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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers (Discussion Thread)


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Well Red I don't know how it works, because I can't land any scientists there to find out, because none of their equipment works.:D


Basically anything that is electrical/nuclear dosen't work. I'm saying this as a blanket rule becuase otherwise we'd end up with the odd exception here and there and pretty soon the group would be going there all kitted out with no probelms.


Machineary works, like steam power, or firearms. The reason the Agamari don't use them is a little complex but here it is in brief. Tarsians seem to have a cultural blind spot, they can't invent things, but they can copy things or improve things.


The Agamari consider it their sacred duty to try and eliminate the Tarsians, they believe that doing so will eliminate the anti-tech mojo, maybe. Now the first ship that landed obviously came all teched up, then all the tech stopped working and the crew had to fight the naked savages with swords, mainly they just had to deal with pointy sticks.


Some of them got killed and dragged away, of the twlve in the survey team four survived and were eventually picked up by a very skilled and intelligant pilot, who just got his ship out in time.


The next team went in rapid insertion style all kitted out in archaic armour and stuff. They faced Tarsians with iron tipped spears, beat them back then were picked up at the end of their scouting mission.


The next group faced a roughly organised battle line, the next a shield wall, the next an organised battle line with spears covering slingers, the next mounted troops. You get the picture. Needless to say you don't want to introduce firearms into the mix and certainly not rifles.


So anything the group has that post dates about 1300 techwise will get confiscated, they'll get it back but not until the end of their stay.


Needless to say the Tarsians aren't human, exactly what they are I'd like to keep under wraps.


This is all very vague as the whole thing is now shrouded in legend.


About the armour. I feel no need to really explain in great detail how the Agamari fight on a Star Wars battlefield because the answer is more or less the same as everyone else. They all carry short swords and certain units of Houseguards engage in hand to hand with axes or swords fully armoured.


About fighting the Sith, if I understand correctly their bodies are basically alive, right? Then you kill them and the magic more or less re-asembles the body and they come back to life. While the body is "dead" i.e. missing a head it can't do anything.


So given that the more serious the injury the longer it takes for the body to reasemble what if, during that time I were to do one of the following:


Stick the head on a spike


Ram a stake through the heart


Cut the head off and stick it in a box


burn the body to ashes?


As far as I have seen the magic always tries to reasemble the body, but what if I make that physically impossible?


Like the guy in the ice, the magic kept bringing him back to life, then he died again.


Answer that for me, then we can talk about what the swords do.

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BD: If I'm correct you said there was something like a dampening field on the planet, which would shut down after the completion of the quest? At least those were your original plans for the planet.


Since I'm interested: Why are the Agamari so dedicated to eliminating the Tarsians? and given the circumstances why even bother with Tarsis in the first place?


Now on to the Sith.


Currently when a Sith dies after about five minutes the body will regenerate slightly disfigured (No matter what though the disfigurement will never reach the point where the Sith is useless). Now how the body regenerates is dependent on the way the Sith died. Some examples:


A broken neck would simply repair itself and probably result in the head being at a slight tilt.


A missing limb (say from incineration, like what would happen in a nuclear blast) will grow back. If the body is turned to ash, the largest particale would be the one to regrow the body, if every particle is the same then it is random.


A missing limb close to the largest part of the body will reattach itself to the body.


A missing limb that is far away or is blocked from reattaching will turn to ash and the body will regrow that piece. Something else to note the ash is poisonous and very deadly if inhaled.


A stake through the heart would be ejected at high velocity hopefully at the person who put the stake in the heart.


Now if you were paying attention (you get a cookie) you will notice I said currently before going into those examples. As Hel's power grows and she is able to bring back other races (Heloki, Fenris Brood, Jotuns). The time that it takes a body to regenerate will decrease until it seems almost like nothing happened.


An example of this: A turbolaser blast hits a sith completely incinerating the body. An eyeblink later the Sith is back.


And there is another tidbit that the Aesir don't know, Hel's gaining power faster then they believed she would. In conclusion Loki's army is designed to be unbeatable, (purely so the galaxy can be destroyed in the time limit), the "good guys" may enjoy success for a time, but that will be a very short period of time.

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Admiral I've just looked back through the last thread and I see no reference to a "dampening field" or it being "shut off."


