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^&$^&@! Race

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I'm finding this game rather difficult - I'm still waiting for an adapter for my gamepad, so I'm still using keyboard controls, and I'm finding it really frustrating.


Aiming is difficult, so I get wailed on by censors quite a bit. And now I'm trying to win that darn race in the disco head. Arg.


Any tips?

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If you haven't already been using them, try finding the almost-transparent chutes that run up above the racetrack. I used them almost all the way (granted I had an Xbox controller) and found it pretty easy. Take it slow at least once to work out a route.


There's also a shortcut near the end, on the right side of the track a purple tunnel opens up just before an accelerator archway. There are censors in there, though, so I don't know if it will help you much. It's possible to just avoid them but might be tricky with the keyboard.

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