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So when did you see you're first star wars film?

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First time I saw it was on TV, but I forget what year it was. I guess around -86 or something. Been hooked ever since, but I do not care too much for how they have screwed up the soundfield for the DVD's on the movie that got me hooked in the first place though: A New Hope.

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Get a life will ya..:/

WTF Dude!?! I was just getting the thread moved to the correct forum so it wouldn't be considering spamming the board it was at the time in. No need to get all mad at me man.


I saw my first star wars on TV, then soon after the special editions started being released in theaters and i watched all of them. I have been hooked since and just can't get enough of it. I watched the original films before SE and after and I read every thread of EU I can get my hands on.

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i was liek 7 or 8 years old..around 1987. ANH was on TV... and it was the part of the jawa's being dead... luke's aunt and uncle being vaporized..... and the cut off arm in the cantina that led me to VERY dislike the movies and frankly be scared to DEATH for the rest of the movies. i got realy into Star Trek from that age.... untill like 1994 ... at least i think it was 94... i saw return of the jedi ... and liked it.. still i stuck with Star Trek untill GL brought out the special editions.... didnt see em in the theatre tho.. but i got em on video box set... saw em... LOVED em... hooked on em. so you could say my SW history didnt start out so well.. but it turned out alright :)

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