About the swords: I've posted out these ultra sharp, light and indestructable swords before. However, with the re-emergance of magic they take on other properties. When faced with a "magical" enemy they glow blue, lose weight and cause burns when they touch flesh. The burn is proportional to the wound. So a cut will blister, a severed limb will probably burn a bit more of the limb off and a death blow will cause the body to explode in spectacular fashion.

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could have sworn you said that, oops.


Now about those swords. Keep in mind that while the Futhark shares many similarities to magic it is not in fact magic. However, if you mean that the swords glow blue etc (Did you take that from Lord of the Rings by any chance?) when they encounter unnatural beings there wont' be a problem.


I'm still curious about why the Agamari are so interested in Tarsis? And why are they so against the natives?



To everyone: How long do you want to wait to see if the lost posts are recoverd?

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Yeah Admiral, I'm cribbing, and its going to get worse. Wait until we get to Tol Dura, the great Fortress built across the Dura Pass.


Its interesting you should mention the Futhark, since the name for the written Agamarian language is Furthork and runes in that language are often eteched into the blades, mirrored on both faces. Another thing which I've been toying with for Tarsis and which I have now decided to implement is having the Force "fuzzed out" That is it's still there but its almost untouchable. I decided on this a while back because I think the light/dark side barrier needs to be blurred there for some of the stuff I have planned.

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A couple things you might want to know BD:


* Blade/Shadow tech - being magic-based - doesn't need electricity to work and doesn't use nuclear power. (Electricity is incorporated only inasmuch as organic life forms have electrical impulses from neurons etc. if I remember my biology.) This is technology that evolved in a world that didn't even need to discover steam power since magic power was so much easier to come by.


(Some Shadow tech has elements of electrical/nuclear technology, since it's cribbed from other dimensions, but still most of Guy's stuff would work... some systems might fail but there's always backups.)


* Magic from the Aether (i.e. my universe) isn't the same as magic from Mrear and wouldn't have any abnormal effect on Agamari swords.


Also: That IS alot of cribbing. "Futhork" and runes on blades from Admiral, and the Force "fuzzed out" from me ;) (Kidding mostly but "Futhork" is kinda pushing it. :D)

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Red, I don't think "fuzzing out" the Force is cribbing from you so much as cribbing from Crystal Star.


As far as cribbing off Admiral, well you're wrong:D


I cribbed off the same thing Admiral cribbed off, history.


The Futhark and the Furthork are two versions of the runic alphabet used by the Germanic peoples, which was probably invented for inscribing on metalwork, for which there is ample evidence.


You missed my actual cribbing refernces. Ever heard of the Dross?


About Guy's stuff: Well if you don't want to play the game thats fine but the point is to strip the group of everything they rely on.

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Ah... I haven't read that. XD


I know about the runic alphabet. I was kidding mostly about the cribbing. Just seems funny that both of you are using very similar names. ;)


As for Guy's stuff, I'm willing to play - I'm sure I can relieve Guy of his precious Stuff somewhere along the line. I am after all a master of the deus ex machina ;) I'm just being a stickler for justifying things...

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I'm actually waiting to hear back on what a time frame for possible retrieval for missing threads might be. :)


And, actually, I think in 3-5 days we ought to just make a new "section two" thread if restoring the old thread is possible. That way it's less likely more would be overwritten. (And if the old thread gets its tail end restored, I can just merge the two threads together.)


I should also point out that my main reason for not minding this wait is that Deac hasn't shown up again yet, and if he does, we should probably just pick up right then regardless of whether the thread is still there or not. :)

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Red, I agree, it is a pretty big coincidence but the Furthork is the Saxon derivative of Futhark and I can up with it long before Admiral started using it here. So its a case of parrallel developement.


As to Guy, well he'd probably have it all confisacated and if he resisted he'd be strip searched.

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Heh. Honestly if that happened, and Guy didn't cooperate, the Agamarians wouldn't be able to do much. Even if they managed to knock him out (or *gasp* kill him), they wouldn't be able to move his ship, or strip him. (Let's just say his bodysuit isn't held on by buttons.)


Really, since when does the group actually go through proper channels to accomplish something? And why would they listen to a government rule when it could harm them? I can't see Guy (or the rest of the group) giving up their stuff just because a petty government demands it. It's rather irrelevant to try and make people happy when you're trying to save the universe. ;)

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I personally would like them to try flogging Guy to Death, but that is just me.


Now as far as the futhark is concerned I decided on using that when I created the Aesir, and well does it really matter? After all both me and Deac use Ragnarok...


