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Global Dimming


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The BBC reports that the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth's surface has declined significantly between the 1950s and the 1990s, apparently due to particulate air pollution. Scientists are worried that this global dimming may be disrupting the pattern of the world's rainfall. Most alarmingly, it may have led us to greatly underestimate the greenhouse effect: with particulate pollution being brought under control, a global temperature rise of 10 degrees Celsius by 2100 could be on the cards, rendering many parts of the world uninhabitable.




Soooo.... the smog caused by our polution is protecting us from the other effects of our polution. Who would have thought it....


Anyone else starting to see the need for a Highlander 2 style force field around the earth??? :D

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Bah, I missed horizon!


That is quite disturbing. I have been thinking for quite some time that unless something is done soon it's gonna go bad, but it seems it's worse than I thought.


The sad thing is the govenments are doing nothing about it, even here in the UK where they have signed the treaty to help prevent global warming, they are only pretending to do something about it. They say they want most of our energy to come from renewable sourses by the year 2000 and something, and yet they give the go ahead for a new runway, very hypocritical, especally as air traffic is one of the biggest causes of this poloution.


And America, one of the worst of the polouters (don't say anything, its true) hasn't even signed the treaty.

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