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Just curious am I the only one who lays mines or does anyone else use em?I use mines alot on Hoth and Geanosis against the Imps and Republic.The mines are ok but they could up the damage that they do.









"These blast marks, too accurate for a controller. Only a mouse and keyboard are so precise"

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You think so? I think they are a good damage level and I could even see how people would ask them to be reduced if more people were using them.


Right now only the rocket launcher classes get them, and I think that is a good thing. I love them, and have been using them all day.


Right now everyone wants to be a "Rocketeer" so when they get over it, and they start actually playing the game, then I think that more people will seek out all of the options of the game. I am twice the wiser I guess you could say because I have been trying out everything from the get go.


So far, I like the Flak Cannon or whatever you call it and I am really enjoying the mine/bazooka classes. For this type of game, mines are crucial and important. I am actually not getting as many kills as a "rocketeer" but I am making my team win more often then not by being tactical. That is what I like to be anyway.... that is why I would be such a great asset for a clan whenever one of them decides to pick me up....





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Originally posted by ReturnFire

I've tried playing with the mines. They seem only useful against the bots as they seem to run towards them when they are along their path. Against vehicles they are a joke.


Using them in doorways and around the takeover points is where the ticket is at. I get about fifty percent success rate on the mines that I lay... and if I can get to some reload droids then that is pretty good...




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Ok...so I finally started checking out the mines.


One big question...Do the mines disappear after a certain amount of time even if you never die?


I was near an ammo droid, and was putting a lot of mines down, but it seemed that everytime I'd put one down, one would disappear. Anyone know how this works?


Maybe you can only have (x) number of mines down at any one time in one lifetime.


When you die in BF42 the mines stay on the ground for about 15 seconds (probably until you respawned). So, do the mines disappear after a certain time even if you don't die..and if you do die..anyone know if and for how long the mines you put down last?


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Originally posted by ReturnFire

I've tried playing with the mines. They seem only useful against the bots as they seem to run towards them when they are along their path. Against vehicles they are a joke.


Actually, the mines are quite powerful against vehicles. They can be effectively used to take out walking vehicles like the AT-AT, and AT-ST. Just lay them down in their path and hope they walk over them. You will be suprised how much damage they can inflict. In addition to that, you can also lock onto vehicles, even flying ones, with the rocket launcher.

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Originally posted by OldIronsides

One big question...Do the mines disappear after a certain amount of time even if you never die?


You can only have 4 mines on the battlefirld at once. If you go to a droid and get more mines, the second you place a fifth mine, the first one disappears. You only carry four, so you are only allowed to lay four. Kinda sucks, but it makes it more strategic. So people don't just lace and area with mines by reloading with a droid.


Mines just rock. The rocket launcher class is my favorite right now because of them. I get like half my kills using mines. Most people don't what what they are and walk right over them. Also you can attach them to the wall, so when someone goes around a tight corner they'll never se it when BOOM...

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