BD: Just a couple of points/thoughts


As far as confiscating Guy's technology, and well the rest of the groups is concerned. You are going to have some problems with that. The end of the universe will be very near when the group reaches Tarsis, so expecting them to obey a law that could possibly lead them to fail the quest isn't going to happen. Especially when success means that any thing they did on that planet would not have happened. Assuming that the group even contacts the government in the first place, their MO so far has not been to contact local governments asking permission to land, rather they pick a spot and land.


You said you want to strip the group of everything they rely upon, but how are you going to accomplish that? The Aesir rely more upon their archaic weapons then they do on the more advanced techonology (in combat) so the no tech rule won't harm them. They also have access to the Futhark so again there isn't a problem. Marin rely's upon shapshifting, Aidan on brute force/his lightning attack so he isn't effected. Orthos I believe has the Starkiller sword he uses. The ones that will be hurt on Tarsis are the jedi and raschel.


I'm still waiting to hear what is so important about Tarsis that the Agmari bother with it.

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Okay, Homeric last first:


The Tarsai have escaped before by attacking cargo ships and forcing the pilots to take them off world. Since it takes a little while for the power drain to become apparent ships have been known to land there for repairs. Thats reason one. Reason two is simply that the Agamari cannot concieve of strategic defeat, tactical defeat yes, but no strategic.


You don't want to make an enemy of an Agamarian because he'll keep coming until he's dead and the rest of his family until your dead, and the rest of his clan until your family is dead.


You get the picture.


As far as stripping them of everything they rely on, well I did consider having a blanket "no" on magic which would have hit more of the group but there are still going to be problems, for instance comlinks won't work.


As far as the confiscation thing, well the group will have to pass through the Tol Dura fortress in order to head north and into the underworld. Added to this the first thing that will happen will be that the group will be attacked, as soon as the hatch opens. Since the Asgardried is a large ship it will attract a large force.


The group will be saved by Agamari cavalry which will have been sent out on seeing the ship enter the atmosphere.


At that point the group will be faced with (checks notes) 60 heavy Cav with lances and 120 fast horse archers. I'd like to see them get out of that, especially since the Agamarian leader was generous enough to send spare horses. Speaking of which what is the size of the group now?

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BD: Your under the assumption that the Asgardried would enter the planet without its cloaking shield engaged. Given the circumstances the ship would have the shield up so the natives and the Agamari would not see it enter the atmosphere, that is if the ship doesn't remain in orbit (still cloaked). I'm toying with a number of possible entry methods.


As far as resisting their saviors. Well Idun and Valda can put up shields that can protect the group if necessary (among other things in their arsenal) and then there are three Drake (in the near future you'll see what a Drake can do to an army when it doesn't have any restrictions).


Something else about the confiscation. Asking to give up your weapons is a grave insult to an Agamari. So by wanting the group to give up their weapons the Agamari are insulting the group...


I believe the group numbers around 19 (excluding your characters and assuming Deac shows up again).


One final thought about the Tarsis plot line. Red and I often discuss plots with each other to work things out and to get desired effects. As we come closer to the point were this plot line will begein I would recommend that you share ideas/how you want the plot to proceed (not ever detail so you can have some surprised etc.). This way problems that could destroy the plot line can be taken care of well in advance.

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Now BD, exactly what could 100,000 irate warriors do to a Shadow? There is a reason that they gained that nickname, y'know. :)


The size of the group will increase during/after the upcoming dimension hop (i.e. this chapter), although not necessarily in the area of trusted, dependable members.... Even so, a group of unstable refugee magical powerhouses could put a serious dent in any army sent after them, especially one who can't use the Force or any useful technology.


Personally, faced with a 100,000-strong army armed with archaic weapons, no knowledge of Aether magic (or most likely ANY magic), in fact no supernatural powers at all (correct?), and no 'high' technology, I think the big army's chances start looking grimmer.


Finally if power drain is the key to the anti-tech mojo, there is now way most or all of Guy's stuff would be affected, since logically you can't create something to drain a power source if you don't know it exists, right?


Although, it wouldn't be terribly difficult to create a plot situation in which Guy is relieved of his technology by an external force, before even reaching Agamar... I'm thinking a certain Blade, at the moment.


btw, Admiral: You do plan on having the Drakes stick around?

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Okay, well I'm going to just deal with these problems in no perticular order.


