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What Campaigns do we think will be in the new RTS?


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Originally posted by DK_Viceroy

I might be able to do better than that I might be able to get them to come here and give proof of their desires.


Can't you just make a thread at whatever unbiased forum with regular fans, non-fanatical geeks that praise Lucas as a demi-god?


Oh, theforce.net isn't such an unbiased forum ;) Actually, I'd be amazed if you could prove that your source is totally unbiased.


You should try doing a poll outside a gaming store, one done by an independant statistics company.

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Uh...that was confusing.


What saber meant was that the average consummer does not do mods for stuff.

They might download it and install the mod and play it but it doesn't make them a geek.


As a matter of facts, more players will play the original game then any mod that comes out for it(with the exception of Counter-Strike but that's a special case).


If you check the numbers, there are more players for the original BF1942, UT2k4, etc. then for their mods.


EDIT: Oh I forgot. If the supporters bother to visit the forums, they're geeks.

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though LIAYD it is though if I asked a few of a Mod's consumer's to come here just to post their opinions justify them, because you'll all ask for them to be justified and then most of them would propably leave how does that make them geeks?


If they did stay that would make this forum a bit more active not that at present we're having much of a problem.


Vostok will be gob-smackled to see this place so active again, I do hope he enjoys Europe.

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Man your posts are getting confusing again.


So I have to justify their opinion?


Is it that hard when somebody says:"I want a Yuuzhan Vong" and the reply is:"Why?" to jut answer the question?


"Why do you want to have a Yuuzhan Vong Civ?"


"OMG U SUCK 1'M G01NG T0 L34V3!!!!1111!!!!one!!!"






They are geeks just as you and me are. We're here on a forum. They're on a forum. They spend time on an internet discussion board. We all know they're geeks. Is it that hard to understand?

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Why is not?


Is so hard to accept what kind of person you are?


So I am a french-canadian vietnamese north american of the first generation of immigrants to be born outside Viet Nam after the exodus at the end of the war.


Socially, I'm a leftist who also happens to be geeky but a very competent soccer(football) player who does all sorts of sports all the time.


Even if you don't fit in a single class, you're still part of it. Being a geek doesn't stop you from being a jock also but doesn't negate the former.

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