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WIP Darth Mauls Grandpa Mod


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Ok I have this idea a mod where you can recruit another iridonian that looks kinda like Darth Maul. Ill need major help from numerous people. Does anyone have a good tutorial of a Recruitable NPC? Ill also need someone to do the voice please. And I can work the reskin. Is this even possible for TSL? Can anyone think of a good name?

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Originally posted by TheOutrider

Ok I have this idea a mod where you can recruit another iridonian that looks kinda like Darth Maul. Ill need major help from numerous people. Does anyone have a good tutorial of a Recruitable NPC?

I don't have one, but you can search the forum, and I would also suggest hitting RedHawke's site. RH is well known for good mods, but also has a few Mods for adding new recruitable characters, so looking at those as a reference would be a good start.


Ill also need someone to do the voice please. And I can work the reskin. Is this even possible for TSL?
I don't think there is anything preventing you from doing it, but I stay away from new character mods (they aren't cannon, it's like changing the name of the characters in a Final Fantasy game) so I know very little about them. Still - I don't think there is anything about TSL that makes these unusable.


Can anyone think of a good name?
*shrug* Paul.


Pro: Sounds like Maul, is a real name.

Cons: Probably not what anyone is looking for in a Darth Maul like character ;)


BTW, I'd look into a couple of the other Darth Maul mods out there. At least one modder is working on a "Make Bao-Dur look like Darth Maul" mod, which would be worth looking at for you.

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