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Boba Fett


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Originally posted by CortoCG

I'll prolly compile a new set of humanoid animations, removing all the saber movements, changing the flight animation for Boba and making new anims for the shooting sequences, gauntlet shooting, etc.


Well that certainly sounds interesting but how do you want to fight NPC Jedi when there are no anims anymore?

Though guns only can also be cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is coming out pretty cool so far. Couple of things..


His chestplate seems a little small on him, I think it need to be extended closer to his belt/waist.


Not to be a pain, but i think his armor looks a little too green, I think it needs to be darkened a little.


Other then that, its a great model.

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Color balance is a minor concern right now, since I work in a non-linear non-desrtuctive way with textures. That means, I can go back and forth with any layer and modify them with altering the rest of the texture. Once I'm done with the details and texture painting, I'll balance the color layers to look as accurate as it can.

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