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Clone vs clone mod


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hiya,I come bearing cool news.:) I been reworking the games coding to change the stock player models into clonetroopers.the other ones where to haloish for me.And this is star wars not halo.I also am tired of killing lizards in multiplayer so I changed the lizards into clonetroopers also.but the goal down the road is to have the rep vs the seps.and to have multiplayer play more like the singleplayer and less like halo and unreal ,slow down the pace alot .also setting up damage to be more believable.so after 8 shots to your body you die and a headshot instant death.also ditching all pick ups and your given a role and a set amount of ammo.A role being Sniper,heavy Gunner etc etc.SSo now it become a game of tactics and hunting ,I will be looking for help for textures ,

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Hey Zanex,


I saw your thread on LucasArts and the pictures look really tasty.

I've posted your thread on gametoast as they have a SWBF modding community who have been reluctant to work on R.C. because of the lack of interest. I hope this will give them something to think about.


You're implementing some much needed balance that can only make a good game better.


Hope to see a lot more of your work from hereon.

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hopefully we can spark a intrest and get some nice mods out.I too notice a lack of intrest :(.But seeing what can be done should bring them back around.And is not a bad game engine .the effect you can do to a player model are killer.we could get some really nice models out .I did some detail work on the clone commando skin,got rid of the glowing visor and added a tinted one and added a mirror effect to it.so when it hits light it has a nice glint to it.


And than I add the special Ops color markings making them more cannon



Some nice distressing


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The only thing in the game I was disappointed in was the fact that you can't play Battler Droids in MP against the clones or have a regular clone trooper side. :(


It would have also been nice other then the regular MP shootem up if there had been a tactical siege like game play mod. With objectives to accomplish against your enemies. I would have thought that would have been a given with a game like this. Maybe actually have a team leader player giving orders to his player teammates...:o

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

The only thing in the game I was disappointed in was the fact that you can't play Battler Droids in MP against the clones or have a regular clone trooper side. :(


It would have also been nice other then the regular MP shootem up if there had been a tactical siege like game play mod. With objectives to accomplish against your enemies. I would have thought that would have been a given with a game like this. Maybe actually have a team leader player giving orders to his player teammates...:o


the mp bummed me out too.I was under the impression it was going to be tactical...I always play the singleplayer before I go into the mp part of the game.I thought the singleplayer was pretty good.and that lead me to believe I was going to play like RavenShield or AArmy or Socom.Got into my first MP game and it was like OMG this F#@K*n Blows its worse than Quake .I tryed to play it for a hour until I said screw it.And have not played it since I bought the game less than a week ago.And already got tired of it.So I decided to mod out the MP to get it to play like my other game favs.In its current state how can you clan match on it.its utter POOP.And the sad thing is while looking around the model files,there where alot of uncompleted meshs.We where ment to have more gun pickup.and use of mines ,and use of other player models for MP.And where are the dam flashlights.they are sitting in there not turned on.OHHH and there was more to the search and destoy funtion , most of the parts are there but again not active.

Basicly the Game is unfinished and unbalanced .Why these things where never done I have no idea.But it sucks to know what it was ment to be like and they droped the ball on it.And don't get me started on the textures.they look nothing like the bugs, droids all around sloppy.And to present this to one of the most critical fan bases.Its a out right insult.

ok enough ranting :D

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  • 1 year later...

Haven't had much joy getting droids in as they lack MP attributes and crash when trying to link to things they don't natively have. Animations are a problem for sure. Dakn, this threads 2 years old now. :)


Clone Trooper with no helmet on Rep side.



Clone Adult on Trando side.


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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

yeah i think too they are asome ! ! ! and i like the fact of the blue paintings and clone trooper white color defenetly a more CANNON version of star wars :D

and it would be asome to make so that ''boss'' the (team commander of delta squad)

would have redcolors instead :D

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yeah i think too they are asome ! ! ! and i like the fact of the blue paintings and clone trooper white color defenetly a more CANNON version of star wars

and it would be asome to make so that ''boss'' the (team commander of delta squad)

would have redcolors instead


Yeah. Thats a great idea, memarik! :D


If only zanex came around Lucasforums again...

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well FoolInTheWave could you do this cos if i understud right youv got some kinda experience whit the unrealED right? or if this ''white blue more cannon'' version is too hard to make maeby the one iv showd you before can be made whit the more generic commandos armor thing like this:



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