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Legend of Galadienis - The friendship

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While the other travellers were walking away, Ilenal stayed there, waiting... The outside world has it's fears of the extinction of Druids by bandits, but they haven't seen what the druids do to the bandits if they would attack them.


Unfortunately, thebandits only saw a traveller in Ilenal right now, and by the small bags from his waist, they made the expectation of loads of money in the elven druid's posession. They attacked by the force of ten men...

A bright flash

...and then fell down, their heads cut off by somekind of a magic and their bodies violated by holy fires from hundreds of different levels. Ilenal sighed and stepped over one of the bodies, continuing his way towards the nearest village that happened to be in the same direction that the others went, even if he didn't want to see them IN the forest again... or they would get the same treatment as the bandits if he wouldnt be on a merciful mood

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"how long? well...i dunno a few years, of course i came here looking for the source. In the the time ive been here, i have not found thier camp, not even parts of thier camp, so their not nomadic" Raz spoke "well not thier main camp, i found a smaller camp, which i desicrated. Now if any bandit sees me, they try and kill me as fast as possible, and believe me, when they want to, they fight very hard and valiant. So i spend most of my time hiding and trying not to be seen instead of looking."

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"That long?" Kale said quietly, surprise filling his voice. "I'm surprised they haven't kicked you out yet..."


"We've been here nearly as long," Katarina pointed out. "But any time one of the Druids finds us, we always leave for a time... usually a month or so."


"And we'll keep to that," Kale said. He altered his course slightly to take them toward the border of the forest. He glanced at Katarina. "We'll go to Suureek, just as we told the Druid we would."


With that, the two fighting travelers fell silent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

((hmm...I'm interested))

Two horses pulling a cart traveled slowly in the forest. The driver looked around, and suddenly found himself with an sword pointed in his face.


"Stop the cart." Growled the owner. The driver did as he was told and the swordsman whistled. Bandits came puring down from the trees.




"You won't want to do that." Said the driver.


"Why? What are you going to do about it?"


"Not me. My short,and short-tempered friend."




Meanwhile the bandits opened the cart from the back and a dwarf immediately assaulted them with an axe.




The swordsman looked perplexed, and suddenly found an arrow in his gut. The driver had shot it at him from behind his back.


The driver quickly got down from the cart and shot three bandits in the back before unsheathing his sword, he quickly joined the dwarf, both of them fighting back to back. In a few moments all the bandits were dead.


"HA! they get worse every year!" Said the dwarf. "Soon we won't even need to fight, we'll just blow at them and they'll collapse."


"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Said the man sheathing his sword.

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Kale and Katarina were gradually making their way back to the path when they heard the shouting. They hurried to the path and emerged from the forest to see the cart, the dwarf, and the man. Katarina was wearing her dress again and her sword was sheathed on her back. Kale's sword was at his side and his hand was on the hilt.


For a moment, they stared at the dwarf. Then, Kale stirred.


"What is a dwarf doing in a forest?" he asked quietly. "Don't they like to avoid confrontations with elves?"


"Kale," Katarina said quietly, almost warning him against certain things he might say. He nodded wordlessly and continued to wait for the dwarf's answer.

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"It's nice to meet you, Butch," Katarina said. Meanwhile, Kale was still arguing.


"Honest?" he exploded. "How do you explain a dwarf named Gerv? He told us to come this way when we meant to go to a place we're now told is something like twenty miles from here! You have that mixed. Elves are honest. Dwarves are not!"

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"Ah, so you follow the traditional dwarf thinking of 'Never trust an Elf'," Kale growled, drawing his sword. Katarina gasped and shoved Kale off the path. He lost his balance and toppled into the bushes.


"Sorry," she told Crem. "Kale's a little excitable..."


Kale reemerged from the forest with a strange look on his face. "Well, that was pointless," he said thoughtfully. "I apologize for my momentary lapse of manners." He glanced at Crem and shrugged. "In our squabble, I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."

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