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Connection Busy during every map changing!


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I dunno why, but every time that our server changes maps it goes in busy for about 60 75 second, and for re-enter in it it's needed closing and reopening of the game.


This can happen without differences if u join with ASE, GameSpy and ingame serverbrowser.


These are the actual setting of the server:


/win /norender /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /nosound /gamename NGI[FUN]Battlefront /playerlimit 32 /playercount 0 /bots 0 /difficulty 3 /sideselect /throttle 3072 /tps 20 bes1a end1a bes2r geo1r hot1i kam1c tat2r nab1i yav1i nab2c rhn1i tatli rhn2c bes2a bes1r hot1i end1a rhn2a nab2a tat2i rhn1r nab1c tat1r yav1c


I have read on this forum that someone has solved this problem with the setting of playercount upper then 0 or 1.

We have tried it without any effective change.


How can be possible?

Someone has the same problem?

Someone knows any solution???

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