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Favorite Battles/Duals

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I'd have to go with the Civil War too. It was a lot of fun. The Sith attack on the Dxun camp was also interesting. The only lightsaber duel that was a bit interesting was the Sion/Exile one.

The Nihilus duel was the worse. It was utterly boring and easy, even if Visas says he's too strong...


"Hey, I knocked down his VP by 1/2 in a single turn! He must be mighty tough!"

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Favorite Battle: Since the Onderon Civil War is already mentioned, I'll say the Raid on Freedon Nadd's Tomb instead. As lightside I took three padawans to do the task; Atton with a single yellow lightsaber, Handmaiden with a double-bladed silver, and Bao-Dur with dual lightsabers, one viridian and the other cyan. It was quite a site to see them running around, different coloered lightsabers blazing and everything. :)


Favorite Duel:


Exile vs. Atris. It was the Exile, dressed in Dark Jedi Robes wielding a blue lightsaber, fighting Atris, wearing white and wielding a red lightsaber. It was a true battle of opposites. :cool:


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