annoying to have to click the Apply button all the time for changes to stick. (I'm surprised more people didn't complain about this. :o )This feature is toggled on by default and will hide the Apply button. Changes are applied whenever the user clicks on a different Tree Node. You can revert back to the old behavior by pressing F8 which will make the Apply button reappear automagically.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by tk102

Just a reminder for those trying to use DLGEditor with TSL dialogs:


You'll need to press Ctrl+T (or choose File: Change TLK File) to browse to the dialog.tlk file located in your TSL installation directory.


Any chance the program could "remember" that change so you don't have to change it everytime?


Also, I was wondering, would it be possible to to display (and modify) script parameters fields just as you can do with actual script names.



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Any chance the program could "remember" that change so you don't have to change it everytime?

Yes I actually intend to add that feature.


Also, I was wondering, would it be possible to to display (and modify) script parameters fields just as you can do with actual script names.

Ah, is this something new with TSL dialog files? Parameters that can be passed to the scripts? If so, then most certainly!


I have not investigated TSL dialogs yet, obviously. :)

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I have not investigated TSL dialogs yet, obviously.


LOL! I on the other hand don't know what was (and what wasn't) possible with the first game. I felt the modding force only with TSL. :D


But yes, you can add params (whole bunch of them) in dlg files which will be passed to scripts you're calling. I guess this makes usage of scripts more effecient since you can write more generic code. Unfortunately, so far you can only modify/add them with GFFEditor which is pain in the butt, especially with large dialogs.


Anyway, I eagerly await your next release. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a long time coming...



v2.1.2 released


DLGEditor now supports TSL dialog editing. There's been many new features added to DLGEditor that were not present in the 1.0.8 version. Some highlights include:


- Support for new TSL .dlg field editing

- KotOR/TSL dialog.tlk paths supported

- Undo feature supports 4 levels of undo

- Autodetection of .dlg file types (attempted at least)

- Toggle mode from KotOR to TSL

- Multiple language ID support and conversion capability

- Screen Resolution can be modified

- Go to Index # functionality

- Move Node Up/Down from context menu

- A new readme.txt


I am certain how all the new fields affect dialogs in-game. Hopefully you will be able to provide feedback that I can put into the readme.txt.

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