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Neutral Buildings You Can Control ?


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I'm not sure if it's been asked before, but I've had SWGB for a while and keep forgetting to come to a forum to ask what to do, anyways.


In games I've played, I've found miscellanous units and buildings which are neutral, but when you go enar them you gain control of them.


The sandcrawlers i get, they're kind of workers, and can't shoot anything, so I tend to use them for mapping.


As for the others, it's the buildings I don't get, things like different tattoonie habitation and driller rigs and the like, and then depending on the terrain you also get the massassi(sp?) temples ?


Do any of these buildings have any purpose ? It seems my enemy likes to go and shoot them and blow them up when I flag them. Do I need to put a power supply next to them or a power droid ?


If anyone can tell me what the purpose though of these buildings and whether sand crawlers have any other use I haven't discovered, it would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance



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First of all, welcome to the forums :) Hope you enjoy your stay.


To answer your questions:


Sandcrawlers: Originally, they were mech destroyers but that was overpowered so now they're nothing more then additional scouts that take up pop slots.


Neutral buildings: They basically have no purpose in MP since people ignore it but in SP the computer is dumb enough to attack them. No they serve no purpose except occupying the computer while you slaughter its forces.

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