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Dear SWBATTLEFRONT.NET Forum People ...


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hatelull says ...



thank you for not sucking. hatelull reads the lucasarts forums and wants to remove his eyes with a rusty spoon. hatelull apologizes for not posting much, but school is hell and hell is school.


hatelull thinks this community is the only thing that will keep people playing the game (PC anyway) through October.


hatelull also says that if Pandemic doesn't provide another patch for the PC soon, zombies will march on the studios leaving no developer alive.


this is all.




p.s. he plays on strikeservers.com on those rare moments when he consumes enough medication to fight the asstacular server browser mechanics.

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i also join on strikeservers.com - they dont use bots-


i spent an half hour to find it because the last "lovely" patch makes hidden the pings and the number of bots and i have to go over each server with cursor to see it;


and if it's not enough: when i try to join a server and it says "sorry you are too late, it's full!" it comes back to the browser and it doesnt refresh anymore the number of bots in game.. So i have to quit Battlefront and restart all again and again..


I am going to re-install everything and no patch this time..

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