The Agamari find it insulting to be disarmed, i.e. stripped of all weapons because it shows a lack of trust. They will be more that accomadating in re-suppling the group with what they deem appropriate.


About the army, well lets see (checks notes) It would be three Fyrds, which at full strength would number 35,910 men each for a total of 107,730 men in the entire army.


Grand Total: 107,730 men


Break down by numbers:


Per Fyrd: 35,910


Legions: 2


War Levies (Reserve Formation): 2




Per Legion: 7690


Longbowmen: 1,000


Armoured Spearmen: 2,000


Skirmisher Archers: 500


Armoured Billmen: 1,000


Houseguard Axemen: 1,000


Light Archer Cavalry: 720


Armoured Lancers: 720


Houseguard Cavalry: 720


General's Guard (Heavy Cav): 30




Per Levy: 8940


Longbowmen: 2,000


Armoured Spearmen: 4,000


Skirmisher Archers: 500


Armoured Billmen: 1,000


Light Archer Cavalry: 720


Armoured Lancers: 720




Fyrd Reserve: 1870


General's Guard (Heavy Cav): 30


Nobles (Heavy Cav): 720


Houseguard Swordsmen: 1,000


Light Cavalry: 120


Artilliary: 90 (780 men)


Light Catapulta (Arrow shooters): 60 (480 men)


Heavy Ballistae (Rock shooters): 30 (300 men)

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Red: The Drakes are not crossing dimensions but will be remaining in the current dimension.


BD: Remember after twenty years that number will dwindle especially if Loki decides to go after them with his full force. And that army would make a nice afternoon snack for the Drakes. ;)


Anyways I will say the Aesir are not going to hand over their weapons to the Agamari (especially when they won't be bringing their high tech weapons to begin with). Commonsense would say thats a bad idea after you blew up the Agamari's homeworld, another bad idea is to trust them to give you decent weapons (for the same reason).


Also keep in mind that the Aesir have hidden for centuries, they are rather adapt at inflitrating "secure" areas and going where they please when they want to.


BTW: Threatening the group, and essentially saying if you don't play along they'll die is a quick way to see your legions destroyed (Remember, in stories heros always face impossible odds and survive). Obviously this isn't the desired result so this confiscating idea is going to need to be reworked. Or done in a different fashion since my impression at this point is that it won't work the way you currently have it planned.

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BD: Their numbers are pretty irrelevant. You can only throw so many people at a small group at one time, and in this situation magic/Futhark gives the group the tactical equivalent of several racks of mini-nukes. Or at least a few dozen tanks. I can easily see the group just bulldozing past an entire army.


Basically, what Admiral said. :)

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Okay, I was having one of those megalamaniac moments before, as a matter of interest I've rebalanced the force now and actually reduced the numbers, although I've increased the numbers of certain troops and changed the ratios of others. From a military standpoint I'm interested in oppinions, especially the artilliary at the moment its 1 piece per 100 longbowmen.


As regards the group, Red you can only throw so many men at a group in melee but you can shoot them up as much as you want. There are 6,000 longbowmen and 2,000 skirmishers. The longbows will do 15 arrows a minute, thats 90,000 arrows a minute. The skirmishers can do 20, thats another 40,000 arrows, 130,000 arrows in one minute! Two minutes of sustained fire before anyone runs out of arrows.


So the group will have to survive 260,000 arrows from the foot soldiers alone, I'm not even going to bother with factoring in the mounted archers.


About the heros thing, well maybe the Agamari will engage the group in single combat one by one. After all the group aren't the only heros in the galaxy.


I don't want you thinking I'm just being argumentative, I'm trying to throw up worthy counterpoints.


Okay, so lets look at whats going to happen again.


1. The Asgardried approaches and lands under cloak.


2. The group disembark, as soon as the Tarsai become aware of them they will mass and attack, the group will be out numbered by 10-20:1.


3. The group are "rescued" by an Agamari patrol and taken to To Dura.


4. The group are asked, very politely, to give up any high-tech equipment they have, which will be held for them until they return. The Agamari re-suply the group with their own weapons/equipment.


Admiral, as a pradtical story point, provided the group don't obcenely insult the entire Agamari race they will be treated very well, and I don't mean that relativly. In case you haven't picked up on the hints I've been dropping, the Agamari adhere to the old rules of hospitality. Basically anyone who you invite into your home could be a god, so you don't mistreat them because you might incur divine rath.

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