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Episode III Planet in Star Wars Battlefront *SPOILERS*


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Originally posted by LoQ

You obviously don't know much about film making. With six months remaining I can assure you that they won't be "rescripting everything". With the exception of some pickups etc, most of the main shooting has already been completed. They are now in post.


Look I have friends in the industry. A few of them actually work for ILM. This is how i have seen some of the script revisions. Other script versions are online if you look hard enough. THERE IS NO ICE PLANET in EP III. Kashyyyk is the EP III planet in the game. Argue all you want.


Besides if Rhen Var was in the movie (and it isn't) wouldn't it be a better selling point for the game to say that it features "TWO Ep III PLANETS"(as in plural)?


Thanks for the input, but you know.......I don't care:D

As long as Ep III is cool I just don't care.

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Originally posted by thejeditraitor

it's not a spoiler if it's all over the official star wars site.


Unless somebody is all over the official site, they won't see it. I edited the title for "spoiler."


When Episode II was being made, I had to avoid the official site, because their "video diaries" and such were laden with spoiler material. At least a fan site like TFN would periodcally make you highlight the stuff to see it. The movie is still 7 months away. We don't need to turn this into another Episode III spoiler forum, even if a few tidbits from the movie are in this game.



If it's about Episode III, use the appropriate forums in the future, but I'll allow this because it was somewhat about the game...

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Here's the deal:


It's Kashyykk (whatever...). Yes, the previs team went to the holiday special for the only resource that exists. However, what they took was the architectural style. Lucas said he wanted to go to Kasshhyk, but wanted to look at a different part of the planet than we've seen before (and, not coincidentally, that was easily identifiable as different from Endor, and THOSE giant trees). Soooooo, the action in RotS takes place at the docks. Rhen Var, correct me if I'm wrong, is actually an EU planet developed for the console game THE CLONE WARS. It's NOT a new RotS planet.

Oh, and the thing about Lucas trying to get all the copies of the Holiday special is from an interview quote "If I had time, and a hammer, I'd destroy every bootleg copy!", not like some actual crusade he's on.

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Originally posted by Skellington

Rhen Var, correct me if I'm wrong, is actually an EU planet developed for the console game THE CLONE WARS.


Rhen Var is an EU planet, but it wasn't created for the clone wars game. The first I heard of it was in the "Tales of the Jedi: Redemption" comic series from Dark Horse, which was published back in 1998. Which predated the Clone Wars video game by quite a few years


Click on the link below and go to "Redemption #2". You will see Rhen Var and the Publishing date as well.



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Originally posted by LoQ

Rhen Var is an EU planet, but it wasn't created for the clone wars game. The first I heard of it was in the "Tales of the Jedi: Redemption" comic series from Dark Horse, which was published back in 1998. Which predated the Clone Wars video game by quite a few years


Click on the link below and go to "Redemption #2". You will see Rhen Var and the Publishing date as well.




You win.:)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Should this thread be moved to the "Episode III (Spoilers Allowed)" forum?


My opinion is that it should be left here. Mainly because next to the "should jedi be playable in SWBF" topic, the "Rhen Var/'Ep III planet" thing seems to be a topic/argument that keeps appearing. Removing it from this forum will just make it appear again and again, and chances are spoilers will just keep popping up.


It already states in the title of this topic that there are spoilers. So it is very clear to anyone who reads it.


Anyway you asked. So there's my 2 cents! ;)

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Originally posted by Capt. Kain

The Kashhykk level should have been in the trees only. Have walkways made in the trees. If ya fall off the path, ya should fall to your death. Like the Bespin Platforms level.


kashyyyk isn't like that in ep 3.


it's like the game. and i actually put 2 and 2 together a while ago. there were spoilers about the battles on kashyyyk in ep 3 being "like private ryan" i.e. droids storming the beaches of the lagoons and the wookiees, clones fighting on the shore. if you play the daytime kashyyyk level you'll see that's exactly what it is like.

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Actually, Kashyyyk was suppose to be already listed on the site, I heard that the special Ep. 3 Planet was supposed to be the lava planet they keep talking about, I know the name, but it would be unwise to say it here. (Spoilers shouldn't be given out anyway) But thats just what I heard. ~Teh CoLoNeL

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